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August 24, 2011



"And Team Obama is doing little to nothing to guide these revolts toward successor regimes that would be pro-Western and pro-American."


Why would he? He's our first anti-American president.

Here's a very good compendium outlining Obama's presidency:

The Anti-American President
By Boyd Richard Boyd

"Obviously something is rotten on Pennsylvania Avenue; no intelligent American president would do the things Obama has done. There has been talk of his inexperience, incompetence, or just plain stupidity to explain his Bizarro-administration. However, Obama is not incompetent; he is an intelligent anti-American president. Obama is not a failure at his job -- his job is the failure of our country.

Liberty-minded folk have several reasons why we assume another person is incompetent rather than malicious. One reason is our belief that a person is "innocent until proven guilty"; another is the natural presumption others are similar to ourselves. Unfortunately, these ideas have been coupled with a pair of dangerously pragmatic moral equivalencies foisted upon us all: "Who am I to judge?" and "They couldn't possibly mean that." As long as there is any possibility that Obama is just in over his head and doesn't mean what he says and does, many will excuse him on those grounds.

Every American must judge Obama and his ideas and understand he does mean what he says, and realize there is no excuse, save one -- Barack Obama is an anti-American in thought and deed.

Read more>>



Golly, now poor Barry is getting it from all directions. Not only is Princess picking on him, the poll numbers dissing on him, the Dem neo=plantation masters and their hacks of color like Maxine Waters asking if he can say "blaaaaaaack," but now even the prestigious Obamasuck paper that Mark Levin calls the New Yrok Slimes is reporting serious trouble in Obamaville......

////////Michael Barbaro / New York Times:
In the Race to Succeed Weiner, a Surprising Anger at Obama


Poor Barry. Could this be happening to a nicer corporate-socialist macdaddy and America's greatest example of Affirmative Action politics?

It's one thing for the 'New York Slimes,' a noted organ of Obamasuck grandeur, to report trouble in Obamaland. But here we see even 'opinion' and 'comment' coming down on the formerly anointed....

/////CHARLES BLOW: How Did Barack Obama Turn Into A Creepy Robot? (NY Times)

Posted by Glenn Reynolds



It will be interesting to see who ends up controlling Libya's oil. The corrupt futures speculators, or the Wahabe Sheiks.


Intrade Now Pricing Greater Than 50% Chance Obama Will Not Be Re-Elected. Plus, speculation that he’ll start a war to boost his popularity. My guess is that, as with the stimulus spending and quantitative easing, we’re past the point of diminishing returns there.
Posted at 8:48 am by Glenn Reynolds

HOLLYWOOD SAMMY: Not to worry, progressives. In 2012 our October Surprise hits the big screen. OBAMA DOES OSAMA. The white clingers will eat it up. We understand them.

gringoNOTE: You mean the ones who still have a job and ticket money?


astroterf Cheryl Bowman
Monica Crowley on Oreilly: Obama spent us into a Keynesian coma.

gringoNOTE: Hasn't Monica gotten the memo from Jeb Bush?
We must not be overly critical of President Obama. (This is not a joke. This is vintage House of Boosh.)


"Gallup now has him at a paltry 38% job approval with a 54% disapproval. Rasmussen has him with a Strongly Disapprove of 45%, which is his highest Strongly Disapprove level yet."


Yes, and I've seen recent poll results that show Obama's job approval rating fell to 80% amongst blacks. Does that mean 1 in 5 blacks are now racist?

Oh no! What's Janeane Garofalo to do? And Debbie schmuck-face Schultz must be in a panic!


gbmegafan sharon
Monica Crowley.... Obama's"One Nation Under the Bus Tour" LOL

gringoNOTE: With mob action and food stamps for all.


It will be interesting to see who ends up controlling Libya's oil. The corrupt futures speculators, or the Wahabe Sheiks.

Posted by: LongRifle | August 24, 2011 at 09:39 AM


That's a good question.

I think it's noteworthy that under Gaddafi's rule, Libya had the highest HDI ranking amongst all the African countries. It was way above the world's average. I wonder how fast and how far it will fall due to the "Arab Spring"?

Truth be known, Gadaffi's main offence was he didn't play nice with the international banking cartels. Ditto for Syria's Assad.



List of countries by Human Development Index (HDI)



t will be interesting to see who ends up controlling Libya's oil. The corrupt futures speculators, or the Wahabe Sheiks.

Posted by: LongRifle | August 24, 2011 at 09:39 AM


That's a good question.

I think it's noteworthy that under Gaddafi's rule, Libya had the highest HDI ranking amongst all the African countries. It was way above the world's average. I wonder how fast and how far it will fall due to the "Arab Spring"?

Truth be known, Gadaffi's main offence was he didn't play nice with the international banking cartels. Ditto for Syria's Assad.


Posted by: DJ | August 24, 2011 at 10:17 AM

But in this Libyan sideshow, isn't everybody, including our Princess, losing sight of the bigger picture and Obama's poetic, even mythopoetic accomplishment? Such an achievement is highly regarded in much of the world, certainly in Islam, even if it means nothing in a Land of the Philistines.

Regardez: As the Arab Spring turns increasingly into Sharia Summer and Al Qaeda Autumn, perhaps even Wahabbi Winter, who can deny to Barack Soetoro Hussein Obama an honorific of distinction, such as 'A Macdaddy For All Seasons?'


Nate Silver / FiveThirtyEight:
Why Another Democrat Wouldn't Do Better Than Obama in 2012 — You know that a president is having a rough time when you start to see speculation that his party would be better off if it replaced him on the ticket.

gringoNOTE: Dem dilemna: We have to run Obama or else burn all our race cards.


Steffen Schmidt: Some Dems think the unthinkable: NOT OBAMA

Aug. 22, 2011


gringoNOTE// Listen, Iowa Lib: Don't show your honky face in da 'hood with that talk.|


Rick Perry: The God-Fearing, Know-Nothing, Pistol-Packing Embodiment of Liberals’ Worst Nightmares

Walter Shapiro
August 24, 2011 | 12:00 am

What Rick Perry has achieved in his inaugural strut on the political stage is unprecedented in the annals of modern conservative history from Barry Goldwater to Sarah Palin. It is not just that the Texas governor has dominated the news cycle, overshadowed the Iowa Straw Poll, vaulted over every GOP contender except Mitt Romney in the national polls, and reduced Karl Rove to sputtering frustration. All that is admittedly impressive for a first-time candidate whose name was familiar to only half of Republican voters just a few weeks ago.


gringoNOTE: The one adjective that is a dead give-away that Libworld now fears Ron Perry and ranks him with a Ronald Reagan: 'KNOW-NOTHING'. (They used to compare Reagan to a chimpanzee named Bonzo.)



The reason why I Posted that article was NOT about the SPlC. But, the CofCC ties to Stormfront.


"Stormfront is a white nationalist and supremacist[1] neo-Nazi[2] Internet forum that has been described as the Internet's first major hate site.[3]

Stormfront began as an online bulletin board system in the early 1990s before being established as a website in 1995 by former Ku Klux Klan leader and white nationalist activist Don Black"


I won’t link to the CCC website, but it takes about two seconds of looking at their front page to see that it’s a white supremacist site; prominently displayed as I write is an advertisement for “White Pride T-shirts,” apparently run by the neo-Nazi website Stormfront, and a host of articles with a blatantly racist slant—including one that touts the Eurofascist groups (Vlaams Belang, BNP, National Front)

From the neo-nazis own website:


How several of the Stormfront's members love the CofCC, etc


France's Mega-Rich Sign Petition Saying They Want Higher Taxes.

Again, we fail to show any sign of a truly united country in support of one goal, and that is to secure the future of our beloved Country. The wealthy here are far too greedy to ever take action as the Rich in France has.


To respond to Longrifle's comment.
Sometimes you have to think with your bullets..." - longrifle

Sounds like what happened in Tucson,doesn't it?


H/T to Jay for yet again highlighting the CofCC. Had it not been for Jay being so obsessed with that particular civil rights organization, we probably would have never heard of them.


From the CofCC website:

Headline: Extremist SPLC insults victims of brutal hate crime beatings.

The radical left-wing SPLC is supposed to be professionals at identifying hatred. However they show their true extremist agenda on their website.

The SPLC routinely reports on minor acts of vandalism and name-calling as “hate crimes.”

Yet when scores of white people are brutally beaten in racially motivated attacks all across the US, the SPLC suddenly is not sure if any are actual “hate crimes.”

The SPLC says that the fact that the mob attacks are “perpetrated almost exclusively by blacks” just might be a “coincident factor.” The extremist SPLC says it may just be a coincidence that the mobs occurring in over a dozen different cities are all black, and attacking random victims who just happen to all be white.

The SPLC then claims that all of the attacks may have nothing to do with anti-white hatred. The SPLC claims that “self-hate,” “age,” and “economic differences” among blacks, are the real reason for the horrific attacks. They go to insinuate that white people are somehow keeping young blacks at a disadvantage, which drives them to commit brutal beatings against pedestrians. Somehow it all goes straight back to being the white man’s fault.

Thank you SPLC for showing your true colors and exposing yourselves for the frauds that you are. This is the same organization that said Lord of the Rings is a racially offensive movie. Then they defended Machete, a violent anti-white race war fantasy. When confronted with the astronomical rate of black on white rape, they claimed that rape is not motivated by hatred.

The SPCL has been completely discredited. Even left-wing publications have denounced it as nothing more than a money making fund-raising hustle. Its creator Morris “The Sleaze” Dees is one of the highest paid “not for profit” execs in the nation.

As racially motivated black on white violent crime continues to grow, it completely invalidates the existence of the SPLC. In an attempt to stay relevant, the SPLC is becoming more shrill by the day.


And, again:

: Stormfront uses the CCC event to enlist members for white supremacist outreach; Stormfront sees the CCC as part of a network of racist organizations hosting events to promote white supremacist causes.




Don't like CofCC as a source? Well more and more people are - both on the right AND left - catching on to just how vile and mendacious the $PLC really is.


Racial Racketeering for Fun and Profit: The Southern Poverty Law Center Scam

Thomas J. DiLorenzo, Lew Rockwell, June 22, 2011

"When Rush Limbaugh attempted to buy into an NFL franchise, the political left spread spectacular lies about him, even falsely and absurdly claiming that he had defended slavery on his radio program. When the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C., sponsored a public debate on immigration policy, the left-wing hate group known as the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) smeared and denounced AEI by claiming that it was “mainstreaming hate” by sponsoring the debate. Of course, Americans have been debating immigration policy ever since the Louisiana Purchase. The SPLC is the leading leftist group that engages in this kind of totalitarian behavior.

When a group of military and police officers organized a group called “Oathkeepers” to simply affirm the oath they had all taken to respect and live by the U.S. Constitution, they were denounced by the SPLC as a “hate group,” the exact same language the SPLC uses to describe the KKK. When in 2009 the Department of Homeland Security issued a statement that “Ron Paul for President” bumper stickers “could identify likely threats,” their asinine statement came from information supplied to them by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The League of the South recently published its “Declaration of Cultural Secession” advocating a society that advances what it calls the virtues of “Celtic culture,” defined on its Web site as “the permanent things that order and sustain life: faith, family, tradition, community, and private property; loyalty, courage, and honour.” The SPLC lied about and defamed the League of the South by spreading the falsehood on its own Web site that by “Celtic culture” the League of the South means, and I quote, “white people.” Apparently the SPLC believes that only white people embrace family, tradition, community, private property, courage, etc.


The SPLC’s Extreme Left-Wing Agenda


Perhaps the most absurd thing the SPLC does is to sponsor a Web site called “Tolerance.org” and to purportedly teach “tolerance” in primary and secondary schools. The man in charge of Tolerance.org is none other than William Ayers, the “Weather Underground” terrorist of the 1960s who admitted to setting off bombs at the U.S. Capitol building in his youth. “I don’t regret setting the bombs,” Ayers told the New York Times on October 4, 2008. “I feel we didn’t do enough” bombing, he said.


The SPLC as a “Hate Group” Hedge Fund


For example, it was the SPLC that spread the false stories during the Clinton administration that there was an “epidemic” of fires at predominantly black churches in the South. Investigative reporters at the Wall Street Journal and elsewhere quickly proved the story to be false, which would have destroyed the credibility of any conservative or libertarian organization, but never an organization or individual on the extreme Left. That of course is where your typical member of the “mainstream” media sits.


The teachers of tolerance at the SPLC responded to the creation of the TEA Party movement by issuing a 2010 “Intelligence Report” entitled “Rage on the Right: The Year in Hate and Extremism” claiming that the TEA Party movement is “shot through with rich veins of radical ideas, conspiracy theories, and racism.” Most “mainstream” journalists support everything the SPLC stands for (radical socialism, essentially) and therefore reports such hysterical nonsense as though it were scientific fact.

The SPLC has become an extraordinarily wealthy organization, and its directors and employees profit very handsomely from it. Morris Dees long ago became a millionaire from this shady scam. Apparently, its main source of revenue is fundraising letters that are sent out to the least intelligent/most gullible liberals in America who actually believe the SPLC’s wild and unproven smears and respond by sending them a check. In a Social Contract article entitled “Bashing for Dollars: The SPLC’s Predatory Game,” Brenda Walker writes that by 2005 the organization had an endowment of $174 million. “Very little of the hoard is spent on actual civil right work,” writes Walker. “The major products are smear campaigns,” which are essentially fundraising campaigns.


All of this is undoubtedly why leftist journalist Alexander Cockburn wrote in the New York Press in 2007 that “I’ve long regarded Morris Dees and his Southern Poverty Law Center as collectively one of the greatest frauds in American life. The reasons: a relentless fundraising machine devoted to terrifying mostly low-income contributors into unbolting ill-spared dollars year after year to an organization that now has an endowment of more than $100 million …” Amen, Brother Cockburn"



Posted by: DJ | August 24, 2011 at 08:23 AM

"Instead of monitoring "hate" and "extremism," they [the SPLC] are concerned with tarring patriotic Americans who oppose their left-wing agenda as haters and extremists."

~ Former Congressman Tom Tancredo


"When you get right down to it, all the SPLC does is call people names. It’s specialized in a highly developed and ritualized form of defamation . . .

What they do is a kind of bullying and stalking . . . . Americans really need to ask themselves if they are willing to tolerate this kind of operation in a free society.

~ Laird Wilcox, author of The Watchdogs: A Close Look at Anti-Racist "Watchdog" Groups


Sounds like what happened in Tucson,doesn't it?

Posted by: jay | August 24, 2011 at 11:59 AM

Maybe, but not how it appears ar first. A Federal Judge was shot and killed in the melee' by a single bullet to the head...
US District Court Judge John Roll had received death threats because of his ruling in a $32 million lawsuit filed by ILLEGAL Immigrants against an AZ Rancher.
He was protected by US Marshalls for about a month and then the protection was removed...
Makes one think with their head, no?


DJ, Know you're glad that I showed that the CofCC has strong ties to the Neo Nazis Stormfront. Maybe another group you can join?

You keep bringing up the SPLC, I posted the article to show the ties the CofCC has to Neo-nazis groups!

A new song for you?
It's a favorite among Neo-nazis!



And, since CofCC has ties to StormFront
A Youtube video about Stormfront:


The reason why I brought up the CofCC in the first plave. After you inadvertenly brought them up. Is, because their old name was the White Citizen's Council. Which had to change their name after the Schwerner Goodman and Chaney case in 1964 Neridian Mississippi.


To paraphrase Kurtz from Apocalypse now.

Jay is just an errand boy sent by the liberal racists at the $PLC to deliver their vile and malicious rot.


"DJ, Know you're glad that I showed that the CofCC has strong ties to the Neo Nazis Stormfront. Maybe another group you can join?"


I've no interests in neo-Nazis or strormfront or whatever you obsess about. I already told you I'm a Roman Catholic.

But I can't understand why you're not defending your beloved $PLC?


Jay is just an errand boy sent by the liberal racists at the $PLC to deliver their vile and malicious rot.

Posted by: DJ | August 24, 2011 at 12:35 PM

No, Just learned alot about hate groups. Just becaused I commented on several Youtube videos concerning WW2 and how my dad was a paratrooper at Normandy.
Got flooded with responses from Neo-Nazis on how Germany will rise again and win WW3., etc.


The $PLC is so extreme, they even categorize NumbersUSA in the hate-group/racist category.

Judge for yourselves if this is a racist hate-group:



Yikes! Unintended consequences in the making?


Nuclear experts warn of Libya "dirty bomb" material

VIENNA (Reuters) - A research center near Tripoli has stocks of nuclear material that could be used to make a "dirty bomb," a former senior U.N. inspector said on Wednesday, warning of possible looting during turmoil in Libya.



" Just ask George W. Bush." - Monica Crowley

Why don't we?

I'm sure he'd tell us the stench of starting two unnecessary wars and their result, Abu Ghraib, Mamudiyah, Fallujah (and more that will live in infamy), the killing of millions (we don't count) of innocent Iraquis, Afghanis, and Pakistanis and the displacement of several millions more, and bringing economic collapse upon the entire world will never come close to the "stench" of not being able to repair all that damage overnight fighting against a VERY TEMPORARY insane suicidal obstructionist House majority.

But keep trying to convince morons otherwise. You can, on the rare occasion.

Just not today.


Or in November 2012.

IF we get that far. "Hold on" indeed.

Especially, for you lot, when God Himself is doing the prying.


"A research center near Tripoli has stocks of nuclear material that could be used to make a "dirty bomb," a former senior U.N. inspector said on Wednesday, warning of possible looting during turmoil in Libya." - DJ

Too late. We've already won. Besides, that whole "weapons of mass destruction" thing was a one-trick pony, just like 9-11.

Didn't you get the memo?

Of course not.


The Washington Monument is on TILT!!!



"A research center near Tripoli has stocks of nuclear material that could be used to make a "dirty bomb," a former senior U.N. inspector said on Wednesday, warning of possible looting during turmoil in Libya." - DJ

Scum-of-the-earth contractors will say anything, commit any crime, lie any lie, in order to try and get their claws into Libya. Iraq and Afghaninam weren't enough for them. Nothing ever is.

Sorry, Hell's Own... not happening this time.


"gringoNOTE: Hasn't Monica gotten the memo from Jeb Bush?
We must not be overly critical of President Obama. (This is not a joke. This is vintage House of Boosh.)" - Gringoman

Jeb and Dubyah Bush know something you'll forever be too stupid to figure out:

It's called the obvious: Obama is GOP and always has been.

Bushes don't need to play at partisan fakeouts.

In Dubyah's case, he simply can't remember to pretend otherwise without either Cheney, Rumsfeld, or Poppy squawking what to say into his cochlear inner ear implant.

He thanks Lucifer every day that he doesn't have to hear and parrot that nonstop crap anymore.


I forgot Baker. Baker would man the mic on the rare occasion the rest of them had to all appear together in public.

And oh, the hilarity when the CIA hacked the line. The looks on Dubyah's face was priceless as he'd just realized what he'd just parroted.


Not to mention the absolute panic as he realized he'd actually have to think on his feet, while ignoring what the hacker was laughingly telling him, for the next several minutes until another frequency was switched.

Explains much of his biggest gaffes.


To paraphrase Kurtz from Apocalypse now.

Jay is just an errand boy sent by the liberal racists at the $PLC to deliver their vile and malicious rot.

Posted by: DJ | August 24, 2011 at 12:35 PM


I guess you deserve a medal for spending any time at all with troll trash, since I find it, like Mark Levin does, a total waste of time. The garbage these jerks dispense is beyond boring. Their SOP is totally transparent. They specialize in dumb Talking Points and even dumber copy and paste. Anybody who's been around the hustings a bit can see right through it. The "Neo-Nazi" jazz they try to play is beyond old. The whole "subversive" shtick, whether from Left or Right, goes back decades in Propoganda 101. Even if these neo-Nazis are for real, as the pompous jerks blather, today they're obviously minuscule compared to the savagery and subversion coming from their opposites (which in fairness you try to document, but where does that get you? These bums are not here for civilized discourse. Like Mark Levin says, you're wasting your time.)

ps. Anybody above the mental level of a Marxoboob would know that "extremist" groups are often just dummy fronts used by intel for various purposes. The bums on the left will agree that the FBI used to set up phony "commies" or "commie front groups." That's part of the records. But see how many will agree that the same ruse can be played and has been played by the Left. You set up a "fascist crazy" for example, then the comrades can make use of that to "warn the people" of the extreme danger they are in from the forces who oppose the socialist take-over of America.

The game is so old. So beneath contempt.

If you want to spend any time with these jerks, that's your business. It's not mine. And it's not going to be mine.


Sarah Palin will soon announce wheather she will run or not. Some experts such as Rove say Sept 3 is that date. If she does run, will she eclipse Perry and the rest of the field? Or will she eventually team up with Perry as I've suspected ever since she campaigned for him last fall? In any event, the anticipation builds.


Earlier on The Five.

Bob Beckel in response to Monica's questioning of Obama's economic woes and near five trillion in spending during the past two and half years: "Clinton left Bush with a four trillion surplus."

Clinton also left Bush with his failed foreign policy including Iraq and was directly responsible for 911 and the Iraq war.




Sarah Palin will soon announce wheather she will run or not. Some experts such as Rove say Sept 3 is that date. If she does run, will she eclipse Perry and the rest of the field? Or will she eventually team up with Perry as I've suspected ever since she campaigned for him last fall? In any event, the anticipation builds.

Posted by: DJ | August 24, 2011 at 05:10 PM

Sarah understands perfectly that Rovie is an errand boy for House of Boosh, although a respected errand boy, since his I.Q. is probably a little higher than theirs. She's already replied to him in her own way, and made clear that he's not her spokesmouth.

The Palin=Perry relationship is interesting. I'm sure they gravitate more to each other than either does to Michelle Bachmann, for example.

Rovie, as a Boosh operative, clearly would like her to run now, so as to deflect from the amazing rise of Rick Perry in the polls. If Palin gets in, splitting the conservative preference, they know that Perry can't dominate their Mitt Romneycare in the polls like he does now, embarrassing the hell out of them.

Sarah may not do the House of Boosh's bidding here.
And if she does not run, watch the tremors both in Libworld and Gooperworld. Why? That would tell them that Rick Perry has more than just a double-digit lead over their Mitt Romneycare. It would mean something even more frightening to them. It would almost certainly mean that Sarah Palin has Rick Perry's back. Even SLIME would begin to watch itself.


"I guess you deserve a medal for spending any time at all with troll trash, since I find it, like Mark Levin does, a total waste of time."


I'm already aware and agree, Gringoman. I've definitely wasted too much time and energy on the third-rate troublemakers. However some of my responses weren't necessarily meant for the troll trash themselves, they were meant to be informative to other readers. Info such as what I posted about the $PLC.


Earthquake? The world is heading toward a global depression, and everyone is armed to the hilt. Not exactly a prescription for peace. Just sayin.


I've no interests in neo-Nazis or strormfront or whatever you obsess about. I already told you I'm a Roman Catholic.

But I can't understand why you're not defending your beloved $PLC?

Posted by: DJ | August 24, 2011 at 12:40 PM

Never heard of the SPLC until I posted that article that stated that the Neo-nazis Stormfront and CofCC have ties together.
Other sources have said the same thing.
The SPLC in my article was like your posting another one some time ago. That, mentioned the CofCC.

Here's the original article again:


From that article:
"Don Black’s son and co-leader in the Stormfront hate group Derek Black then interviewed invited guest Dennis Morris of Florida West Coast Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC) Citrus County, who plans to hold an event on Saturday, February 27 in Little Springs Park in Crystal Rivers, Florida. The “white nationalist hate group” CofCC seeks to hold their own type of a racist “Tea Party” in Florida, but according to Dennis Morris all of the other Tea Party leaders in Florida have condemned what they view as CofCC’s hijacking of the Tea Party, and every one of the CofCC’s scheduled speakers have cancelled."

If, you want to join any group, fine. Just be sure you join one that follows your viewpoints.

The CofCC was originally the White Citizen's Council.
But, after the "Mississippi Burning" case. They had to remove the "white", and to be more PC. Change it to, "Conservative"


The game is so old. So beneath contempt.

If you want to spend any time with these jerks, that's your business. It's not mine. And it's not going to be mine.

Posted by: gringoman | August 24, 2011 at 05:05 PM

funny how you comment on so much what The evil trolls have stated!
The dumbest copy-n-paste? has to be yours!
You take what you said months ago about the evil trolls and post it ad nauseum!


"I guess you deserve a medal for spending any time at all with troll trash, since I find it, like Mark Levin does, a total waste of time."


I'm already aware and agree, Gringoman. I've definitely wasted too much time and energy on the third-rate troublemakers. However some of my responses weren't necessarily meant for the troll trash themselves, they were meant to be informative to other readers. Info such as what I posted about the $PLC.

Posted by: DJ | August 24, 2011 at 05:34 PM


I agree that occassionally replying to the crapmeisters leads to documentation of points that need highlighting. But in general these pests are just lowering the discourse. It's like being in a class for good students and then having it dumbed down by the addition of smug arrogsnt dufuses, determined to "instruct" you. Of course, the real purpose is to disrupt the site and discourage newbies of value instead of this junk. (And I still wonder why Monica doesn't seem to get that. Does she really want a site where bright newbies are turned off by the troll trash? There's been more than one example of that previously, which I think you know. And that, I strongly suspect, is the real purpose of these skunks. As part of "progressive" culture, it's only natural for them to debase everything they touch.)What's someone intelligent to think when they stop by here and see a raving freak in a Jesus robe, and the freak is befriended by the little Marxoboob who pretends to be sane and rational himself, and is too stupid to see how he's given the game away?

The fact that they would even mention a vile outfit like the Southern Poverty Law Center, a race-baiting garbage dump sucking money from fools who have some, and used by commies and idiot liberals, shows what low-lifes they are themselves. Who needs this trash?
And isn't it clear what their vile purpose is when they continue to crawl back where they're unwanted and un-appreciated? What kind of low-life does THAT? You know what kind? The kind that doesn't even have the sense or irony to realize that it tries to address me directly but I don't return the stupid favor.


The good news is that the long wave extinction event now unfolding around the globe, which will clean the slate of failed socialist ideas, is setting the stage for a new global economy. The days of socialism are numbered. In Jubilee on Wall Street, the name given to this new system that will emerge from the chaos created by the politicians and their crony capitalist conspirators is The Great Republic DAVID KNOX BARKER



MarkSimoneNY Buffett company not paying it's taxes in full, now hires attorneys to get their tax bills lowered - bit.ly/oje8nL
about 7 hours ago

Retweeted by AnnCoulter

gringoNOTE: You misunderstood the Obots' Poster Boy Capitalist. He said "Tax the Rich." He never said "Tax Warren Buffet."


The fact that they would even mention a vile outfit like the Southern Poverty Law Center,
Posted by: gringoman | August 24, 2011 at 07:49 PM

As, DJ posted an article that MENTIONED the CofCC months ago.
I posted an article than Mentioned the SPLC.
Sure the regulars on the memo understand what mentioning means.

Once again Do YOU care MORE about this country, or the"evil Trolls"?
Your comments speaks volumes about the latter.
Hope so, anyway.

My article's sole purpose was to point out that the CofCC has ties to the Neo Nazis group STORMFRONT.
A group that the regulars choose to ignore.

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