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August 26, 2011



Aren't both them leaning towards the right? I don't think Obama has tried one truly democratic policy.


After spending the week doing research, I have come to the conclusion that President George W. Bush did more to destroy Freedom of religion, Freedom and privacy of citizens, and the US Constitution itself than all other Presidenets combined.

Feel free to disagree, call names, whatever...


Bush did increase Government more than most. He and Reagan.


Conclusion: All eyes will be on Romney and Perry in coming debates. They are both, unlike "Obama the Undertaker," pro-business. Romney still has to do libwork, i.e. try to deflate the "Texas boom" and/or Perry's role in it. Perry has to make clear what a double-dealing flip-flopper Corporate Charley is Mitt Romneycare. Romney must try to show that Romneycare was not an inspiration for Ombamanationcare. Perry has to keep him from getting away with that.

Posted by: gringoman | August 26, 2011 at 09:11 AM

Perry, his track record in Texas is more government jobs and in the private sector. Minimum wage jobs. Only Mississippi has a greater percentage of minimum wage workers.

And, "flip-flop" Romney?
Last time he ran, he kept changing his viewpoints to fit the audience . In his state, he's known as a job killer.


After spending the week doing research, I have come to the conclusion that President George W. Bush did more to destroy Freedom of religion, Freedom and privacy of citizens, and the US Constitution itself than all other Presidenets combined.

Feel free to disagree, call names, whatever...

Posted by: LongRifle | August 26, 2011 at 12:18 PM

Monica's Georgie Bush ("Miss Him Yet?") was the hole in the dike. The GE crony socialist Obama was the result: The Great Flood.

There's a reason why Jeb Bush says, Don't overly criticize Obama.


Guess my new nickname for Bachmann will be,
"We're running out of rich people," Bachmann!


Barack and Irene

What's the difference between Hurricane Obama and Hurricane Irene?

gringoNOTE: Irene doesn't order our Marines to stop doing a Barney Frank in the Afghan.

MARINE TIMES//////So here’s the news: audible farting has been banned for some Marines downrange because it offends the Afghans.



Barack and Irene

What's the difference between Hurricane Obama and Hurricane Irene?

gringoNOTE: Donald Trump doesn't respect one of them.

//////By JAMES HOHMANN | 08/26/11 6:30 AM EDT

([email protected]; Twitter: @jameshohmann)

SCORE EXCLUSIVE – TRUMP TALKING WITH PERRY: Rick Perry has been speaking with Donald Trump by phone since wading into the presidential race, a Trump representative told Morning Score. Michael Cohen, the New York businessman’s special counsel, said the Texas governor has called on “several occasions.” Someone else familiar with the dialogue said Perry has spoken to Trump three times, adding that Perry's daughter got on the phone during a recent chat. Perry spokesman Mark Miner said he would not discuss “the Governor's private conversations.”


gringoNOTE: The Perry-Trump talks may be an "exclusive" for James Hohmann at Politico, but were reported here at Monicamemo by me about a week ago


And who cares? No one would take either candidate seriously.


Barack and Irene

What's the difference between Hurricane Obama and Hurricane Irene?

gN: Irene can't get away with hiding her school records.


You are truly delusional Gringo.



Been doing a bit of thinking and came to some preliminary conclusions. I'll back Perry despite his god awful stance on the immigration issues. He is not my first choice to say the least. Out of all the candidates currently in the field, Bachmann comes closest to what I want in a candidate. But I'm a realist. I know Bachmann dosen't have what it takes to overcome the SLIME onslaught that confronts her. That said, if Sarah Palin enters the race, I will back her to the hilt. I think she is by far the best prescription for what ails America. She is the best qualified to us out of the liberal malaise that has been hanging over our once proud nation like a thick layer of toxic smog ever since the later half of Bush the elder's presidency. I truly beleive Sarah Palin - and only Sarah Palin - can restore all the positives Ronald Reagan engendered in the American people.

Posted by: DJ | August 25, 2011 at 08:13 AM


Welcome to the word of realpolitik, How the Perry-Palin phenomenon will work out, and who runs as Numero Uno, remains to be seen. (I suspect that Perry will be the driver, and Sarah will ride shot gun, We'll see. And for the slow learners, "riding shot gun" does not necessarily mean she'd run as Perry's VP.)

BTW, the Gringo Advisory Board has not yet endorsed Perry. I don't think he has nothing to answer for in the areas of Illegalismo and Sharia penetration of the US. He does have some things to answer for, and I would advise supporters to get answers from him. As for his record as Governor and the Texas economy, my reading indicates that it's pretty strong, not perfect, and the Slimebots will fail to tarnish him there. They'll just work overtime trying, as with their cut and paste "stats" and factoids they like to litter websites with. I've seen a very meticulous statistician take apart every one of their current factoids about Texas' "poor" economy etc. These imbeciles are stupid enough to try to rank Texas with a socialist basket case like CA, as if everybody doesn't know that people are fleeing CA for Texas, not the other way around.

Conclusion: I suspect that Perry and Palin will work something out. That "something," whatever it is, will so frighten Libworld and its crypto-commie garbage detail, that they will lash out in near hysterics. A major entertainment will be the sight of their crony capitalist/socialist heads exploding. Problem for them doing Rage Boy again: Sarah Palin's been there, taken that. She has taken the full brunt for two years, probably like no other public figure in US history, with its vast record of how to slime your opponent. The result: Mama Grizzly is still standing and ready for them. Perry probably is ready for them too, being a real Texan in a way that the New England Ivy League elitenik Booshes never ever were (as the Happy Few know by now, while the slimies stupidly try to portray Perry as Bush II) But in case Perry needs a little help as the slimies unload, who better to have his back than Sarah Palin?


Barack and Irene

What's the difference between Hurricane Obama and Hurricane Irene?

gringoNOTE: Even Unions Prefer Irene,

Angry Unions Sever Ties With Democrats, Obama

Thursday, 25 Aug 2011 05:33 PM

By Newsmax Wires



Barack and Irene

What's the difference between Hurricane Obama and Hurricane Irene?

gringoNOTE: Labor is ditching only one of them,

POLITICO//// AFL-CIO head: Labor to ditch Democrats



Kinky Freidman, would vote for PERRY


now if that doesn't speak volumes regarding the Texas JOB creator & its' economy, take your "stats" & shove 'em where the sun don't shine........



Kinky Freidman ENDORSES Perry.........love Imuses pal Freidman, his sense of humor, writing style & the ability to see the greater good..........




REAL cute, Princess.

With over 65 million people in the path of this thing, and judging from Katrina, a million DEAD is not out of the question.

Hope your little joke is still as funny after the numbers of dead come out.

I should be on YOUR payroll to keep you from making an as*s out of yourself.

You know where to reach me and how.


"You are truly delusional Gringo." - rafemasters_76

I'm not so sure. There a distinct chance he's just paid to portray a delusional whore.

Say what you want about righties; they ALWAYS know exactly where the money is at.


Forgive me for not laughing at your little joke Princess; I've got loved ones in the path of this thing who absolutely refuse to leave in the worst possible part and I am worried as hell that their time is up despite everything I could do to convince them to fly to safety.


It will be interesting to see how quickly Obama and FEMA get rich white people off their Long Island and east coast rooftops in contrast to how slowly Bush airlifted the black people of New Orleans off theirs.

And with the inland flooding, I think we're looking at Katrina x 100.

But don't panic. It's too late.


What the GOP is REALLY running out of is stupid people.

Like anyone who dies in Irene who had the means to get out and get out early.

Survival of the smartest.

Posted by: xbjllb | August 26, 2011 at 03:12 PM

Agree. Huricanes because of their advance warning. Is one of the natural disasters with the fewest fatalities. With the exception of Katrina.
Problem has been that people don't heed the warnings.


hey'll just work overtime trying, as with their cut and paste "stats" and factoids they like to litter websites with. I've seen a very meticulous statistician take apart every one of their current factoids about Texas' "poor" economy etc. These imbeciles are stupid enough to try to rank Texas with a socialist basket case like CA, as if everybody doesn't know that people are fleeing CA for Texas, not the other way around. Gringoman

With the copy-n-paste and factoids" YOU TAUGHT US WELL!
First such action I saw on the memo was BY YOU!.


Barack and Irene

What's the difference between Hurricane Obama and Hurricane Irene?

gringoNOTE: Labor is ditching only one of them,

POLITICO//// AFL-CIO head: Labor to ditch Democrats


Posted by: gringoman | August 26, 2011 at 02:13 PM

First the regulars on the memo were obsessed with Weiner's weiner with all their Weiner jokes. Now, it's huricane jokes!

What happens when you cross a huricane with a jar of peanut butter?
It sticks around for months!


now if that doesn't speak volumes regarding the Texas JOB creator & its' economy, take your "stats" & shove 'em where the sun don't shine........


Posted by: thebuckstopshere | August 26, 2011 at 02:39 PM

As YOU said weeks ago. Want fries with your Big Mac?


No To Ron Paul-

Attention Ron Paul: Iran wants nukes for offensive, not defensive purposes. How can even one true American support any candidate who denies the historic and contemporary evidence of creeping Sharia and global jihad? Especially as we approach the tenth anniversiry of 9/11?

Any “religion” with an expressed goal to establish a theocracy is not a religion but a political group with a political agenda disguised as a religion, and as such is not protected by the First Amendment. In fact, the very tenents of Islam completely contradict the First Amendment.

That ONLY “the great Ron Paul” can save our country and restore America to a Constitutional Republic is pure folly, plain and simple. That there are people who so adamantly and passionately believe that ONLY “the great Ron Paul” can save us is strong, clear evidence of personality cult disorder.

WE THE PEOPLE are the ones who will save America and restore our Constitutional Republic, not ANY elected official, including “the great Ron Paul”.

Ron Paul’s electoral record is this: He’s been re-elected to Congress a number of times. His more ambitious moves like running for the GOP nomination have been met with repeated, resounding rejection by GOP voters. He even ran as a Libertarian candidate in a general election. How many Electoral College votes has Ron Paul won in his lifetime?

America’s voting motto should be: The more the fringe leftist media protests about a candidate, the more we should vote for that person. And you’ll notice the fringe leftist media are not NOT protesting about Ron Paul…

The LAST thing this world, much less this country, needs is another personality cult hero in the White House who’s OK with Islam and jihadists.



Kinky Freidman ENDORSES Perry.........love Imuses pal Freidman, his sense of humor, writing style & the ability to see the greater good..........



Posted by: thebuckstopshere | August 26, 2011 at 02:42 PM

I expect to post more on Kinky and Perry. Had it days ago but haven't gotten around to posting. Heard the Kinky-Imus interview and was surprised at how pro-Perry the very sophisticated Texas Jew Kinky Friedman was. He ran against Perry for Texas Governor. Imus was getting ready to mock Perry. Old friend Kinky stopped him in his tracks. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Imus starts backing Perry before too long, and he mocks the hell out of Bush, Obama, and Sarah Palin.

Jewish Obots, get ready. What if Cowboy Kinky comes to take you for a ride on the range?


Peggy Noonan, WSJ: "Perry needs to temper his rhetoric."

MICHAEL SAVAGE: "What's happened to that old woman?"

gringoNOTE: "She feels that Perry would never make her an Admiral in the Texas Navy."


Yo Buck, did you see these fotos of The Bama and Rick Perry? They're not only real, not fake, but Perry spokesman says a picture can be worth a thousand words. In this case it's worth more than a thousand Talking Points and factoids. How much will Obama's socialist/crony capitalist billion matter when everybody sees (1) Obama at 22 and (2) Perry at 22?



Gman, I say about 4 trillion words worth........



Yo Buck, did you see these fotos of The Bama and Rick Perry? They're not only real, not fake, but Perry spokesman says a picture can be worth a thousand words. In this case it's worth more than a thousand Talking Points and factoids. How much will Obama's socialist/crony capitalist billion matter when everybody sees (1) Obama at 22 and (2) Perry at 22?


Posted by: gringoman | August 26, 2011 at 08:10 PM

Also from Politico:

Rick Perry doesn’t speak for all military

Texas Gov. Rick Perry recently asserted in Iowa that one reason he entered the GOP presidential race is to “make sure that every young man and woman who puts on the uniform of the United States respects highly the president of the United States.” He was clearly implying that our current commander in chief does not have, or deserve, this respect from our active duty, reserve and veteran military community.

As a veteran of two Iraq tours of duty, I was stunned to hear Perry – the latest GOP candidate claiming to speak on my behalf – say that the military does not respect President Barack Obama because he had never served in the military. He is mistaken

Aside from a professional respect due to the office of the president, no matter who holds it, what Perry fails to recognize is that military service is not the only national service that matters.

I did not lead a platoon in Baghdad just so the United States could continue to have a military. The U.S. military does not exist for its own sake. It exists to protect and promote American interests and values — one of many tools used to do so. For there are many ways that Americans can serve their country

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/62006.html#ixzz1WCHvlilW


Kinky Freidman ENDORSES Perry --Gringoman

While the family of Horace Higgenbottom does not endorse Perry.
"cares too much for minimum wage jobs concerning the private sector" said the father.
Mrs Higgebnottom said ,"I agree." All her unemployed friends got jobs at fast food places.
6 year old Tommy said," Daddy, what's a state job"?
Dad replies, "Those are the only decent paying jobs perry is able to find for people.

10 year old Alice said,"Mommy, why does Perry object to stimulus money. But, takes credit for when it helps the state?
Her mother replied,"That's Republican Hyopcrisy, my dear."

Meanwhile, family dog growls at Perry's photo.

P. Peon

Nice to see MJFELL back, another sane voice.



Gov. Rick Perry's big donors fare well in Texas

Many of the GOP presidential candidate's mega-donors have won hefty contracts or appointments. Perry's aides vigorously dispute that any got special perks.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry campaigns in Iowa for the Republican presidential… (Chip Somodevilla, Getty Images)

August 16, 2011|By Matea Gold and Melanie Mason, Washington Bureau

Texas Gov. Rick Perry has powered his political career on the largesse of donors like Dallas billionaire Harold Simmons, who gave the governor $1.12 million in recent years.

And donors like Simmons have found the rewards to be mutual, reaping benefits from Texas during Perry's tenure.

Perry has received a total of $37 million over the last decade from just 150 individuals and couples, who are likely to form the backbone of his new effort to win the Republican presidential nomination. The tally represented more than a third of the $102 million he had raised as governor through December, according to data compiled by the watchdog group Texans for Public Justice.

Next time the right makes jokes about Obama's "57 states"


Michele Bachmann:
"We're running out of Rich people in this Country!"

In an interview with a conservative talk show host, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has once again embarrassed herself. Posted by the blog Dump Bachmann and picked up by the MN Progressive Project, the clip has the Minnesota Republican telling KLTK's Chris Baker that she opposes the stimulus because we're "running out of rich people in this country."

But, concerning Obama's 57 states .Can understand that they will take anything they can find. And, ignore the comments made by their own candidates.
It's called Desperation. Grasping at straws.


"Nice to see MJFELL back, another sane voice." - MJ Fell

AND with sock puppet in tow we see.

When God returns, and the planet is being pummeled into pebbles, will right wing enablers, collaborators, and their whores still be posting Nazi talking points, utterly and completely oblivious to the annihilation they caused?

DUH. They're just "doing their job".


Which just goes to show, as always, including our dear hostess;


Save the BS for Lucifer; he's the hungry one.

Marine Globetrotter

Ron Paul : Secretary of the Treasury.


"BTW, the Gringo Advisory Board has not yet endorsed Perry." ( --Gringoman)


Yes, the jury is still out on Perry. I went to the website: http://www.rickperry.org/ and checked him out. He seems pretty solid. But on many of the larger issues, he has allot to answer for. I'm going proceed with caution and critically examine his present and past actions. Hopefully he will turn out to be the real deal.


During the last debate amongst the Republican candidates, when Ron Paul said he didn't have a problem with Iran nuking up, Rick Santorum's head almost exploded. He went apoplectic whilst expressing his disagreement with Paul.'Twas quite a show. Anyway, either Paul is profoundly right on Iran, or he is profoundly wrong. Incidentally, Pat Buchanan is in accord with Paul on that particular issue.


“The demise of Irene has already begun”: indications that the hurricane will be significantly less serious than has been generally forecast



"After spending the week doing research, I have come to the conclusion that President George W. Bush did more to destroy Freedom of religion, Freedom and privacy of citizens, and the US Constitution itself than all other Presidenets combined." - longrifle

And you voted for him, correct? I sure as hell didn't.


"“The demise of Irene has already begun” - DJ

For once I hope you are right.

HOWEVER; Irene has a lot of water to travel over before it slams into Long Island. Water that is far warmer than normal.

I would not be surprised to see it intensify into a category 2 before it hits New York. I hope I am wrong.


"What's the difference between Hurricane Obama and Hurricane Irene?

Irene can't get away with hiding her school records."

"Even Unions Prefer Irene"

"Labor is ditching only one of them"

- Gringoman

In order for a tasteless sociopathic (devoid of empathy) contrast joke to be funny, both elements have to be relevant to their objects and relevant to the object being contrasted against. Humor 101.

Fucking hurricanes don't have school records, NOR labor unions, NOR union members.

You clueless psychopathic asshole.

Is Sarah Palin your mother by any chance?


The difference between Katrina and Irene:
The poor that were displaced by Katrina are still living in tents and trailers (that FEMA hasn't re-possessed yet),
While the Rich will get their non-insurable houses re-buiilt by the taxpayers.


Nice to see MJFELL back, another sane voice.

Posted by: P. Peon | August 27, 2011 at 01:20 AM


Any new assessment of the chewing gum troll trash, i.e. even when you spit them out, they keep sticking around? Are they just trying to show what a socialist is?


“The demise of Irene has already begun”: indications that the hurricane will be significantly less serious than has been generally forecast


Posted by: DJ | August 27, 2011 at 08:24 AM

Dr. Simon Atkins CEO, Advanced Forecasting Corporation [AFC]
August 26, 2011
The hype over Hurricane Irene is overblown, predicts the CEO of Advanced Forecasting Corporation.

"North of Delaware, most hurricane force winds will very likely be gusts, not sustained winds."

o The demise of Irene has already begun. There is no visible eye. The storm intensity is down to 99 mph. This would be a low-end category 2 or a strong category 1 storm, while 36 hours ago some predicted a catastrophic category 4 storm. Air Force Reserve aircraft have found that Irene's eyewall has collapsed, and the central pressure has risen -- rising pressure means a weakening storm.

o The reduction in storm intensity likely confirms that this storm is not going to be as monstrous as it has been publicly forecast to be.

o Yes, it will be windy. However, north of Delaware most hurricane force winds will very likely be gusts, not sustained winds.

gringoNOTE: This may all be so, but even so, there is still 50-50 chance of power outage in Manhattan tomorrow---at least lower Manhattan. Sea at high tide. Salt water could wreak havoc on generators etc. The major provider, CON ED, has a decision to make. Should it shut down in order to safeguard the machinery and underground cables against the probability of flooding? Flooding would bollox up mass transit too, and affect whether businesses, like Wall Street, can open on Monday. All mass transit shuts down noon Saturday. The places where subway trains are "parked" are all in very low-laying areas. These would be vulnerable to any significant flooding. Conclusion: Even with fairly mild semi-hurricane, there could still be a big mess.


es, the jury is still out on Perry. I went to the website: http://www.rickperry.org/ and checked him out. He seems pretty solid. But on many of the larger issues, he has allot to answer for. I'm going proceed with caution and critically examine his present and past actions. Hopefully he will turn out to be the real deal.

Posted by: DJ | August 27, 2011 at 08:06 AM


I'm beginning to see Perry---despite some flaws that need questioning---about as real as the deal is going to get.

For now, just take a look at who are his friends, and who his enemies, especially who it is that are desperately trying to churn out the "gotcha" factoids, the "gotcha" military guy who prefers Obama (really) the "gotcha" baby without Obamacare, the "gotcha" low-paying job.

As the socialists do their frenzied "gotcha" vetting of Perry, everybody else notices how the productive are fleeing the Democrat basket case the "caring" socialists have made of once golden California, and they are heading for Texas. Poor socialists. They can't even make a single factoid showing how people are fleeing Texas for today's fiscal disaster in California. Apparently they are not listening to the socialists and their cut n'paste about how awful Texas is.

Anyone for Perry probably wants more of this Perry-bashing from the leftniki. They know that most of it will tend to have the opposite effect, pushing undecideds toward Perry. If the lib slimebots are against him! (And it does cover up some questions about Perry, since the Marxobots don't mind flooding the US with illegalismo and sharia.) Maybe Perry's rich backers can get them to do even more than the Democrat billionaires want done? And since they like to babble about the Koch Brothers, maybe they can be encouraged to do a poll: Who do you prefer--The Koch Brothers or George Soros?

Think Koched-up pogwessives would ever run a poll like that?



Hitting the mainland. As seen by NASA


gringoNOTE: Whether or not you consider Hurrican Irene over-hyped, certain facts remain irrefudiable:

1. Broadway theaters shutting down Sat night

2. All NYC mass transit shut down Sat noon (first time ever)

3. Shopper lines wind around the whole supermarket

4. Sea is at high tide.

5. Direction of Irene takes it right smack into NYC

Some variables

A. Different experts forecast different intensity of winds, some even pooh-pooh it as hurricane strength.

B. Even winds well under 100 mph will be felt very strongly in NY "canyons" and around high-rises.

C. Just about everyone expects a huge amount of rain to fall over extended period, 24 hours or so. August already has been unusually wet. Soil around trees already softened. But downed trees and broken windows etc will be minor damage compared to flooding. There's a real possibility that NYC will see the kind of flooding not seen here in a hundred years, mainly in low-laying areas, like lower Manhattan. How this will affect the mass transit system, already shut down, or the subway cars stored in low-laying areas, remains to be seen. Without mass transit, NYC, unlike many other cities, is at least semi-immobilized. The people who have jobs can't get to them. High probablity that CON ED will shut off the power, to protect its generators etc from being corroded to hell by sea water. (This will depend on whether sub stations and equipment are in danger of being flooded)

South Jersey, Long Island likely to see big flooding.

PS WABC pre-empted Radio Monica today for Operation StormWatch.


Left And Right Going Nuclear On Rick Perry


gringoNOTE: By 'Right' the author refers to Karl Rove and the 'consultant class.' So the header, to be more accurate, should read LEFT AND GOOPERS GOING NUCLEAR ON PERRY.


SLIMEwatch (Socialist Liberal Media)

Did an Editor of a Major Newspaper Threaten to “Crush” Rick Perry?


Via Hot Air Headlines, a fellow named Douglas MacKinnon says:

With exactly that mission in mind, an editor of a major newspaper told me: “We plan to declare war on Rick Perry and do all in our power to crush him.”

There you have it. No pretense of integrity, professionalism or of unbiased news-gathering. This particular newspaper plans to use its very considerable resources to destroy the Perry campaign before it gains momentum. Period.

This is a very serious allegation. While it is easy to believe that a Big Media editor might say something like that to someone s/he trusted, it seems to me that if this quote is accurate, we should be told who the editor is. Or, at the very least, shouldn’t Mr. MacKinnon explain why he is not telling us?




It's not only leftoids and Goopers that are criticizing Perry, MANY on the right are doing so.


"He [Rick Santorum] criticized Perry and former President George W. Bush for what he called lax immigration laws. Texas has the second-highest number of illegal immigrants in the country, according to Pew. Someone asked if he would “smoke” Perry out for his immigration stances, Santorum said he’d hear a lot about it.

“We know unfortunately the history of governors in Texas on the issue of immigration,” the former Pennsylvania senator said, adding, “I understand being governor of Texas is a tough thing. But you’ve got to stand up and defend -- being a senator from Pennsylvania is a tough thing. But you’ve got to stand up and defend your record.”


I maintain it's still way too early to jump on the Perry bandwagon.

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