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June 10, 2011



AS Hillary brings an interest in the World Bank, and the Bilterberg Group meets amid protest (why would anyone do that? Global taxation, and syndicate crime possibly?), finally suit is being brought against Goldman Sachs for securities fraud. As some people laugh about Goldman being too large to prosecute, one must wonder if the Globalists are ready to implode GS like the Twin Towers, and to create a new currency.
Meanwhile the US government is left to flip-flop around, passing time.


Passing gas is more like it.


Why didn't the right stop Hillary when they became aware of her suspicious futures trade? Now look what is coming down! Is Web Hubbell coaching Hillary? Is her second family taking shape and emerging in banking?


Anyone with half a brain, elected by the people to end a war, WOULD HAVE ENDED THE FRICKING WAR FIRST.

We didn't need to be in Iraq and Afghanistan all this time to kill Bin Laden and run that raid on Pakistan. The CIA knew where he was mothballed all this time and could have gotten him at any time Pakistan wasn't looking.

What we did need, however, was all the borrowed from China trillions to fix the economy and provide national health care, which will end up being the biggest drag on the economy once the wars end.

President Backwards. Sometimes you'd swear he was doing it ON PURPOSE.


TRUTHER!! Fix government (get all money out of politics by public funding of all elections and outlawing all lobbying) and you fix WALL STREET.

BELIEVE me. And they'll never know what hit them:

Democracy. Which no one has seen in the US since corporations were invented.



TRUTHER, don't feed the TROLL.




Nanny Bloomberg suports the Weiner. Does that mean he, too has issues that might come out one day?



"Now that he's a failure, the rats are quickly bailing off the sinking ship. The conga line is now moving in the opposite direction." (-Monica)


Yes, and the MSM/Government Meda Complex is prepping a gullible public into believing Romney is the acceptable alternative.

The truth is if Romney replaces Barry, his agenda will be virtually indistinguishable from his predecessor. Just like Bary's agenda is nothing more than the continuation of Dubya's. I mean who are you trying to fool, Monica? All these dudes amount to is nothing more than whores bought and paid for by the global corporations and controlled the private banking cartel commonly known as the Federal Reserve System.

Romney indeed! Congressman Thaddeus McCotter (R) has HIS number.




DJ, notice how most of the radio hosts are circling the wagons for Mitt RINOmney?




Look how they call it: "Thaddeus McCotter takes shot at Mitt Romney". That's to suggest that the person commenting is somehow an aggressor, someone who is unfairly criticizing.

Well this IS the politico, after all.

And McRINOmney is the designated RINO, a hedge that liberals can live with just in case..



DJ, notice how most of the radio hosts are circling the wagons for Mitt RINOmney?


Posted by: Ummahgummah | June 10, 2011 at 11:14 AM

Yes. But this should come as no surprise to us.

As it stands now, Obama is performing masterfully on behalf of his corporate masters. As long as he continues on that path, he is a shoe in come 2012.

However, the ruling elites can take no chances. If Obama for some reason cannot make another go of it in 2012, they need a suitable alternative as his replacement. That's where the RINOs come in the picture.

So what I think is taking place here viv-a-vis Romney, is the establishment are effectively clearing the field of all Tea Party candidates and making room for the "safe" ones such as Romney, Pawlenty, Huntsman etc.

It's being done that way just in case Barry falters. If Barry falters, no problem. They'll have their bases covered. The game is rigged.



Disgraceful aisle-crawling mayor on NY:


He actually claimed that politicians answer to a higher standard due to media exposure. What a CROCK!

Normal citizens would get FIRED and or put on trial for sexual harassment and lewd and indecent exposure etc.

These politicians sure live in a dream world all of their own.

Vacuum land.




Anthony Weiner: Unfit to Serve
Liar. Cheater. Disgrace.
Tell Weiner to Resign Now!


Congress should represent the best in America, not the worst. Our representatives should be people we look up to, not despise. They should teach our children the right lessons, not the wrong ones.

Congress is too important. The issues our country is facing are too important. Honesty and integrity are too important. Anthony Weiner must resign NOW!


Let's not allow this creep to stay in office!!! SIGN THE PETITION!!!



UG if my math is correct on the dirty spending secrets those alone add up to over 935 billion......here's yet another "intelligent" expenditure compliments of the "representation".....




Obama is not a failure, as Monica alleges. Funded by the anti-US Soros money machine, and cheered on by the tingling leftist media, he is doing what he said: "Fundamentally transforming the United States", and making "energy prices skyrocket".
It's just that the useful idiots are beginning to understand what all that really meant. They are now joining the rest of us who were on to this Marxist-Muslim all along.
I maintain with many others that he is not incompetent; all this chaos was planned. I say he won't succeed.



Longrifle is correct. Others have pointed this out from time to time. he is achieving what he set out to achieve.

Which is what Rush Limbaugh kept preaching. Which is why he sid that he hoped he would FAIL.

He meant he wanted his anti-American agenda to fail.

And - as usual - the professional Left was all over it.



cliton appalled by weiner behavior........


will they adopt huma?




Look at all the deliberately anti-Western and anti-American things he has done:

1. His first interview to Al-Jazeera.

2. BOWING with his @ss revealed high to the SOWdi BARBARIAN throwbacks. Who likely financed his campaign.

3. Buzzing the Statue of Liberty on AF-One.

4. PIGFORD Scandal

5. STAMOKAP Stimulus & Bailout STAMOKAP is German: StaatsMonopolKapitalismus ie. Crony Capitalism. Which was how the Nazis controlled, subdued and used German industry for their plans.

State Monopoly Capitalism see also "The Damned" by Lucino Visconti to see how the Krupps were first suckered in then made to surrender control of their industries to the Nazis for their use.

6. Lawsuit against Arizona instead of helping secure the border.

7. Helping Mexico put out fires, but not Texas.


Please feel free to add to this list! I don't have all day. I want to complete this open-ended list and circulate it across the net as the election draws near!






NO MORE PERVS in the peoples' house.........




@Posted by: DJ | June 10, 2011 at 11:34 AM

I should have included: The radio talk hosts work on behalf and at the pleasure of the global corporations too. That's why all of them support and defend to "two party" system.

Out of all the biggies, Michael Savage is the only defector. Moreover, he is the only one who specks out on a regular basis against the dispossession of the white race. Unlike the others, Savage is unwavering and relentless in his unPCness. Because of that, is it any wonder why he is banned in Britain?



9. Giving Green light to BNP for voter intimidation by scuttling prosecution for voter intimidation in Philadelphia.

10. BILLIONS each year to PORKistan and other moslem countries, including funds for mosk restoration!

11. Bailouts for Greek retirees and tax dodgers paid for with OUR tax money.

12. Scuttling and impeding domestic oil production while giving AMERICAN TAX MONEY to Brazil to explore for theirs.

13. Please add your anti-American outrages this POS has committed against the Nation!





Please help me fill in this list of all the deliberately anti-Western and anti-American things the Bama has done:

1. His first interview to Al-Jazeera.

2. BOWING with his @ss revealed high to the SOWdi BARBARIAN throwbacks. Who likely financed his campaign.

3. Buzzing the Statue of Liberty on AF-One.

4. PIGFORD Scandal

5. STAMOKAP Stimulus & Bailout ie. Crony Capitalism.

6. Lawsuit against Arizona instead of helping secure the border.

7. Helping Mexico put out fires, but not Texas.

8. Disrespect to Catholics at Notre Dame by speaking with Jesus Statue covered!

9. Giving Green light to BNP for voter intimidation by scuttling prosecution for voter intimidation in Philadelphia.

10. BILLIONS each year to PORKistan and other moslem countries, including funds for mosk restoration!

11. Bailouts for Greek retirees and tax dodgers paid for with OUR tax money.

12. Scuttling and impeding domestic oil production while giving AMERICAN TAX MONEY to Brazil to explore for theirs.

Please COPY and PASTE the existing points and add your own. I will then copy and paste with more. This list will get longer as people add their comments.

I will post this to other blogs and hopefully it will be read by many people to remind us why we must get rid of this dangerous un-AMERICAN POS.




"Now that he's a failure, the rats are quickly bailing off the sinking ship. The conga line is now moving in the opposite direction." (-Monica)


Yes, and the MSM/Government Meda Complex is prepping a gullible public into believing Romney is the acceptable alternative.

The truth is if Romney replaces Barry, his agenda will be virtually indistinguishable from his predecessor. Just like Bary's agenda is nothing more than the continuation of Dubya's. I mean who are you trying to fool, Monica? All these dudes amount to is nothing more than whores bought and paid for by the global corporations and controlled the private banking cartel commonly known as the Federal Reserve System.

Romney indeed! Congressman Thaddeus McCotter (R) has HIS number.


Posted by: DJ | June 10, 2011 at 11:11 AM

Monica's Mitt Romneycare=Barack Hussein Obamacare without the Man Tan.

Or as the Liberal Racist scumbots will drone: "If you prefer Mitt Romneycare to Barack Hussein Obamacare, you know what? You be a RACIST! See? Hee-hee!"


toooooo bad soooooooooo sad, lying little freak......


begs the question, does he have any friends?



DJ, notice how most of the radio hosts are circling the wagons for Mitt RINOmney?


Posted by: Ummahgummah | June 10, 2011 at 11:14 AM

Like who? The only one I see pumping for Romney is the "conservative" Michael Savage. The one who Savage calls the "G.O.P. Golfer", Rush Limbaugh, has been far warmer to Palin than to Romney. Likewise for Mark Levin, who Savage dismisses as "The Law-yuh."


as for todays analogy, I doubt very much if the captain will be going down with the ship...........

I surely do wish these "reporters" would get on the good ship lolly pop & come up with a CLEAR ALTERNATIVE to the mess we are in...................




13. Restored welfare "entitlement" payments to pre-Clinton/GOP Congressional levels via decree almost the day he assumed office.




Gringoman, to you listen to Hannity?

Ann Coulter might not be a host in the stricter sense but she is in those circles and speaks lot on the radio.



staying in office for the wife..........what a chivalrous guy.................




"Longrifle is correct. Others have pointed this out from time to time. he is achieving what he set out to achieve."


The only thing I'd differ with is it's not Obama's agenda per se; for the most part, it's the global corporaTISTS' agenda. Obama was put in place by them to carry it out. So was Daubya before him... and Clinton before him....which means the USA is no longer a government by the people. It has been completely taken over somewhere around the time the USSR collapsed. When that seminal event happened, everything changed. The geopolitical fault lines radically shifted. Countries such as India and China who had ties to the old Communist regimes, suddenly realigned with other countries and formed coprorat alliences -- their interests both economically and politically changed.

As the title of Thomas Friedman's best selling book clearly states: "The World Is Flat".

Yes, and welcome to the New World Order!



Do you read what I write, Gringoman? I have excluded Limbaugh from the RINO-istas more than once.

Unfortunately Rush Limbaugh is the exception rather than the rule.

As of now the list of RINOmney supporters is:

1. Savage
2. Hannity
3. Coulter
4. Crowley by way of the "I'm not running" Imam who will surely put his weight behind RINOmney as the race heats up.

Feel free to tell me if I left anyone out.

And please don't tell me that you're not noticing a certain drumbeat complete with "Anybody But Obama" chorus starting to become audible.

I am hearing it loud and clear.




I for one am sick and tired of the "lesser evil" game.



Obama is not a failure, as Monica alleges. Funded by the anti-US Soros money machine, and cheered on by the tingling leftist media, he is doing what he said: "Fundamentally transforming the United States", and making "energy prices skyrocket".
It's just that the useful idiots are beginning to understand what all that really meant. They are now joining the rest of us who were on to this Marxist-Muslim all along.
I maintain with many others that he is not incompetent; all this chaos was planned. I say he won't succeed.

Posted by: LongRifle | June 10, 2011 at 11:46 AM

Agreed. Even DJ agrees. Except that DJ says the Marxist Macdaddy WILL succeed---ain't nothin' y'all can do about it,except maybe vote for a loser Third Party. Oh, and just in case the MM can't carry out The Mandate, Mitt Romneycare will be waiting in the wings, i.e. the Romney embodiment of Corporate Charley (who Monica calls "eye candy.")and who Socialist Sammy knows exactly how to 'work' and guilt trip. (What a field day the rabid Liberal Racists can have with Romney, manipulating him with his own Mormon Mark of Cain. Watch how they can make a sleek Corporate Charley crawl to the likes of the Reverend Tawana Sharpton. Heh. What fools these Americanos be!"



Rush just played a clip feat. Ann Coulter buying into warmology.




politico is also pushing Romney. All part of the drumbeat.



staying in office for the wife..........what a chivalrous guy.................





LOL Now THAT is what I call chutzpah!



correct gman, what was left out of todays' analogy was the ship of fools part............




I got some input over on Moonbattery on my list of the Bama's Crimes Against America:

13. Aid to Hamas

14. Intentionally trying to bankrupt the U.S. by attempting to pass a budget containing trillions of dollars of deficit spending; Defeated in the Senate 97-0.

Let's see if I can get some of you guys to add a few points!



UG, wouldn't being married to a PIG, be against her "religious" beliefs?



Mark my words: If Romney becomes the Gooper nominee, Rush and Hannity and "The Law-Yah" etc. will be assuring us "Mitt is a reeeeeal conservative!" or "Mitt has changed!......he's not like he was when he was Govenor of Mass.!" or "Mitt is ten-thousand times better than Obama!."

In other words, these talk clowns will be selling us Mitt just as they conned many into believing Dubya was the real deal.

That said, I reluctantly voted for Dubya the first time around not because I liked him (I didn't) but ONLY because Madman Gore had to be stopped.



TBSH, she might well be a foreign agent, which would explain her marriage to a "pig", in this case the "pig" actually IS a PIG.

Why else would she want him to remain in office, if not for the influence and opportunities it offers for spying and intelligence-gathering?

America's defenses are DOWN, hopefully not for the count though. I see RED CHINA encroaching in Latin America and even buying bases inside the USA, as I alerted my fellow Memoistas yesterday.

The moslems are busy undermining us in the UN and by lobbying and wholesale buying up of our politicians. Do you really think they aren't also looking for targets to blackmail and ensnare in other devious ways?

We have gotten far too soft and the enemies are closing in... voting for Obama was the signal to the rest of the world that America has finally lost her resolve!

We need something other than a RINO to answer that perception!




DJ, THIS time let's NOT vote for a RINO again! Either we get a REAL American candidate of THEY CAN FORGET IT.

I am not ready to condemn Rush until he does it. Right now he is bashing the Mitt.



WE are the world. We are the children. We are the one's to make a brighter day........ Tra la la la la!

Posted by: DJ | June 10, 2011 at 08:50 AM

And, we all came from the same few 100 people. Blacks, whites, asians, red.

Tra la la la la!
The different colors came later!

Vitter went to a Madam and was forgiven by his wife and party. I'm glad he didn't resign. He sponsored many bills I liked and spoke out on issues that I was concerned about. He was also a co-sponsor of the Great Ape Protection Act.http://www.janegoodall.org/support-great-ape-protection-act

Posted by: M/M | June 10, 2011 at 06:38 AM

Vitter was just 1 republican who got caught.
It should be more of what the politician's constituents feel. Not what the other party wants.

Posted by: jay | June 10, 2011 at 01:00 PM






"Agreed. Even DJ agrees. Except that DJ says the Marxist Macdaddy WILL succeed---ain't nothin' y'all can do about it,except maybe vote for a loser Third Party."



I'll vote for a third party if a suitable Republican is not present on the ticket. In other words: If Sarah Palin dosen't run and win in the primaries, then a third party it is.



DJ, I will also vote for a "loser third party" if he GOP in insists on a RINO.

Won't make a difference anyway.

The decline will only be slower and less in-your-face with a RINO.

A kinder gentler sellout, if you will.

Or a beheading with anaesthesia if you prefer a more real image.



The Libniki got their little hands on hundreds of Sarah Palin emails and, of course, will release them, even though they keep droning away that Palin doesn't matter, as Palin is "Unelectable" yada-yada. The paper that Mark Levin calls "The New York Slimes" is inviting its libnik readers to scour the Palin emails for "interesting" material.

Meanwhile, watch the reaction of Gooper World and the hackstream media. Watch how they suddenly do what they never did before, go after the massive and historically unprecedented number of Obama secrets, such as have been posted here previously. Heh! But don't hold your breath, waiting....

ps Also, note some of the Palin "sympathizers."...."Oh, gee. These liberal worms are too powerful for us! Too powerful for Mama Grizzly too! Oh, gee!x Woe is we! Woe is we!....They win. We lose...."


Once again:


The high gas prices?
Oil and Gas were higher under Bush's watch.
This is more of a speculators and Fed doing than Obama's.
Conservatives gave the fed the right to print money. As, Nixon allowed the dollar to float by getting off the gold standard.



Someone on another blog said that Obama insisted that a crucifix be covered up when I thought it was a statue of Christ.

I want to make sure that all my points in "Obama Crimes against the Nation" are as accurate as possible.

So if anyone - no input from trolls please - can help me out I would appreciate it.

And don't forget to add some points of your own. Instead of complaining it is something we can do do keep the memory of all the outrages they perpetrate on us alive and hopefully we can sway others to vote accordingly.

I am also thinking of compiling a list of RINO crimes against US. In case anyone wants to have a go.. have at it!




If the New Duranty Slimes has obtained these emails then maybe it is time for Sarah Palin to go legal on them.

She needs to find out how they got these emails, regardless of their content.

Somewhere, someone did something illegal and she needs to follow this up all the way.


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