The economy is sucking salt, and the reason is clear: President Obama's policies---and those of his party---have undermined and crippled the free market to the point of absolute paralysis. Since January 2009, Team Obama has given us: a massive expansion of government, unprecedented spending, record-breaking deficits and debt, and socialized medicine. No wonder there's no job creation or economic growth happening. The severe debt crisis, the government spending spree, and the uncertainty that comes with all of the new policies and regulations make any business owner want to crawl under a rock and wait until the Left-wing hurricane blows over.
A new Gallup poll posed the question: do you think our government should or should not redistribute wealth through heavy taxes on the rich?
The results were not comforting: 49 percent of Americans say no, but 47 percent say that the government should confiscate wealth and give to those who don't have as much. This is pure wealth redistribution---an anti-American concept all the way---and yet 47% think it's a swell idea.
71 percent of Democrats believe it, which is no surprise, while just 43 percent of Independents do, and only 28 percent of Republicans believe in enforced redistribution.
The demographic breakdowns are not surprising either: 52 percent of women want income redistribution, but just 42 percent of men do. Just 41 percent of whites agree with it, while 64 percent of non-whites do.
You don't need to be David Axelrod to figure out Obama's re-election strategy. He desperately needs minorities, union workers, and women if he's going to have a prayer of getting re-upped in 2012.
Obama is a true believer. There's no way he's going to change his ideological pitch. Statist wealth redistribution is how he rolls, and he's hoping enough people are riding the gravy train to pull the lever for him again, even as his Far-Left mania is destroying the economy.
The Left believes government is in the business of providing social justice by taking from the haves to raise up the have-nots. Conservatives believe government exists to maintain an equal playing field so that everyone has a fair shot at success. This is in line with the Founders' vision for America: maximum individual freedom to allow for maximum individual and therefore collective prosperity. The Founders understood that liberty is a zero-sum game: the more power the government exerts over your life, the less freedom you have.
The Democrat view of wealth redistribution runs counter to everything the Founders wanted for this country. This is the question before Americans today: do we want a vibrant capitalist nation or a European-style welfare state? We're quickly sliding down the path of the latter. There's still time to arrest the slide, but the sand is slipping through the hour glass.
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