So, what to make of this budget turd?
There are two big outcomes---apart from the laughably paltry "cuts"---that put the Republicans on the losing side of the latest budget war.
1. The Democrats have successfully termed the $38 billion as "cuts." By calling them "cuts," they could scream and holler about how the GOP wants to throw Grandma in the snow, make Grandpa eat cat food, and kill women. They could then appear to reluctantly go along with these "cuts" and get credit from a public desperate to see fiscal restraint and government shrunk.
These "cuts" were no such thing. A true cut is an actual reduction from actual previous spending levels. The $38 billion number is an amount being denied to AN IMAGINARY BUDGET NEVER ADOPTED. They were all working from President Obama's proposed 2011 budget, which clocked in at a staggering $3.7 trillion. That came after two previous years in which he so increased the spending baseline that he had everyone working from incredibly elevated levels. If I'm spending $50, and then I'm spending $100, and then I propose to spend $150....and then someone asks me to cut my budget, and I do by $10 so now I'm spending $140, is anybody buying that that's a true "cut?"
The GOP fell for this scam hook, line, and sinker. Shame on them.
2. The Republican leadership, in getting totally manuevered, also gave away their major weapon in the fight: the leverage they had in holding out the possibility of a government shutdown. Speaker Boehner actually said, "We'll never shut down the government." Never? Wow. What a Junior League mistake. This is Politics 101. And, frankly, War 101. You never tell the enemy what you will do, and you never tell them what you won't do. And the GOP just disarmed themselves, not just in this last battle, but in the big battles to come over the debt ceiling and the 2012 budget. Now the Democrats know that not only will the GOP not fight for serious budget cuts, they'll cave at the first sign of a possible shutdown.
The Dems got their budget, almost fully intact given the elevated baseline, and they saw the GOP run away like a bunch of scaredy cats.
On top of that, like the cherry on a sundae, Obama and his party get the benefit of the hilarious headlines saying the GOP "won." They know the GOP didn't win---and that's why they're happy to let them have their little "duh, winning" headlines.
Meanwhile, Obama and the Dems are laughing all the way to the Treasury.
What? What's going on here?
Monica taking it to the G.O.P.,the fossilized Rinosaurs, the Republican cave-in men,the feckless girly menschen, Libworld's bittches?
What be this?
Monica is facing her moment of truth: To be or not to be (1) Warrior Princess or (2) Gooper showgirl?
Hmmmmmmmmm!.....This could ger veddy intewesting.
ps Is Donald Trump, by any chance, in Monica's Rolodex?
Posted by: gringoman | April 12, 2011 at 10:21 AM
Monica rightly points out how the Goopers got rolled (again) in the Budget Battle with the crypto socialists. But it's even worse than she lets on. Why?
Obamacare. The unreliable sold out to the unspeakable. The following details from Horowitz at REDSTATE.
////Republicans won their biggest electoral victory in 70 years over the issue of Obamacare, yet it is merely an “extraneous policy fight” to the Journal’s editors? Republicans pledged to defund Obamacare and now they are admitting that they will never employ any meaningful tactic to force the issue. In fact, they voted to extend an Obamacare program in March.
All of the Monday morning quarterbacking has focused on the rift among Republicans over abortion and $23 billion in extra discretionary spending. But what ever happened to Obamacare? That is the mother of all budget disasters and will bankrupt our future, along with our healthcare system. Yet, Republicans agreed to fund it for an additional 6 months./////
gringoNOTE: I pointed out months ago how the Goopers gave themselves away as they conducted their charade of "opposing" Obamacare. All you had to do was open your eyes. Not a single one of them called for Congress to exchange its own elite health care benefits for the Obamacare it was shoving down everybody else's maw. Not a single Gooper took a stand on this! Not a one. For the dummies they might say they didn't have the votes. They figured that dummies wouldn't ask, well, why don't you make an issue of it anyway, so that all Americans can see clearly whether you want them to swallow what you yourselves, you G.O.P. clowns, will not?
Monica never pointed this out about her Goopers.
Cara Mia, maybe it's not too late.
Posted by: gringoman | April 12, 2011 at 11:17 AM
TS Atomic Monday, April 11th at 6:58PM EDT (REDSTATE
WTF makes you think the GOP wants to get rid of Obamacare? If Obamacare goes away, the GOP loses a great talking point against the Dems.
Nope, Obamacare must live on. The GOP is relying upon it. They realize you probably won’t understand, but just have faith in the GOP. They always do the right thing.
You new to politics or something?
gringoNOTE: Hmmmmmmm....Could this be why Monica never called the Goopers on their refusal to make an issue of Congress shamelessly exempting itself from the Obamacare it was dumping on everyone else? Obamacare will be very useful for the G.O.P. pol. They "oppose" it, see? Sure they do. They "oppose" it while they themselves are exempt from it, too. Works out fine for Club Gooper. Heh.
Monica: It's all about punditizing, i.e. having a nice bag of Talking Points? That it?
Posted by: gringoman | April 12, 2011 at 11:33 AM
Newsmax Poll: Donald Trump Overwhelms Obama, GOP Field in 2012 Race
Monday, 11 Apr 2011 05:18 PM
By Jim Meyers
An Internet poll sponsored by reveals that Americans overwhelmingly favor Donald Trump as their preferred candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012.
Online participants in the poll, which has drawn more than 550,000 responses, also support Trump by a wide margin in a head-to-head matchup with President Barack Obama.
Read more on Newsmax Poll: Trump Overwhelms Obama, GOP Field in 2012 Race
gringoNOTE: Monica, it may not be too late to jump ship. Georgie and Jebbie and Tokyo Rove might understand. They got class. And aren't the Goopers so yesterday?
Girl, think about it.
Posted by: gringoman | April 12, 2011 at 11:59 AM
Your thoughts on Trump, Gringo?
Posted by: soggy | April 12, 2011 at 12:54 PM
Trump can beat Obama, only WITH an established GOP secular NO SOCIAL ISSUES candidate: Jeb Bush.
Anyone else as Veep would be political death. Already the MSM is piling on Trump as if he shot Obama.
This is not overstatement.
Posted by: xbjllb | April 12, 2011 at 01:09 PM
Limbaugh has definitely left the plantation. He's talking about RINOs and ruling calls and wannabe ruling class Republicans who have as their goal controlling the Tea Party and the freshmen we sent to the Congress this year.
Could have been any of us saying those things.
Posted by: Ummahgummah | April 12, 2011 at 01:14 PM
Four simple steps to fix the deficit, fix the budget, and completely fix the US economy:
1. Publicly fund all elections: no more outside money or candidates' own money, period. Lawbreakers to never run in politics ever again.
2. Increase tax rate on people making more than a million a year to 91%. 1950 level. On people making more than five million a year, 95%. Without lobbying, they won't need the money.
3. Increase tax rate on corporations to 60% and close all loopholes so GE et all never get away free ever again. Increase IRS corporate-only divisions. Without lobbying, they won't need the money.
4. Levy taxes on ALL outsourcing and ALL companies who outsource to 99%. Watch those factories and jobs come FLOODING back home as if driven by a tsunami.
Of course, this will have to all be done by Executive Order supported by the People; Congress would and will never fix things the right way.
Presto, bango, bingo.
Done, done, done.
Boom, Baby, BOOM!
Posted by: xbjllb | April 12, 2011 at 01:18 PM
Your thoughts on Trump, Gringo?
POSTED BY: SOGGY | APRIL 12, 2011 AT 12:54 PM
Since it seems as if everybody BUT Gringoman is answering, I'll give my well-reasoned opinion.
The X-lax always chimes in no matter what WE are talking about.
Casual surfers just checking by are encouraged to ignore it, as everyone who is still here on the Memo does.
Trump needs Palin or Bachmann as his running mate, not only for the obvious political reasons but also to show that he is serious about truly challenging the Status Quo.
The Tea Party is the future.
RINOs are, well.. RINOsaurs, as Gringoman has coined the phrase.
What else do we need to say?
Posted by: Ummahgummah | April 12, 2011 at 01:19 PM
Your thoughts on Trump, Gringo?
Posted by: soggy | April 12, 2011 at 12:54 PM
IF Trump is serious about going all the way (I think he might be, despite the "experts,") I am calling on Monica to jump ship. I am asking her to abandon the S.S. Gooper and board the S.S. Trump.
That said, I also need to see if Trump delivers on his stunning promise of what his investigators will bring back from Hawaii concerning the secret life of Barack Hussein Obama. If all we get is the same old same old that the Establishment's Obama-sucking media hacks know how to pooh-pooh and "birtherize" away, I'll be less impressed with Trump and his PR talents.
Posted by: gringoman | April 12, 2011 at 01:21 PM
"The X-lax always chimes in no matter what WE are talking about." - UG
Oh, absolutely. Unlike you guys with your never-changing all-fascist all-the-time agenda, I actually respond to MONICA CROWLEY'S POSTS from time to time.
You know, what these comment sections WERE CREATED FOR in the first place.
I do however, realize that this is YOUR FORUM, and that's YOUR photo and name at the top.
In fact, O Clueless Ones, one of the first hints that you guys ARE bots here on your own agenda or whatever the Big Board in your boiler room states on any given day, is the fact that YOU IGNORE MONICA MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE HERE.
Posted by: xbjllb | April 12, 2011 at 02:10 PM
i'm willing to bet Monica is NOT in Trump's rolodex....but I will say not budgeting for the 6k more irs agents is a bit of a plus, (to administer hellcare...) my aching azz
Posted by: thebuckstopshere | April 12, 2011 at 02:11 PM
Monica will come onboard the S.S. Trump the second she learns for sure that co-captain will be Jeb Bush.
Probably what she's been up to.
So Poppy... isn't it about time to slip a few Woodrow Wilsons into the old paypal account for your old buddy greatest anti-fan here?
Soros ain't liking me too much these days. Not that he ever did, despite the friggin' morons here.
Posted by: xbjllb | April 12, 2011 at 02:15 PM
Give us your Paypal account, X-lax and I will personally make a deposit.
Posted by: Ummahgummah | April 12, 2011 at 02:22 PM
The Tea Party is the future.
CONGRATULATIONS! AJD, aka UG, aka AJL, aka Satan!
The stupidest sentence ever written in all of human history brought me back!!
Muah ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!
Posted by: Frau Farbissina | April 12, 2011 at 02:23 PM
"Give us your Paypal account, X-lax and I will personally make a deposit." - UG
Uh, right. Sorry, price of admission is Woodrow Wilson, and you've never even seen one in your life.
Your kind of "deposits" I'm not interested in.
Posted by: xbjllb | April 12, 2011 at 02:25 PM
"The stupidest sentence ever written in all of human history" - Frau Farbissina
For once in my life I actually have to agree with you, Frau.
Posted by: xbjllb | April 12, 2011 at 02:27 PM
Good to see that even Jesus-man has a PRICE!!!
Posted by: Frau Farbissina | April 12, 2011 at 02:30 PM
No price, Frau. I actually like Jeb, always have.
And it was a joke. The day anyone puts any money in my paypal accounts is the day hell freezes over.
Posted by: xbjllb | April 12, 2011 at 02:32 PM
I actually like Trump too. Obama? One day out of two hundred, I like him.
Posted by: xbjllb | April 12, 2011 at 02:36 PM
FrauX-lax imaginary pas-de-deux.. now isn't THAT special?
Posted by: Ummahgummah | April 12, 2011 at 03:22 PM
If the GOP can be taken seriously on cuts, then perhaps people will scramble to find ways to save money. If they feel their posturing is a joke, then they will ask for more money. Loosening the debt belt, is accommodating more bloat.
Jebbie got an award - he is no doubt worthy of it as much as Obama and Arafat deserved the Peace prize. He has a separate presentation ceremony in May, so people do not forget he got it.
Posted by: Dgscol | April 12, 2011 at 03:23 PM
It seems as if Monica agrees that BooHooner could use a few doses of Viagra instead of spending all his time in the tanning salon.
Posted by: Ummahgummah | April 12, 2011 at 03:23 PM
Thanks Ummah, Gringo.
Posted by: soggy | April 12, 2011 at 03:32 PM
That and her statements regarding PIGSlam is proof that Monica GETS IT yet she steadfastly refuses to stray off the Gooper Plantation.
Them mint juleps gots to be tasty!
Posted by: Ummahgummah | April 12, 2011 at 03:46 PM
Just when you thought that liberals couldn't possibly get any more depraved than they already are..
I'm pregnant with Bin Laden's grandchild - again: British surrogate who miscarried twins reveals she is expecting
Here's hoping for a speedy miscarriage, and I don't care who is offended. The evil spawn of the Satan OBL borne by a Western Woman is too sick for contemplation.
Posted by: Ummahgummah | April 12, 2011 at 04:15 PM
Q: What do you do with a fag in the military?
A: Run him up the fag pole!
when we are down to fighting with women and fags, how effectively will combat operations be? There are those who believe the draft is necessary periodically, to maintain discipline and effectiveness. The fag factor is probably operating in the military, as people get their picture snapped next to a dead body, to enhance the "Manning Effect".
Posted by: Chief Joe | April 12, 2011 at 04:26 PM
1) Gringoman asks: "Are you implying that Malzberg, Jewish, is either ignorant or a hypocrite?"
DJ answers: I am not implying anything about Malzberg. You, out of nowhere, brought him into the discussion, not me. Ergo, how can you ask if I'm implying something about someone I never brought up?
//////GRINGOMAN to DJ, You're making it too easy. Of course I didn't ask about something you didn't bring up. I asked about something I brought up. Is that permitted? Or do the DJ Rules of Order only permit me to ask about something that you bring up?///////
Gringoman makes the point: "WOR Talker Steve Malzberg is not known to be a friend of anti=Semites (let alone a crazed get-the-Jews=out=Israel scumbot troll who is given the run of Monicamemo,)Malzberg is very supportive of Beck."
DJ replies: Many Jews, particularly conservative Jews, support Glenn Beck. There's nothing remarkable about that.
//////GRINGOMAN to DJ: At last! DJ answers that which was asked of him many posts ago. Finally! We get a response to my point about Malzburg's support of Glenn Beck, and we get it without any dictionary diving into the meaning of "opinion" and "imply." Thanks, DJ. This is progress. I guess all it took was patience//////
DJ There I gave my opinion about Malzberg.
//////GRINGOMAN TO DJ: Yes, you did, DJ. You really did, at last. Now that didn't hurt, did it? I hope it wasn't like a toothache.///////
DJ I also forgive you for trying to set me up with a straw man argument.
//////GRINGOMAN to DJ : Okay. I guess this means I have to forgive you for introducing the fallacy of argumentum ad arsehole///////
DJ Now I have to get ready for a week of golf, the beach, and beer drinking in sunny Florida.
G'day mate.
Chip chip cheerio and all the rot.
See ya later....
Posted by: DJ | April 10, 2011 at 03:50 PM
We trust, DJ, that you have no melanoma concerns, with all this sunbathing on your schedule. My medicos have advised me to stay out of it. Imagine! They try to tell that to someone who has been partial to the sun god all his life! (During recent and very extensive exposure to the sun of the East, I disobeyed them in ways we need not get too graphic about. Let's just say it was very satisfactory.. In conclusion, DJ, you probably have no cause for worry, but even in the remote chance that you do, it sounds like there will be enough brewed suds to wash away all care . So go for it.
Posted by: gringoman | April 12, 2011 at 04:39 PM
"Here's hoping for a speedy miscarriage, and I don't care who is offended. The evil spawn of the Satan OBL borne by a Western Woman is too sick for contemplation." - UG
Babykiller. I'm telling the Army of God where you live.
Posted by: xbjllb | April 12, 2011 at 04:42 PM
"when we are down to fighting with women and fags..." - Chief Joe
There goes the neighborhood.
Posted by: xbjllb | April 12, 2011 at 04:43 PM
Why the Leftellas and Scumellas lay down in the Jihad Harem.....
(from Daniel Hannan blog)
Islam is the perfect tool for the lefty elites. All these sociopaths care about is their power and it has never been about their many "victim" constituencies. The fact that Islam is so powerfully collectivist trumps all their other concerns especially when it is so effective as a club against the individual centered Christianity that is their mortal enemy. Islam is so convertible to Marxism that even the atheist lefty elites will happily find Allah.
Posted by: gringoman | April 12, 2011 at 04:46 PM
"I disobeyed them in ways we need not get too graphic about. Let's just say it was very satisfactory" - Gringoman
Oh wow, more Gringoman "me love you long time GI" stories.
Gather round kids.
Posted by: xbjllb | April 12, 2011 at 04:48 PM
"Islam is so convertible to Marxism that even the atheist lefty elites will happily find Allah." - Gringoman
Ben Franklin once said "We shall hang together, or most assuredly we will hang separately."
This is a small planet. No one is going to win unless everyone does.
You are either on the side of everyone winning, or everyone losing.
Posted by: xbjllb | April 12, 2011 at 04:50 PM
pt regarding military, imo same could be thought of Congress....two come to mind, Pelosey & Frank....
I'm in favor of bringing back the draft, just so the youth could get a dose of reality. self entitled, gots to have it NOW, & who thought voting for the "historic first" was cool & good for the Nation, not to mention the world. ah well, the folly of the feckless youth....
whatever happened to the one's mandatory service to country program?
TRUMP 2012
Posted by: thebuckstopshere | April 12, 2011 at 04:53 PM
FrauX-lax imaginary pas-de-deux.. now isn't THAT special?
Posted by: Ummahgummah | April 12, 2011 at 03:22 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...Pass the Lithium.
I said it before: Trump/Bachmann and I'm sticking to it.
Posted by: LongRifle | April 12, 2011 at 04:59 PM
I actually like Trump too. Obama? One day out of two hundred, I like him.
Posted by: xbjllb | April 12, 2011 at 02:36 PM
...Depending on who you are at the moment...
Posted by: LongRifle | April 12, 2011 at 05:02 PM
it's going to take time to get the debt under control Just as it's taken time since Reagan started the debt to the moon process. Saw a comment on a news article where a tea partier listed the taxes our founding fathers didn't have. 1 was the gasoline tax. some others were similar.
Posted by: jay | April 12, 2011 at 06:20 PM
women in the military? The best Russian sniper in world war 2 was female.
Posted by: jay | April 12, 2011 at 06:23 PM
I suppose it is like henpecking...
Posted by: Chief Joe | April 12, 2011 at 06:43 PM
I said it before: Trump/Bachmann and I'm sticking to it.
I'm with you on that.
Posted by: Ummahgummah | April 12, 2011 at 06:49 PM
since i stated before that our abandoned oil wells could hold enough oil to supply our needs for 50 years.
Posted by: jay | April 12, 2011 at 07:09 PM
"when we are down to fighting with women and fags..." - Chief Joe
There goes the neighborhood.
POSTED BY: XBJLLB | APRIL 12, 2011 AT 04:43 PM
The neighborhood went long ago when the X-lax first appeared on the Memo. Hardly Chief Joe's fault.
Besides, I agree with his statement above.
Posted by: Ummahgummah | April 12, 2011 at 07:36 PM
UG would also agree that foreign contributions to US academic programs is a problem. Here are described programs and faculty influenced by money from the Middle East :
My understanding is that the acceptance of money from foreign sources is up to the deans. For several years now, the Chinese and Russians have been making sizable contributions directly to universities, and in return they have been able to establish their own faculty and programs at these facilities. This had been outlawed previously.
This sort of thing also diffuses the resolve of our troops. Who and what are they fighting for?
Posted by: Chief Joe | April 12, 2011 at 08:53 PM
Warning Special Alert !!!
The Obamanation Bypasses Congress and Does a Major Deal With Calderon for the USA Invasion of Mexican Trucks
Obamas Treason !!!
Barack Obama's deal with the president of Mexico to allow Mexican trucks to carry their loads onto U.S. highways and roads is new evidence of his high-handed solo behavior that has become Standard Operating Procedure in the administration.
Here are 10 reasons why Obama's plan is dangerous and must be stopped by Congress and public protest.
1. Obama's deal with President Felipe Calderon, announced on March 3, bypasses Congress, defies the wishes of the American people, and looks like the action of a Third World dictator who thinks representative government is a nuisance and can be ignored.
Congress made its wishes emphatically clear in 2007 when it voted to continue our ban on Mexican trucks. The House roll-call vote was 411 to 3, and the Senate's was 75 to 23.
2. Obama's deal is a direct attack on the jobs available to U.S. truck drivers because it helps big-business interests cut their costs by hiring cheaper Mexican drivers. Obama's deal is also an attack on small business (i.e., the owner-operated and independent truck drivers) who constitute the big majority of U.S. trucks.
3. The claim that Obama's deal is reciprocal (i.e., U.S. trucks will be allowed to drive into Mexico) is so cynical that we can hardly believe anyone says it with a straight face.
"South of the border down Mexico way" (in the words of the old popular song) is the most dangerous war zone in the world (more dangerous than Afghanistan or Libya), where U.S. truck drivers would become the targets of hijackings, theft, murder, kidnappings and even beheadings committed by the drug cartels.
4. Built into the Obama deal is the sneaky imposition of costs on both U.S. truck drivers and U.S. taxpayers. Each truck will be required to install an EOBR (electronic on-board recorder) costing S-3,000 plus maintenance fees:
U.S. drivers at their own expense and Mexican trucks as a gift from U.S. taxpayers paid out of the Highway Trust Fund. U.S. taxpayers are already paying S-1,600 each for many Mexican trucks to replace their old mufflers with catalytic converters.
5. Obama's deal will make it easy for Mexican trucks to bring in loads of illegal aliens and illegal drugs. Border inspection will be a farce, maybe only one in 10 trucks inspected, perhaps merely one in 20.
6. Opening our southern border to Mexican trucks will be a giant step toward the goal of creating a North American Union with open borders between Mexico, the U.S. and Canada -- a proposal launched by President George W. Bush using a website called Security and Prosperity Partnership (since deactivated).
Obama is advancing the plan under less threatening names -- the March 23, 2010, State Department fact sheet titled "United States-Mexico Partnership: A New Border Vision," a Nov. 30, 2010,
"Trusted Traveler" agreement with Mexico signed by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, and a Feb. 4, 2011, declaration signed by Obama with Canada called "Beyond the Border: A Shared Vision for Perimeter Security."
7. When Mexican truck drivers have their layovers and turn-arounds in the U.S., what's to prevent them from enjoying a frolic and diversion?
They could use that time to father a baby who would then be proclaimed a U.S. citizen and get generous financial benefits and handouts provided by U.S. taxpayers.
8. We can assume that Mexican truck drivers will not be required to speak and read English, as U.S. law requires.
The previous secretary of transportation, Mary Peters, stated at a Senate hearing that if drivers respond to test questions in Spanish, the test-taker nevertheless checks the box that they are "English proficient."
9. While U.S. truck drivers are strictly limited to the number of hours per day they can be on the road, there is no way to figure out how many hours a Mexican truck driver has been on the road when he clocks in at the border. Has he been driving the typical Mexican 20-hour day?
10. Mexican trucks will make highway safety for Americans a major problem. We have no way to know a Mexican driver's record of accidents, alcohol or drugs, or a Mexican truck's record of brakes or emissions.
Mexico doesn't bother with records or regulations.
Don't let anybody get by with saying that NAFTA requires us to admit Mexican trucks because it's a treaty.
It isn't -- NAFTA never complied with the treaty provision in the U.S. Constitution and is merely a law passed by Congress that can be changed or overturned.
Tell your member of Congress to take action to cancel Obama's truck deal with the Mexican president. Solo deals like this one cannot be tolerated under constitutional government.
Posted by: USC | April 12, 2011 at 09:37 PM
Trump would be way better than any of these Supreme RINO's:
GB-2, McCain, Huckabee, Romney, Pawlenty, Daniels, Christie, Barbour, Gingrich, etc.
Because he would not want to ruin his name, record, or reputation for the sake of a fortune paid to him after he leaves office or for liberal-moderate-RINO reach across the ailse type principals.
He doesn't need to do what the NWO-EU-UN types want him to do, he has and or will find his own pro-American power groups to be allied with.
If Obama is proven by Trump to have a valid US BC, so lets give Trump the credit for being the only one willing to take the trouble of finally getting to the bottom of it once and for all.
At the same time surely something will be revealed that Obama is trying to hide, that's a given. And then lets move on from there.
If we frame it that way Trump wins either way on the BC issue, and then he can move on to his next Conservative political platform issue to defeat the liberal Obamanation version on that issue !!!
Trump will not hurt this country the way that; Clinton, GB-2, and Obama have, because he doesn't want to go from being an admired man of high-profile business and media-public-friend, to the way that we all talk about, Clinton, GB-2, and Obamanation.
Ask yourself would Truump take on uch an important and high profile job such as POTUS and want-take any chances that the people wouldn't be very thankful to have chosen him, that's the style and legacy that he has evolved into.
And there's no reason to believe that he's about to change that kind of popular style and legacy.
Clinton, GB-2, and Obama all had-have very covered up secret hidden agendas. We've all heard about there ties to NWO, Bilderberg, EU, UN, etc.
Hopefully Trump does not or if no President can avoid having dealings with those anti-American groups that at least he can't be controlled by them the way that the above 3 anti-American Presidents obviously were-are.
He does have his own circle of friends and alliances and he'll be alligning himself more and more with the pro-American groups and leaders amongst them.
He also has a much larger circle of diplomacy amongst people from all kinds of; business, financial, economic, political, government, and national backgrounds.
He has made it his trademark to succeed. In his earlier business dealings he had difficulties like everyone else usually does and he has recovered from all of that and is now a very productive and successful businessman because of having gone through all of those earlier business challenge.
Another good thing about Trump is that he's very much against illegal immigration and illegal-aliens getting Social Services payments !!!
Donald Trump on Immigration
Control the borders; even legal immigration should be difficult.
America is experiencing serious social and economic difficulty with illegal immigrants who are flooding across our borders. We simply can’t absorb them.
It is a scandal when America cannot control its own borders. A liberal policy of immigration may seem to reflect confidence and generosity. But our current laxness toward illegal immigration shows a recklessness and disregard for those who live here legally.
The majority of legal immigrants can often make significant contributions to our society because they have special skills and because they add to our nation’s cultural diversity. They come with the best of intentions.
But legal immigrants do not and should not enter easily. It’s a long, costly, draining, and often frustrating experience-by design. I say to legal immigrants: Welcome and good luck.
It comes down to this: we must take care of our own people first. Our policy to people born elsewhere should be clear: Enter by the law, or leave.
Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.143-45 Jul 2, 2000
Limit new immigration; focus on people already here. Trump was firm concerning restrictions in immigration. “I’m opposed to new people coming in,” he said. “We have to take care of the people who are here.”
Source: Dec 10, 1999
It's also about time to lower the yearly legal quota down from 1,000,000 3rd worlders being given US Citizenship per year to about 10,000 per year,
to make up for the approximately 15,000,000 or more illegal-aliens including their relatives that they were able to sponsor, who have been given amnesty-US-Citizenship from 1986-2011
Along with the 20,000,000 or more who were also given US Citizenship by the legal quota system from 1986-2011 !!!
What are we stupid or something ???
Trump says that he'll balance the US-China trade deficit.
In 1985 the US-China trade deficit was only 600 million dollars !!!
2011 US-China trade deficit is projected to be 300 billion SSS
2010 US-China trade deficit: 273-billion-65-million
2009 US-China trade deficit: 226-billion-877-million
2008 US-China trade deficit: 268-billion-39-million
2007 US-China trade deficit: 258-billion-506-million
Trump says that he'll balance the US-China trade deficit in a short amount of time.
And he'll stop the imbalanced trade deals as is needed with other big free traders and especially OPEC, which he says will have to start paying THE usa back, for all of our war efforts to protect them in the middle east going back to 1991 !!!
It doesn't have to be Trump, but they've got to be doing those same things that he says that he'll do, or they'll end up being just as bad as Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, RINO-Neocon 10 years in Afghanistan, 8 years in Iraq GB-2, McCain, Obama, or Hillary Clinton,
Because our economy and whole countries overall situation-status is 1000's of times worse than it was in 1990-2001-2008, and going; down, down, down, even further, etc.
So we can't survive anymore liberals, RINO's, or half measures from so-called fiscal Conservatives who won't shut the annual 300 billion SSS illegal-alien scheme-scam-con-job down !!!
Posted by: USC | April 12, 2011 at 09:42 PM
To all Trump supporters,
O'reilly asked the guests on his show tonite;
If Obama does end up having a Hawaii BC will Trump look bad ?
The correct answer is:
NO !!!
Trump should-will be getting credit either way !!!
Because he was-is the only one who was willing to step into the politically risky controversey and go about doing what was needed to finally getting it solved once and for all !!!
Also even if the Obamanation was from Hawaii Trump will most probably be uncovering alot of what the Obamanation was actually trying to hide all along.
There's got to be some or alot of things that the Obamanation is trying to hide and-or cover up !!!
How about that angle ???
Clov Wrote:
"Obama's worst nighmare."
"Trump harping on the birth certificate is a strategy straight out of Mans Country bath house member manly ballerina Rahm's wish list."
Trump is going to reveal that:
Obama clearly listed himself as Indonesian on his college applications, to avoid Selective Service Registration.
And used someone else's SS# for reasons that might also be revealed.
Are you so sure that Mans Country bath house members Obamanation and the manly ballerina Rahm would have that too on their wish list
Posted by: TFP | April 12, 2011 at 09:53 PM
"Obama clearly listed himself as Indonesian on his college applications, to avoid Selective Service Registration.
And used someone else's SS# for reasons that might also be revealed."
Posted by TFP
I think you're on to something. I guess if Trump uncovers something like that, he will leap way ahead of the usual Gop suspects up for auction.
Obama is stacking the deck with illegals, dead people, Black Piss-anthers, and other scum to assure himself victory. It is going to take something big to wake the sheeple up. Something criminal and impeachable would be soooo nice...
Posted by: LongRifle | April 12, 2011 at 10:35 PM
6. Opening our southern border to Mexican trucks will be a giant step toward the goal of creating a North American Union with open borders between Mexico, the U.S. and Canada -- a proposal launched by President George W. Bush using a website called Security and Prosperity Partnership (since deactivated)
Here's what a little Googling revealed:
I was actually looking for a cached site, but this is informative too. Maybe I'll see what historic website listings may reveal.
Posted by: Ummahgummah | April 12, 2011 at 11:00 PM
"Obama clearly listed himself as Indonesian on his college applications, to avoid Selective Service Registration.
And used someone else's SS# for reasons that might also be revealed."
Posted by TFP
I think you're on to something. I guess if Trump uncovers something like that, he will leap way ahead of the usual Gop suspects up for auction.
Obama is stacking the deck with illegals, dead people, Black Piss-anthers, and other scum to assure himself victory. It is going to take something big to wake the sheeple up. Something criminal and impeachable would be soooo nice...
Posted by: LongRifle | April 12, 2011 at 10:35 PM
Re Trump and "Birtherism". Trump is smart enough to see that the so-called "birth certificate" issue is about more than a birth certificate. It is also about more than whether Obama was born in Hawaii.
The Dems and Goopers want it dumbed down to that. Their media hacks have succeeded, to a degree, in keeping it dumbed down to that. Trump is upsetting them because he's smart enough to see through the ruse and bold enough to act on what he's smart enough to see.
Obama is obviously desperate to hide certain facts about himself. The Orwellian media hacks have to pretend that his legal team has spent 2 million dollars to keep his birth certificate hidden so as to "sucker" the Goopers into making a "silly" issue about it. The G.O.P. plays right into this by saying "let's not get trapped in this nonsense about Obama's birth certificate." The Goopers, as usual, are reliable dummies, or good at playing dumb. This twisted logic crumbles as soon as you ask: Then why are the Obots also desperately hiding his other records, such as medical and his records from three different schools?
Trump can see this. Anyone with an entry level brain can see it. So it's not just about the BC. Can Trump's peop[e ferret out what Obama's legal team has managed to keep hidden on his school records, for example, such as evidence of listing himself as a muslim, or even more damaging, evidence of dual nationality (which would make Obama automatically ineligible for POTUS)?
This is why I'll be watching to see what his investigators bring back from Hawaii. His detractors and the Obots and Rinosaurs will be watching too. One of their major Talking Points will be to dismiss Trump as a glorified carnival barker, a PR stunt man.
But they can also dredge "dirt" of more substance and import to conservatives. Eg. Trump donated $50, 000 to Deadfish Emmanuel for his Chicago mayoral bid. Why? What was that about? How can Trump attack Obama and then fund a trusted Obama lieutenant? Curious?
Trump is also known to be on very good terms with figures considered quite loathsome by conservatives, like Senator Chucky Schmucky Schumer of NY. Conservatives will want to know: what is that all about? Is Trump just an opportunist who has mastered the publicity game?
I'm not saying he is. But the Demopublican establishment and its media hacks will say he is, and they at least have some grounds for raising the point, as they prepare to watch his comet fall and leave them to their anointed ones.
Posted by: gringoman | April 12, 2011 at 11:19 PM
"If Obama is proven by Trump to have a valid US BC, so lets give Trump the credit for being the only one willing to take the trouble of finally getting to the bottom of it once and for all"
This birther movement should have been stopped long ago. Some people just can't give up. Reminds me of the hanging chads.
Posted by: jay | April 12, 2011 at 11:39 PM