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June 04, 2010



Where'd everyone go? Hell have a rapture or something?

Ummah Gummah - islam is the religion of satan


Where has everyone gone? I'm here wearing a biohazard suit because of the penetrating stench of sulfur.

The rest are staying far away. Can't say I blame them.



M/M, I am beginning to wonder if that Xkrement we have infesting this blog isn't really Helen Thomas in net drag.

What a purely evil creature.

Satan does exist. In so many forms, starting with moHAMed.

This Xkrement is foaming at the mouth like the pagan moon G-d named Ba'allah.


Posted by: Ummah Gummah - islam is the religion of satan | June 04, 2010 at 10:06 PM

This creature reminds us of the Kafka character who becomes a giant cockroach. The main difference is the self-awareness.The parasite who stalks Monicamemo while hijacking Jesus Christ can't see what Kafka's roach sees: how loathsome he is. He lacks the self-awareness even of an insect.

Ummah Gummah - islam is the religion of satan






Looks like X-Lax was on board the jihad boat:


I wonder if Holder is getting ready to prosecute.

//sarc off



BP has shaken the markets - because it has demonstrated a failure of the BIG global model of profitability. Yes, there is the potential for large profit, but this profit is seldom realized, and no for long, because of the scaling of risk. The result is over-investiture, and a boom bust pattern. You can see the increase in risk - from outbreaks of E Coli in meat packing, and catastrophic loss now in oil production at BP. The result is a pattern of investment pull-back.

Ummah Gummah - islam is the religion of satan


Here's X-Lax's girlfriend reporting from Jewish Heritage Celebration at the White House:


Looks like the Bama sure knows who exactly to invite! You know, to make the celebration a truly joyous one.

Word to dried-up Helen: you're one of those 72 year old virgins who will soon be slobbered over by some dead jihadist.



I hope the jihadist is happy with you and enjoys his prize.


Ummah Gummah - islam is the religion of satan


After Monica had on Andrew McCarthy who was spot-on with his detailed description of the slow jihad combining with the Left to undermine and ultimately destroy America, she AHD TO GO THERE...

..and plug Jebbie in her next segment!

BDS is not just occurring on the Left.

We do not need a creeping monarchy here!

There are plenty of great wonderful and knowledgeable candidates to choose from!


The "Bush brand" is damages goods indeed.

Just remembering "W" blathering about the "religion of peace", the stench of burning flesh still wafting in the air, is ABSOLUTELY NAUSEATING.

Besides, anyone care to investigate the inside deals Jebbie cut with real estate developers while guvnor of Florida?

I know one thing: the Everglades will be glad to see him go!

What's still left of it anyway.

Most if it's been covered with McMansions and goff courses by now.

Never mind wanting to go bass fishin'.

Gotta go north for that nowadays..



Is Helen Thomas a danger at Presidential press conferences? At her age, there is little to lose stuffing some PETN powder into her underclothes.






Yes, Jeb had an extramaritial affair at a party conference in 2008.

Ummah Gummah - islam is the religion of satan

Yes, Jeb had an extramaritial affair at a party conference in 2008.

POSTED BY: TRUTHER | JUNE 05, 2010 AT 07:32 PM


You mean he voted liberal?



BP has shaken the markets - because it has demonstrated a failure of the BIG global model of profitability. Yes, there is the potential for large profit, but this profit is seldom realized, and no for long, because of the scaling of risk. The result is over-investiture, and a boom bust pattern. You can see the increase in risk - from outbreaks of E Coli in meat packing, and catastrophic loss now in oil production at BP. The result is a pattern of investment pull-back.

Posted by: Truther | June 05, 2010 at 02:58 PM

Fine. Now what is the alternative? I mean an alternative aside from the neocom Big Government model which creates nothing except bureaucracy dependents, and self-serving spin, and lives, like any parasite, by feeding on producers and innovators?


REE, please cut Monica some slack. If Sarah Palin can endorse McCain and be absolved, then Monica should be forgiven for getting caught up in emotion directly after listening to a rousing Jeb Bush speech. I'm sure Warrior Princess will come to her senses before long.

Posted by: DJ | June 04, 2010 at 01:07 PM


You may have a point re Sarah Palin/McCain and Monica/Jebbie, but I need a little more information before accepting the analogy.

John McCain, no matter what else he's done, brought Saran Palin out of relative obscurity and launched--repeat--launched her. Maybe some 'çonservatives' still don't get it, but without McCain, there is no Sarah Palin, aside from a relatively obscure curiosity up in Alaska.

We know what McCain did for Palin. The fact is indisputable.

My question: What has Jebbie Bush done for Monica Crowley?

An answer even remotely comparable to what McCain did for Palin might lead me to cut Monica the slack you mention. As for being "caught up in emotion," that's what we expect from Obots and "Yes we can" airheads. But our highly educated Warrior Princess?


Jebby always had a problem reading. They say you could tell which piece of legislation he was reviewing by reading his lips through the governor's office window. There was a commentary about this around Washington in the past. This has always been a problem, which is why he is the last one considered. Now what kind of Republican does that? Doesn't he trust his friends?

If he wants to legitimately read legislation, he should join the Tea Party, and he can leave his window open.
What is the alternative? None. There is just the realization of the cycle, and that sooner or later these companies will crash. In some cases CEO's sell their stock before actually engaging in profit acquisition. They expect their companies to collapse like the Twin Towers.


Jebby always had a problem reading. They say you could tell which piece of legislation he was reviewing by reading his lips through the governor's office window. There was a commentary about this around Washington in the past. This has always been a problem, which is why he is the last one considered. Now what kind of Republican does that? Doesn't he trust his friends?

If he wants to legitimately read legislation, he should join the Tea Party, and he can leave his window open.
What is the alternative? None. There is just the realization of the cycle, and that sooner or later these companies will crash. In some cases CEO's sell their stock before actually engaging in profit acquisition. They expect their companies to collapse like the Twin Towers.

Posted by: Truther | June 06, 2010 at 12:17 AM

Then we're back to the Eternal Cycle, or Nietzsche's Eternal Return. Of course the Aryan Hindus got there long ago. There was Vishnu the Destroyer and Shiva the Creator, "We bring you worlds, more infinite than the stars, in the cycle of birth, death and re-birth...."

It happened well before monotheism, Marxism, village atheists, BP and the Beltway.


A prominent female friend has told me to tell the truth : Jeb is unelectable. So there it is. A Republican strategist, attempting to promote Jeb, who would be an unprecedented third family member of G-I coming on he heels of the last Bush who passed the check to the NY bankers,

could only be promoting his opposition, while bowing before the Bush court.


You may have a point re Sarah Palin/McCain and Monica/Jebbie, but I need a little more information before accepting the analogy.
John McCain, no matter what else he's done, brought Sarah Palin out of relative obscurity and launched--repeat--launched her. Maybe some 'çonservatives' still don't get it, but without McCain, there is no Sarah Palin, aside from a relatively obscure curiosity up in Alaska.
We know what McCain did for Palin. The fact is indisputable.

Posted by: gringoman | June 06, 2010 at 12:10 AM



I’m not so sure McCain did Sarah Palin a big favor. Had he NOT chose her is his running mate she’d still be the respected and beloved Governor of Alaska. Sarah and her family would be doing just fine. In fact they’d be spared of all the nasty dirty smears they constantly have to endure ever since the day McCain introduced her as his VP pick. Sure she has been launched into national prominence; that’s been great for people like us. But her new found fame comes at what cost to her and her family? Now the Palin family has the ‘pleasure’ of having to endure a media stalker who moved in right next door to them.

That said, wouldn’t have been much better if someone such as Fred Thompson won the primary and introduced Sarah Palin onto the national scene?

Ummah Gummah - islam is the religion of satan


I don't know if I subscribe to the idea that Monica suddenly swooned at hearing a "rousing speech" by Jebbie.

My more cynically-inclined self suspects that the speech a. wasn't likely as "rousing" as it was described and b. Monica didn't suddenly swoon for Jebbie.

I think this is an insider strategy to float this turd and test the reaction. Monica has lots of inside connections from what we know and she got suckered in.

There is a huge discrepancy between what I have heard Monica say on air and everything that Jebbie represents.

I need to hear some kind of an explanation on that.

Is it that Monica suddenly got corrupted or is she secretly summing inside the Kuntry Klub?

Mint Juleps are very nice on a hot June Sunday..



"I need to hear some kind of an explanation on that."


Maybe Monica's been spending too much time listening to Alan Colmes? After being mentally water-boarded by Colmes' libtardish claptrap for long enough, Jebbie, by comparison, would sound like Winston Churchill in his finest hour.

Ummah Gummah - islam is the religion of satan


LOL DJ!!! That may be indeed the case!! I heard Colmes the other day, getting all hissy-huffy for being called a self-hating jew by several of the callers.

Shows there are intelligent people out there after all and I am emphatically NOT naming Colmes as one of them.

The pro-moslem DRIVEL coming out of this deranged moonbat's mouth was simply too amazing to fathom.

If this is what Monica is frequently exposed to then she may very well think that lib-lite talk by Jebbie is the Real Conservative Deal.

On the other hand, the more lib-lite stuff I hear out of these self-serving unpatriotic RINOs the more allergic I get.

Which is why I practically heaved when Monica wrote what she wrote and then repeated it almost verbatim on the radio.

Could she be schizophrenic perhaps? She had a segment on the very same show with Andrew McCarthy, where she displayed an exacting knowledge of the jihad, and I mean the taquiyya and kitman parts of it just as much as the violent jihad.

How can someone who has such a clear knowledge of the enemy, what it is and how it operates, plug an inept KuntryKlub RINO whose own brother was completely milquetoast about islam, presumably after he got an angry phone call from the SOWdis unhappy with his call for a Crusade against terrorism back in the days just after the attack.

Milquetoast you ask?

H*ll Y*ah, compared to how I would have handled it, milquetoast is a euphemism.



Sorry Monica:


Yes, point-counterpoint is becoming a form of corruption. I cannot believe Limbo is giving 1 million to that entertainer. It seems to be a step in the wrong direction. He must have too many rupees. Why not give them to Monica? Doesn't Rush take himself seriously?

Bush ushered in the era of "unaccounted for" government. The latest is the sprawl of public/private detention centers - brand new looking prisons, housing up to 500 inmates, all Mexican with drug charges. These centers are costing taxpayers billions. The oversight of these institutions is minimal, and they employ Mexicans, Indians, etc. For sure, they re for the status quo. The Mexicans get square meals a day, medical care, etc. for 30 days.

Someone asked me "Why don't we shoot at them instead?", or just take them across the border and dump them?


In the days of old, they would chop off one finger each time someone crossed the border illegally.


I think this is great. In the long run, I think this is cheaper than buying all those bus tickets:



It is the 66th anniversary of D-Day. From Hot Air:


Yes, point-counterpoint is becoming a form of corruption. I cannot believe Limbo is giving 1 million to that entertainer. It seems to be a step in the wrong direction. He must have too many rupees. Why not give them to Monica? Doesn't Rush take himself seriously?

I think it is hysterical that Sir Elton was serenading Rush's bride the same week Sir Paul was serenading Obama's bride. The "pink hand" may NEVER get over this:


GREAT JOB "poking them in the eye" Rush!


Monica is an intelligent, accomplished gal who also functions as a Republican cheerleader. The problem is how does an advocate retain a semblance of personal and intellectul integrity. Some will say it's impossible once you identify so strongly with a Party. Monica's situation is inherently schizophrenic (as it is for any Party animal with a conscience.) Humor helps Monica retain her sanity.

We all agree that our Princess has retained her mentis compis, even after the Jebbie jubilation, no?

DJ - Thought Criminal

If the ruling political class wants Jebbie to be the Republican nominee in the 2012 presidential election ... guess what? ... Jebbie will be the nominee. Period, end of story.

Ummah Gummah - islam is the religion of satan


Obese SEIU thugs picket Red Cross blood drive:


What do these overfed porkers want, you ask? More medical benefits!

They'll need 'em they way they're sucking down the soft drinks and the donuts while reclining i their camping chairs.

Question is: do you and I really want to pay for this?


Ummah Gummah - islam is the religion of satan

I think it is hysterical that Sir Elton was serenading Rush's bride the same week Sir Paul was serenading Obama's bride. The "pink hand" may NEVER get over this:


GREAT JOB "poking them in the eye" Rush!

POSTED BY: M/M | JUNE 06, 2010 AT 10:06 PM


Given their respective political views the question is: which one of the two is the bigger whore? IMHO it's Elton since Rush is the on who paid.

PS. Why couldn't he have had Kid Rock or Ted Nugent play his wedding?

I thought Conservatives were a principled bunch. Or is Rush perhaps a Republican but not a Conservative?


Ummah Gummah - islam is the religion of satan

We all agree that our Princess has retained her mentis compis, even after the Jebbie jubilation, no?



Ditto the situation with Rush hiring Elton John to perform at his wedding.

People have to ask themselves are they Republicans first or are they Conservatives first?


Ummah Gummah - islam is the religion of satan

If the ruling political class wants Jebbie to be the Republican nominee in the 2012 presidential election ... guess what? ... Jebbie will be the nominee. Period, end of story.



Be that as it may, I for one am not willing to accept the candidate getting imposed from above.

And I will vote for Obama if it's Hucky or Jebbie. Or a sensible Third Party candidate. Ralph Nader is a leftist, but at least he has principles and he can speak off the cuff without a teleprompter.

I might just vote for him to stick it in the eye of the ASSHATS who stand in the way of REAL CHANGE!


Might as well make the endless downfall faster and more painful for everybody.

NO JEB BUSH!!!!!!!!!!



DJ - Thought Criminal

I might just vote for him to stick it in the eye of the ASSHATS who stand in the way of REAL CHANGE!


Might as well make the endless downfall faster and more painful for everybody.

NO JEB BUSH!!!!!!!!!!


Hear, hear!

In the last election I voted for Chuck Baldwin. I couldn't bring myself to vote for McCain. I knew my vote was a plus in the Obama column, but I despised McCain so much I preferred the thought of a President Obama over a President McCain. IMO it is better if Obama is sticking it to us rather than have another Republican sticking it to us.

There is NO doubt in my mind if McCain was elected, amnesty would be a reality. That in and of itself would ensure a conservative could never become elected again. The demographical change would forever weigh in favor of the left. Unfortunately the Republican Party seems to believe that in order to regain power, they have to move left. If they are right about that, then the country is already ef’ed up beyond words or hope

Ummah Gummah sez: islam = fascism


DJ the real point is what good would it be for the GOP to gain power if they stop being Conservative?

Just look at europe where the increasing move to the left by each and every political party in each and every Western European country has led to a flood of gimmemeegrants being competed for by these very parties while nothing really viable is forming on the right beyond Geert Wilders and his party.

What is it with these parties that all that is important to them is to "gain power" rather than to represent the will of the electorate?

It will take at least another ten years before the peoples of other countries overcome their media-induced stupor and start to think - and VOTE - for themselves.

Given the ethnic fracturing in the United States it is best to avoid such a situation altogether.

Instead of going for creeping liEberalism where a pliant GOP with no real philosophical grounding in ethics slowly gives away the store on all fronts, like W did in the eight years he was president, we'd actually be better off with Obama fomenting hatred division and chaos, which might serve to galvanize the rest of us for real political change back to a patriotic America.

It's how I see it. I think you see it the same way. Because I agree that if McLAME had won we'd have Shamnesty already!




Given their respective political views the question is: which one of the two is the bigger whore? IMHO it's Elton since Rush is the on who paid.

PS. Why couldn't he have had Kid Rock or Ted Nugent play his wedding?

I thought Conservatives were a principled bunch. Or is Rush perhaps a Republican but not a Conservative?



Rush may be Conservative politically, but he doesn't seem conservative personally. Maybe, his wife is a big Elton John fan. Princess Di liked him. Some of the musicians I like are big Libs and I'd hire them in a minute to play at my wedding if I could afford it and if I was getting married.

Don't see why this is a big deal.

Yup, Kid Rock is real conservative:


Rush needs to retire before he completely discredits himself.

Ummah Gummah sez: islam = fascism


well, even if Elton John were a Conservative, i don't really like his music anyway.. I have no clue how he got so popular.. but then so did Madonna.. go figure..



I don't really like Elton John either.


Dedicated to Rush.


How about Bruce?

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