Our outrage exploded. We became a nation of Howard Beales: we're mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore. The Tea Party was born.
One year later, the movement has grown exponentially and has experienced some attendant growing pains. But the message to government stays the same: STOP SPENDING.
In fact, the Tea Party movement is no longer simply a movement. A majority of the American people agree with what the Tea Party stands for. We can now call it "a majority of concerned Americans" or, dare I say, "mainstream."
The Tea Party was never "fringe" or "minor." And its significance and power has only grown, which has forced the Left-wing media to reluctantly cover it (albeit unfairly and despicably much of the time.)
And the reason for its tremendous influence? Because its power rests with the people. Just as the Founders intended.
To locate a Tea Party near you tomorrow (April 15th, Tax Day), please visit www.TeaPartyPatriots.org . Your presence matters. Show Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid who's boss NOW.
I love it when you point out absurdity by a liberal on this blog and the best response is an example of absurdity by a conservative. It's akin to your teenager saying that everybody is doing it. Wake up stupid, if you are bowing to a SOWdi prince or sucking up to a terrorist, it does not matter who you are, it is absurd. Defense of bam bam doing it by pointing at Bush is just as absurd.
Absurd as it is irrelevant. Bush is no longer in office. I forgot.. LIEberals love open borders so they are suing something that Bush did which they actually LOVE and try to sell it to US as something good "because Bush did it too".
Laughable train of thought, but then these are libs!
Posted by: Ummah Gummah the lib destroyah! | April 14, 2010 at 12:47 PM
This Bush did it to, is just to point out that if the person is going to attack one side. Then, attack the other side as well. Don't be a hypocrite and only point out the faults of the other side. While ignoring your own faults. That's typical Republican behaviour. About the Tea Party movement. Saw several shows on PBS where they mentioned that third parties do not last for a long period of time. And, that they are eventually absorbed by the other two parties. That reminded me of the old Star Trek show. Where these Archons told Capatian Kirk,"You will be absorbed!"
Posted by: jay | April 14, 2010 at 01:01 PM
Cons are a minority in this country and will remain a minority for the foreseeable future.
Obama's fan club minions will be out come November by the millions; I've faced down these folks eye to eye, first hand.
They will be there, and they will wipe you off the map.
But by all means, keep up the overconfidence.
Now the latest laughable news? Mitchy-poo and Tan Boy getting caught in 180 degree lies about what's in the new finance reform bill. All over the news.
As if they could recreate reality in their own image by merely lying about it, and the 25% of America that swallows Fox "News" whole would take THEIR word for it.
Not anymore. What colossal losing lying jerks.
Posted by: xbjllb | April 14, 2010 at 02:32 PM
This Bush did it to, is just to point out that if the person is going to attack one side. Then, attack the other side as well. Don't be a hypocrite and only point out the faults of the other side. While ignoring your own faults. That's typical Republican behaviour. About the Tea Party movement. Saw several shows on PBS where they mentioned that third parties do not last for a long period of time. And, that they are eventually absorbed by the other two parties. That reminded me of the old Star Trek show. Where these Archons told Capatian Kirk,"You will be absorbed!"
POSTED BY: JAY | APRIL 14, 2010 AT 01:01 PM
No, you jayhad-lib, WRONG!!!! Noone here is hypocritical!! Bush did these lib things AGAINST THE WISHES of Conservatives!!!!
He was pandering to SOWdis, La Raza, the ACLU and the SLPC and God knows what others!!
There would be no Tea Party if Bush were a TRUE CONSERVATIVE, you freaking LIEbs!!!!!
Put THAT in yer pipe and SMOKE it, boy!
Posted by: Ummah Gummah the lib destroyah! | April 14, 2010 at 03:04 PM
And by the way P.ublic B.ull S.ystem is an organ of the International Left and HAS ZER-Oh CREDIBILITY!!!
Don't quote them on this blog as if what they say were facts!!!
Posted by: Ummah Gummah the lib destroyah! | April 14, 2010 at 03:05 PM
Remember that victory dance we had here after healthcare passed?
Just WAIT until November....
Posted by: xbjllb | April 14, 2010 at 03:52 PM
UGH! Know you meant to spell "None".
"There would be no Tea Party if Bush were a TRUE CONSERVATIVE, you freaking LIEbs!!!!!"
The point about the Tea Party. Is, that, they will eventually be absorbed by the other 2 parties. That happened to the party that opposed Teddy Roosevelt. Ross Perot, Ralph Nader, and all the others.
Saw a video where someone asked a Tea Party person if they knew what was in the Healthcare bill. The person says, "No I don't. But I don't like what's in it."
Saw on PBS where they mentioned that for the insurance companies to go along with the bill. That, there must be a stipulation, where EVERYONE must buy insurance. For any bill to get passed. Congress on both sides must make deals with the lobbyists. If, you people are so upset. Then, why don't you get upset with the fact that special interests groups have bought Congress? Mark Twain made the statement about the same thing.
Why do republicans only care about winning elections? This wait until November? Why not start on fixing things now? At, least the Dems have the guts to try to solve a problem, now.
Posted by: jay | April 14, 2010 at 05:24 PM
This Bush did it to, is just to point out that if the person is going to attack one side. Then, attack the other side as well. Don't be a hypocrite and only point out the faults of the other side. While ignoring your own faults. That's typical Republican behaviour. About the Tea Party movement. Saw several shows on PBS where they mentioned that third parties do not last for a long period of time. And, that they are eventually absorbed by the other two parties. That reminded me of the old Star Trek show. Where these Archons told Capatian Kirk,"You will be absorbed!"
Posted by: jay | April 14, 2010 at 01:01 PM
Typical of human behavior, generally speaking. What is so hypocritical about liebrals in the public forum is that Bill Clinton gets gratification under the desk in the oval office and it's somehow funny. George Bush mispronounces a word and somehow he is a total moron. Al Gore, Joe Biden, and Bill Clinton are all well documented liars, sorry, embellishers of the truth, yet Bush is called a liar for following up on CIA info in Iraq while dimocrats at the time agreed with him. Typical dimocrats.
Posted by: soggy | April 14, 2010 at 05:30 PM
Posted by: WowZER | April 14, 2010 at 05:37 PM
"Bill Clinton gets gratification under the desk in the oval office and it's somehow funny. George Bush mispronounces a word and somehow he is a total moron." - soggy
Whoh there just a minute, Soggy. Comparing apples with oranges.
How about comparing Bill Clinton's apples with Bush's apples?
As we can plainly see here:
Bush got as many laughs for his frolics with a gay prostitute as Clinton did for Lewinsky. In fact, a great deal MORE.
Only he didn't get impeached.
Posted by: xbjllb | April 14, 2010 at 06:13 PM
Of course, there were legal arguments that Bush COULDN'T be impeached, as he was never legally elected in the first place, but installed by the Suckeme Court of Scalia.
Posted by: xbjllb | April 14, 2010 at 06:15 PM
The greatest dangers the Tea Party movement has always had to face is co-optation, whether by the GOP establishment or by Conservative INC. This article posted on Politico showed how a GOP political consulting firm out of California, under the head renowned operative Sal Russo, created the Tea Party Express as a way to “give a boost to our PAC and position us as a growing force/leading force as the 2010 elections come into focus.” Indeed. They’ve used the Tea Party moniker and their bus tour to collect over $2.7 million in donations.
Needless to say other Tea Party group aren’t too happy when they’re struggling to raise funds while GOP hucksters suck up the cash by slapping a Tea Party label on a bus and having Sarah Palin speak at rallies, like the one in Boston today.
“We’ve worked hard to distance ourselves from the Tea Party Express because of their close affiliation with the Republican Party, the Republican establishment and their PAC,” said Debbie Dooley, a national coordinator for the Tea Party Patriots, a national umbrella group of local activists. The Patriots have supported a strict nonpartisan posture but also have struggled to raise money, and Dooley contends that’s partly because of Tea Party Express.
“When people donate to Tea Party Express, they think that they are donating to a tea party, because they don’t read the fine print at the bottom of their e-mails that says it is a PAC,” she said. “And that hurts the local grass-roots tea party organizers, since a lot of that is actually taking some money away from them.”
The Tea Party needs a central organization, with an agreed upon platform. When contributions are given, one has no idea where it is going and for what.
PLEASE Tea Party - get organized, and get some people running for office.
Posted by: Dgscol | April 14, 2010 at 06:18 PM
Truther, that's the BEST thing I've heard from you EVER! SPOT-ON!! We will not be instrumentalized to do the heavy lifting for the CINOs.
If need be we have to start our own political party no matter the immediate cost. Since the Kuntryklublikanz are basically a bunch of lib-lites it doesn't really matter anyhow.
Of course we have the Hannity cases trying their desperate best to prevent a Third Party forming!
THIS IS **IT** for all RINOs. GET OUT OF THE WAY or become irrelevant because you WILL NOT get elected without OUR VOTES.
Posted by: Ummah Gummah the lib destroyah! | April 14, 2010 at 06:49 PM
"Of course, there were legal arguments that Bush COULDN'T be impeached, as he was never legally elected in the first place, but installed by the Suckeme Court of Scalia."
Always wondered how Bush won Florida. With the huge mixup there. It helped that his brother was Governor. And, there was a big shot political lady that oversaw the political aspects in that state. That happened to be a Bush supporter.
Soggy, in the names that you mentioned are liars. You forgot to list some of the Republicans.
Posted by: jay | April 14, 2010 at 07:11 PM
Thankfully things are becoming more polarized. Which means it's harder for politicians to weasel around and tell people that they were "just crossing the aisle" when they do something that they weren't sent to Washington for.
The aisle seems to be crossed exclusively from OUR side on over to the Left.
These people are so concerned with what the Times or WaPo write about them that they forget why they are really there!
Libs vote for anti-American things like open borders and to bring in lots of moslem "refugees" because they hate America and thus this comes natural for them.
RINOs know they're doing wrong but the nice bank account in the Caymans or on Grand Bahama goes a long way to assuage their nagging feelings of guilt.
Hey, they can always use their money to send their kids to a fancy school in Switzerland if the curriculum at American school has become too PC watered down and there isn't anything real to learn what with all the African Studies, the Asian Studies, the Women Studies, the Gender Studies and on and on and on.
Besides, those moslem "student groups" are getting a little violent on American Campuses so yes, they need money to send their kids abroad to study!
But WAIT! England used to be a good place to study.. what happened? Smae thing that is happening here, only it already happened.
OK, Switzerland then. Ooops.. lots of Greens and multikultists have turned this into a pre-islamic paradise and lots of the female students are wearing head scarves and burkas and the meal plans are exclusively "halal".
Seems like money has bought their politicians as well, when they weren't multiculti-PC-deluded!
Posted by: Ummah Gummah the lib destroyah! | April 14, 2010 at 07:18 PM
The logo for the Obama nukes summit looks like an islamic logo:
See for yourselves!
Posted by: Ummah Gummah the lib destroyah! | April 14, 2010 at 07:28 PM
THIS IS **IT** for all RINOs. GET OUT OF THE WAY or become irrelevant because you WILL NOT get elected without OUR VOTES..
Posted by: Ummah Gummah the lib destroyah! | April 14, 2010 at 06:49 PM
Posted by: M/M | April 14, 2010 at 07:55 PM
A vote against a RINO is a vote for the Democrat.
Works for me! :)
By all means, TeePee away!
Posted by: xbjllb | April 14, 2010 at 08:39 PM
M/M, it is vital that the RINOs understand that all WE have to do is WITHHOLD our vote in the general and they are TOAST in most places.
This does not, of course, mean that we would vote for a leftylib or other DemonRAT.
We either ABSTAIN if the candidate of our choice does not win their Primary. OR we vote for any Third Party candidate who is motivated by Patriotism, NO MATTER HOW LOUD the Hannitys of the world cry that we should support the RINO in question because a compromise Republican is better than a DemonRAT.
We've seen where that got us.
PS. Beware of the Scott Brown types too! We MUST find someone to run AGAINST him in the next cycle because he BETRAYED us BIGTIME!
Almost makes me wonder who has what dirt on him. That's how shocking his "new" behavior is to me.
That or a $OWdi/$oro$ Konexion. His turnabout in such a short time is positively perplexing! I mean the guy didn't even PRETEND for a day soon as he was sworn in!
Posted by: Ummah Gummah the lib destroyah! | April 14, 2010 at 08:58 PM
Al Gore, Joe Biden, and Bill Clinton are all well documented liars, sorry, embellishers of the truth, yet Bush is called a liar for following up on CIA info in Iraq while dimocrats at the time agreed with him. Typical dimocrats.
Posted by: soggybritches | April 14, 2010 at 05:30 PM
Really soggy? I seem to recall that the CIA, along with a bipartisan post 9/11 commission agreed that there never was much of a connection between Saddam and Bin Laden. Bush and Cheney's credibility was so limited that they had to con Colin Powell into going before the U.N. to make the case for invading Iraq. We invaded Iraq because the neocons convinced Bush/Cheney that it was the only way to isolate Iran and protect American interests. Instead, we created a training ground for thousands of suicide bombers where there once were none, and we replaced a secular Baathist dictatorship with a Shiite dictatorship that is more likely to ally itself with Iran; all at the cost of a trillion bucks over the last 8 years. Ideally it would be nice if we only had to pay taxes to subsidize the lies we agree with.
Posted by: thorn66 | April 14, 2010 at 10:59 PM
We either ABSTAIN if the candidate of our choice does not win their Primary. OR we vote for any Third Party candidate who is motivated by Patriotism, NO MATTER HOW LOUD the Hannitys of the world cry that we should support the RINO in question because a compromise Republican is better than a DemonRAT
Lee seems to have gone off the reservation. I admire your rhetoric in this matter (I really do) however I think that you'll be brought back into the fold come November.
The PARTY will tell you thru their overpaid blow dry media that the PRIMARY is where you get to voice your distain for the status-quo but in November it will be time to close ranks.
I am almost certain that you will fall into line... you let us know.
But even if I underestimate your independence most of the readership will not follow your lead.
Here is a website which caters to third parties of all stripes from the right to libertarian to left. Hell, even in Mexico we have three vibrant active parties:
IMHO when a citizen sees that a party is in line with their own values and aspirations that party is worthy of support.
I am proud of you Lee. I underestimated you and I sincerly hope you walk the swagger you have shown here.
If enough people walk their talk and show some grit you'll see a big change in yourself and the people around you.
Posted by: Miguel de Mexico | April 14, 2010 at 11:04 PM
Truther, that's the BEST thing I've heard from you EVER! SPOT-ON!! We will not be instrumentalized to do the heavy lifting for the CINOs.
If need be we have to start our own political party no matter the immediate cost. Since the Kuntryklublikanz are basically a bunch of lib-lites it doesn't really matter anyhow.
Of course we have the Hannity cases trying their desperate best to prevent a Third Party forming!
THIS IS **IT** for all RINOs. GET OUT OF THE WAY or become irrelevant because you WILL NOT get elected without OUR VOTES..
Posted by: Ummah Gummah the lib destroyah! | April 14, 2010 at 06:49 PM
I completley agree with Truther and Ummah.
Posted by: thorn66 | April 14, 2010 at 11:18 PM
Bush invaded Iraq because his father fought Iraq. To keep it in the family.
Posted by: jay | April 15, 2010 at 01:58 AM
M/M, it is vital that the RINOs understand that all WE have to do is WITHHOLD our vote in the general and they are TOAST in most places.
This does not, of course, mean that we would vote for a leftylib or other DemonRAT.
We either ABSTAIN if the candidate of our choice does not win their Primary. OR we vote for any Third Party candidate who is motivated by Patriotism, NO MATTER HOW LOUD the Hannitys of the world cry that we should support the RINO in question because a compromise Republican is better than a DemonRAT.
I agree.
Posted by: M/M | April 15, 2010 at 04:54 AM
M/M, it is vital that the RINOs understand that all WE have to do is WITHHOLD our vote in the general and they are TOAST in most places.
This does not, of course, mean that we would vote for a leftylib or other DemonRAT.
We either ABSTAIN if the candidate of our choice does not win their Primary. OR we vote for any Third Party candidate who is motivated by Patriotism, NO MATTER HOW LOUD the Hannitys of the world cry that we should support the RINO in question because a compromise Republican is better than a DemonRAT."
I agree too. But I'd take it a step further. The Republican Party has proven time and time again that they are just as eager to sell out the country as the Dems. How many chances are we supposed to give the Republicans? For me, 8 years of the fiscal socialist, Bush, and then Juan McAmnesty as the presidential candidate in 2008 was more than enough to convince me that it is folly to support the OBSOLETE Republican Party. They no longer work for most of the American citizens’ LONG TERM interests and are about as trustworthy as a crack addicted whore.
Posted by: DJ | April 15, 2010 at 08:42 AM
DJ, sadly I have to agree. Right now all we have are a few Tea Party candidates who are mainly running as Republicans.
THUS what we are doing is support people like JD Hayworth so we can get rid of Juan McShamnesty, for instance.
This amounts to a takeover of the GOP from within. Thus we have the KuntryKlubberz trying to instrumentalize the Tea Party for our votes and we have the Tea Party trying to retain the structures of the GOP while shoving aside the KuntryKlubberz.
The odds are of course stacked in their favor and they've even formed PACs that steal our name, such as Tea Party Express, which sucks away much-needed funds from the Real Tea Partiers who desperately need it.
Noone said this is going to be easy.
The insidious thing is that it's easy to see who the liberals are. They hate America and they are not shy about showing themselves. In fact, like rev Wright, they revel in their contempt for the Nation.
The KuntyKlubberz, Grover Norquist, James BaKKKer III and company are deeply entrenched inside the Republican Party and they are very well-paid by SOWdi islam interests.
These people care for their country about as much as Bill Ayers does, but they are very adept at disguising their abject contempt for you. These latter-day snake-oil salesmen wear their flag lapel pins and cross their hearts with practiced ease.
These are our true enemies because they are the ones who have perverted the GOP and made it into what it is today, namely a vehicle for monied internationalists and their agenda.
LIEberals have a party that does what they vote for.
WE DO NOT HAVE SUCH A PARTY at this time!!!!
All we have is a few outside candidates, some of whom are running on the Republican line!!
We've already seen betrayal at the hands of Scott Brown. But we have to keep going. I hope the reasons why he stabbed us Brutus-like will soon come to light. I am convinced that he either got paid off or that someone has dirt on him.
We need to know these things.
Posted by: Ummah Gummah the lib destroyah! | April 15, 2010 at 10:14 AM
I agree too. But I'd take it a step further. The Republican Party has proven time and time again that they are just as eager to sell out the country as the Dems. How many chances are we supposed to give the Republicans?-DJ
DJ, I'm shocked! Gringoman is gone with the wind and you and Lee find your inner selves!
There is nothing in your constiturtion which prevents multiple political parties competing in opposition or forming coalitions with others. It happens all over the world.
THE TWO PARTY STRANGLEHOLD has snookered generations of Americans into accepting what amounts to the lesser of two evils instead of persons voting FOR a candidate which closely reflects ones own values.
Supporting a third party which better reflects who you are is a better expression of democracy than settling for what Lee once described as a "place holder" when he voted for McCain.
Coming from a whole different prespective I encourage the Left to do the same thing. The people must break this two party stranglehold which has changed the politics away from the interests of ordinary people and towards special interests (including $400million/year to shills like Rush, or $50million to Demspeaker Obermann) like corporations who nplace profit above country.
If there were four or five vibrant political parties ranging from far-right to libertarian to far left suddenly ALL AMERICANS would see that their GOVERNMENT reflects THEMSELVES.
You got it DJ!!!
As Lee writes, it won't be easy to avoid the siren call of the duopoly, but it can be done. American political peristroika begins with you.
Kudos, kid.
Posted by: Miguel de Mexico | April 15, 2010 at 11:09 AM
Just saw on the internet that we are actually paying LESS taxes than before. No matter what people believe. Great news!
""The fact is in the past year we have had more tax cuts than almost anytime in our nation's history," said Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn. "It's something that people don't realize because of the false rhetoric that is spread throughout this Congress."
Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, said conservatives didn't see any need to wait before protesting.
"I thought that we were going to have to wait until the tax increases started to see popular unhappiness," Norquist said at a Capitol Hill forum Wednesday. "Last year, people started reacting, the tea parties started organizing, in reaction to spending too much. They didn't wait for the tax increases to come."
Posted by: jay | April 15, 2010 at 12:09 PM
NONETHELESS, a vote against a RINO is EFFECTIVELY a vote for the Democrat.
And gee thanks, nitwits!
Posted by: xbjllb | April 15, 2010 at 12:40 PM
I think you are wrong. The tax cuts are illusory. Feds cut. States raise. It may be in the form of sales taxes or tolls... but add it all up and it is going up.
It's a shell game.
I don't mind taxation per se. What I do mind is the right wing assult on progressive taxation. Give everybody a 10% cut sounds fair on its face but it isn't. it's regressive and hurts the working people in that they count their pennies while the rich geta gov't windfall.
BTW did you hear Morgan-Chase posted a 3.3 Billion first quarter profit after taking $25 Billion of tax payer money?
That was a bi-pirtisan bailout. Notice who on the left and who on the right did not back the bailout and you will see why at least two more political parties are necessary..
Posted by: Miguel de Mexico | April 15, 2010 at 01:05 PM
NONETHELESS, a vote against a RINO is EFFECTIVELY a vote for the Democrat.
And gee thanks, nitwits!
Posted by: xbjllb | April 15, 2010 at 12:40 PM
There are those on the left who do not think the DEMS represent their own working-class interest and will not support the DEMS.
The idea is to VOTE FOR something and not AGAINST something.
Wake up and smell the tequila.
Posted by: Miguel de Mexico | April 15, 2010 at 01:08 PM
A vote for a Republican or a Democrat is a vote for the system that keeps Democrats and Republicans in power. Therefore, the only wasted vote is a vote for a Democrat or a Republican.
Political freedom and independence begins today with freedom and independence from the dictatorship of the Democratic-Republican two-party state and duopoly system of government. Anyone who continues to support the Democratic-Republican parties and their representatives is as much a part of the problem as the Democratic and Republican parties themselves. Fortunately, the solution to this problem is quite simple: stop voting for or otherwise supporting the Democratic and Republican Parties. Support alternatives, vote third party and independent.
Posted by: d.eris | April 15, 2010 at 01:55 PM
Look, am not into higher taxes at all. But, it seems that the Republicans just want to give their rich buddies all the tax breaks. Obama just removed the ones that Bush gave to his buddies. For those who feel that all taxes all wrong and that the Dems are no good. If, you rely, at least in part or as a whole on social security. Either now or in the future. Then, thank the Democrats.The Republicans were not crazy about it.Same with Medicare. Maybe you all are rich folks that don't need any of that. The only ones I've seen who are against Social Security are the rich that don't need it. THe McCain's "distribution of wealth" Obama said he would only tax the top 5%. McCain mentioned the Distribution of Wealth. So, McCain was only for the top 5.
Posted by: jay | April 15, 2010 at 04:44 PM
"Support alternatives, vote third party and independent." - D. Eris
And as long as you do that, you are in effect throwing away your vote, and you absolutely INSURE the eternal hegemony of the two-party system.
Which is exactly the result the powers that be who start and support third-party movements want.
Bottom line: There will NEVER be enough third party support for a VIABLE alternative to the two major parties.
Those who want change (REAL change) must always choose what they believe to be the lesser of two evils.
That party (Democrats) at least have a CHANCE at stopping political lobbying and donations from corporate America.
You're never going to get that from the whores at the GOP, nor even their puppets the Tea Party, who have already proven they're only about money, and BIG money at that.
Posted by: xbjllb | April 16, 2010 at 08:25 AM