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April 26, 2010



Bush started the giving the Billions away. Hope UGGA BUNGA got the message!

Ummah Gummah the lib destroyah!


CAREFUL about Hucksterbee, whose sudden "conversion" on ILLEGALS entering this country ILLEGALLY is more than a bit suspicous.

Kind of like all the Yankees fans who come out soon as the Stanks are doing good.

Hucksterbee is not a tough law guy, and if you need proof I can post plenty of links! I have posted extensively on regarding his funding for social spending on ILLEGALS and on his curious LIEberal handing of granting MANY MANY pardons to HARDENED RAPISTS and MURDERES!

As for Imam Al-Fartson goes to Arizona, what did you expect? Media coverage reminding us of GREASY JHERI-CURL FAT AL'S VIOLENT PAST, that includes inciting to RIOT and MURDER?

He IS a racist and he is in Arizona lobbying for more democRATic voters to help further his RACIST agenda. Nothing new there, MUCH UNLIKE Hucksterbee. The FAT ONE doesn't hide anything. He gets people like Slimus to cover for him.

This whitewashing that Slimus and others provide Al-Fartson is VERY dangerous for this country.

The violence and several murders associated with the FAT Imam Al-Fartson are documented FACT. Crown Heights, Tawana Brawley most notoriously among them.

And now the FAT GREASY ONE with a trail of blood on his hands is in Arizona.

How come the LAMESTREAM has not frittered and fretted about VIOLENCE and RACISM??!!!

Nor have I heard anything from the Nasty Peloser who had a loud mouth re. the Tea Parties!

VIOLENCE COMES FROM THE LEFT!!! They picked the wrong issue to propagandize with when they started crying about the "violence" and the "racism" at the Tea Parties!

Now that FAT GREASY AL is in Arizona to join his buddies of "La Raza" the wheels have definitely come off the myth that's being propagandized about those "racist" "violent" Tea Parties.


Ummah Gummah the lib destroyah!


JayHADIST you little LIEberal ASSHAT: Just because Bush gave away Billions does NOT mean that YOUR ULTIMATE Líder can now give away FOUR TIMES MORE!!


Still got BDS I see.


Ummah Gummah the lib destroyah!


Yup, the "stimulus" was a giant payoff to demonRATisc voter blocs.

Chicago-style at its FINEST.

Paid off with OUR money.


Ummah Gummah the lib destroyah!


See dem scatter..



You're right, but your timing is off. The plunge protection team will keep pumping vast sums into the stock market to artificially prop it up until just AFTER the election.

Then you'll get your double dip, your massive crash, and the GreatEST Depression.

The party in power always benefits from the PPT.

And an after-midterm crash would give the PPT time enough to prop the market up once again for 2012.

Barring a Depression. Which has been coming for quite awhile.

The PPT, indeed Wall Street as a whole, used to favor the GOP. Until 8 years of Bush/Cheney. That changed their outlook 180 degrees. Even they realize, crooks swimming with sharks as they are, that if they are unregulated they can destroy the planet's economy for decades.


Bush started the giving the Billions away. Hope UGGA BUNGA got the message!

Posted by: jay | April 26, 2010 at 11:31 AM

Is this the best you can do? Talk about a one track mind... Because Bush did it, it's ok for bam bam to quadruple the screw-up. Good one.

Ummah Gummah the lib destroyah!


Soggybritches, what you saw there is a classic example of LIEb-logic. Just like the Bama who is worried about the "civil rights" of his future voting bloc, namely the ILLEGALS flooding into Arizona.

I think it's beyond time that the Tea Party movement consolidate and organize.

Problem is that we're more individualists than collectivists and thus we find the enemy - who is very good at organizing since they ARE collectivists - is far ahead of us in these regards.

How do we get a bunch of hard-working individualists to stand together and THROW these usurpers OUT of the White House, the Senate and the Congress and the illegals OUT of the country?!

Now they're even trying to pass Shamnesty before the November election.



It seems Obama has created quite a stir out there. He, again, for the thousandth time, informs us who he is...and who his preferred and unpreferred groups are.
Post-racial president? Right.

See here:


Ummah Gummah - hated by libs and proud of it!


DJ I can't believe OUR luck! The Bama is making OUR case for US! This is exactly who WE said he was.


This TEACHABLE MOMENT needs to be played over and over and over again in the coming election cycles, both this year and in 2012.



Ummah Gummah - hated by libs and proud of it!


Here's a high-ranking Obama official telling a joke the X-lax would enjoy:



Ummah Gummah - hated by libs and proud of it!


Isn't it amazing how much the Bama Presidency mirrors the time when Dinkins was mayor of New York?



"JayHADIST you little LIEberal ASSHAT: Just because Bush gave away Billions does NOT mean that YOUR ULTIMATE Líder can now give away FOUR TIMES MORE!!


Still got BDS I see."
"Is this the best you can do? Talk about a one track mind... Because Bush did it, it's ok for bam bam to quadruple the screw-up. Good one."
NEVER-NEVER said that it was okay for Obama to give away Billions. Just that if you're going to blame one side for doing something. Then, you must blame the other side for doing the same. My comment about even a piece of paper has 2 sides applies here, too.

Ummah Gummah - let's go mets!


Wow, Jayhadist.. THAT WAS SOOOOO DEEEEP! Yer really droppin' MAD SCIENCE up in heah.

It also seems that JayHADIST hasn't been around long enough, nor did he do diligent research before making an asinine uninformed comment, to know that plenty of US were critical of Bush's spending when LIEberals were all up in arms that he wasn't SPENDING ENOUGH!!!

Like I said.. LIEberalism is a MENTAL DISORDER!!


Ummah Gummah - let's go mets!


We all know by now that the Bama is "mobilizing his voter base", which does not include whites.

And the lamestream has no comment, of course.

Funny how they always make this big deal about the GOP not doing enough to "attract blacks and Hispanics".

Same for their comments about the Tea Parties.

It seems that if the Bama has a base he wants to appeal to he can do so but then so should others.

What's good for the goose.. and so on..


Ummah Gummah - let's go mets!


Note to libs: PLEASE do NOT tell us Bush catered to La Raza and so did McLAME, so it's OK if the Bama does it even more!

WE were AGAINST both of them catering to these evil groups who are, frankly, foreign invaders trying to get a legitimized foothold in the USA as they hold on to their original UTTERLY RACIST raison d'etre.

Yes I realize that I missed the accent circonflex.




Never mind about the trillions of dollars. I sent them to Israel so they could buy some more former Soviet Republic backpack nukes and write "Made in Iran" in Hebrew and English on them.

Ummah Gummah - let's go mets!


The Nazi X spouts more of its fascist propaganda. all of it designed to disrupt and distract from what is going on today.

Namely that the Bama doesn't think he needs white voters. He certainly doesn't incluuuuude them in his latest "rawk the vote" recording.

then there is the VIOLENCE and rock and bootle throwing by La Raza and affiliates in Arizona while the lamestream and the politicians are busy pointing their fingers at the Tea party.



Anoither Yale person murdered - sad state of affairs when influential children are not A'ed. Yale must be one of the most A-giving schools of all time.


He IS a racist and he is in Arizona lobbying for more democRATic voters to help further his RACIST agenda. Nothing new there, MUCH UNLIKE Hucksterbee. The FAT ONE doesn't hide anything. He gets people like Slimus to cover for him.

This whitewashing that Slimus and others provide Al-Fartson is VERY dangerous for this country.

Imus, uh.

Ummah Gummah - let's go mets!


Just a lil reminder:

“To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.”



Any questions?


Yale students get auto-A's except students that sleep with professors and break up poorly (Naomi Wolfe?), in which case you might geet a B.

Ummah Gummah - let's go mets!


I could SWEAR the Republicans have a democRATic MOLE in their midst:


If this is how Michael Steele feels he should be in the party that promotes his views. If this becomes GOP policy then we WILL need a Tea Party OUTSIDE and INDEPENDENT of the Republican Party.

Hannity who keeps talking about Conservative "unity" needs to explain how this is any different from what the Bama and Harry Reid have in mind!


Ummah Gummah - let's go mets!


Truther are you saying that the Bama slept with his professors?


And here I thought all he did was a few lines of blow, but hey..


Ummah Gummah - let's go mets!


Now WHAT IF these were Tea Party protesters:


How would the lamestream cover this?



That A-hole Sharkton is going to protest in AZ. I'm sick of this @*&), we need to stand by the Gov.



"Note to libs: PLEASE do NOT tell us Bush catered to La Raza and so did McLAME, so it's OK if the Bama does it even more!"
Notice to Ugga Bunga, where do I ever say it's okay if Obama does it, to?


"And here I thought all he did was a few lines of blow, but hey.." - UG(h)

That's all he COPPED to. He also smoked crack. And let more that a couple of bois smoke various body parts.


The LIEberals are going to boycott Arizona because of this new immigration law. I think we need to support the Governor.


DJ I can't believe OUR luck! The Bama is making OUR case for US! This is exactly who WE said he was.


This TEACHABLE MOMENT needs to be played over and over and over again in the coming election cycles, both this year and in 2012.

Posted by: Ummah Gummah - hated by libs and proud of it! | April 26, 2010 at 04:35 PM



I'm afraid no matter what Bam Bam says, it will not penetrate his fawning fans’ thick skulls. They read into Bam Bam what they want to see and hear. When he makes racially divisive statements, the Left interprets his words to mean compassion and inclusiveness. Moreover, the Lame Stream Media sycophants are truly something to behold. Any criticism of The Bama -- no matter how valid -- will be interpreted by them, or at least portrayed by them, as evidence of racism. The Bam Bam can do no wrong in their minds. Any of us that DO criticize him are countered by the standard response: "Your a racist; you just can't stand the thought of a black-man being president" .. or some such mindless drivel. The sad fact for conservatives is it actually works; it’s and extremely effective weapon, it invariably shuts down all legitimate debate! You need not look any further than the spineless Republicans as proof.

Ummah Gummah - destroying them one lib at a time!


M/M we do indeed need to support the governor. Maybe a tectonic shift is starting. I f the libs boycott AZ, then that means NO LIBS in AZ and thus a very attractive place to visit or even live!

Maybe Texas is next and the libs will boycott them as well :-)

Then all the illegals will go to where they are welcome! They will go where the libs are :-)

and WE will go where there are NO LIBS!




Just when you thought you'd seen it all.. here comes more wibbewal Moonbattery:


Courtesy of the democRATS. No wonder iran isn't afraid of us anymore!



Just when you thought you'd seen it all.. here comes more wibbewal Moonbattery:




"The long march through our institutions" has yielded more, much more, than the Marxists ever could have imagined.


"Note to libs: PLEASE do NOT tell us Bush catered to La Raza and so did McLAME, so it's OK if the Bama does it even more!"
Notice to Ugga Bunga, where do I ever say it's okay if Obama does it, to?

Posted by: jay | April 26, 2010 at 10:40 PM

Jay, are you saying that it is stupid what bama is doing? You have read on this site that we think Bush was wrong. Are you now willing to admit that Obama is at least twice as wrong?

Ummah Gummah - destroying them one lib at a time!


DJ, I am afraid now that the Left have marched through our institutions and managed to TRAMPLE and DESTROY everything, including manned space travel the CIA, the FBI and the military, it's only a matter of time until the moHAMedans follow them on that march and steal our country from us.


Ummah Gummah - destroying them one lib at a time!


DJ, I am in agreement most of the time, but the Republicans had at least a little spine when they stood together to oppose BamaCare.

And I think they are joined by one demonRAT in opposition to the Wall Street Bill now being proposed.

We should encourage them to stay the PATRIOT course.

You are right in saying that no matter what the Bama syas his LIEberal fan base will never realize the racism he spouts.

That's because that particular racism is internalized in lib-camp, aka the eduMACational system and even more so in the "institutions of higher learning".

When they are being taught by "professors" such as Ward Churchill, Bill Ayers and this racist Kambon freak, then what do you expect?




I meant to add that the things that the Bama says may not ever change his LIEberal fan base's minds about him but what about all those "sing voters" and independents?

People of good will who might have had enough of Bush and though they'd give the nice young black guy a chance and then that McCain is a bit shop-worn anyhow and really doesn't have that much to say.. so they voted for Obama.. after all, they thus became part of History, voting for "the first ever black President".

Such a Historic Moment and all!

Well, that moment has passed.






An account of rape by a woman who was raped by Bill Ayers. Yes that's THE Bill Ayers, close buddy of the Bama!




DJ, this one should illustrate the point about the derangement that caused people to vote for the Bama:


It's an exact illustration of the perverse dynamic hat's at work here!





Someone should make a poster out of the above cartoon and take it to the next Tea party.




It's an exact illustration of the perverse dynamic hat's at work here!



Dead on, Ummah!

Thanks for posting it.

It's very funny, but at the same time it accurately illustrates the dangerous reality of the situation.

I can't wait to spread it far and wide.


"Jay, are you saying that it is stupid what bama is doing? You have read on this site that we think Bush was wrong. Are you now willing to admit that Obama is at least twice as wrong?"
First, I don't agree with what the government is doing in everything. That applies throughout history. One of my biggest comments made here. Is that I constantly see people blameing one side only for all their problems. When, it was done by both sides.They are hippocritical in seeing the faults done by someone else. And, not their side. Everytime I mention that the Republicans did it too. I get attacked by those who defend what they did. Or, they ignore what they did, etc.All politicians only care about getting reelected. And, all bills passed have huge influence by lobbyists. I mentioned where that for the Healthcare bill to be passed. The Dems had to go along with what the insurance lobbyists wanted. In, the fact that all people had to buy insurance. Both parties are guilty of that.


What I read on here EVERYDAY, is how stupid it is for both parties' leaders to behave like liberals. You continue this notion that the conversation is one sided, I don't see it.



PERIOD. NOTHING else is going to work. NOTHING.

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