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February 04, 2010



Toyota Silver Lining.

Dear Taliban we have the repair fix for your Toyota.



RON PAUL and Drowning in Debt. He Warns of Social Unrest and Martial Law


gringoNOTE: Would US Military do anything un-Constitutional for a Debt Demon or, say, the ex-Barry Soetoro?

When SecDef Gates will not answer a direct question about radical Islam (while Obama/Holder read "holy war" criminals their Miranda rights)?

When Army Chief blatantly PC's and dodges the Major Hassan Islamic factor in the slaughter at Fort Hood?

When the Lifer Brass prepares to socially engineer the next stage of "Gay Rights" in the US Military?

When the Lifer Brass put young Army Ranger MICHAEL BEHENNA in Leavenworth for 15 years after the disputed death of a jihadi in Iraq, and the mediacks are silent (except for Michael Savage and Major Mac at www. militarycorruption.com?

You mean that US military?


Debt?....DEBT?....Debt is for the Dummies

COULTER//////For the past two decades, Democrats have specialized in insulating financial giants from the consequences of their own high-risk bets. Citigroup and Goldman Sachs alone have been rescued from their risky bets by unwitting taxpayers four times in the last 15 years.

Bankers get all the profits, glory and bonuses when their flimflam bets pay off, but the taxpayers foot the bill when Wall Street firms' bets go bad on – to name just three examples – Mexican bonds (1995), Thai, Indonesian and South Korean bonds (1997) and Russian bonds (1998).

As Peter Schweizer writes in his magnificent book "Architects of Ruin": "Wall Street is a very far cry from the arena of freewheeling capitalism most people recall from their history books." With their reverse-Midas touch, the execrable baby boom generation turned Wall Street into what Schweizer dubs "risk-free Clintonian state capitalism."




Here is more of what they are doing to the British:


English-speaking drivers who declare their ability are labeled as "racists". Our western Societies aren't merely going down without a fight. No, they are fighting against the strong within western society, like these English taxi drivers, like Oriana Fallacci and Geert Wilders..

The Left has been in the forefront of enabling pigslam but the "Conservatives" in all Western countries have been ignoring the problem at best.

Some, like W. Bush and his dad, have been in league with some of the worst, most unsavory elements, like these SOWdi swinelings.




COULTER////As Peter Schweizer writes in his magnificent book "Architects of Ruin": "Wall Street is a very far cry from the arena of freewheeling capitalism most people recall from their history books." With their reverse-Midas touch, the execrable baby boom generation turned Wall Street into what Schweizer dubs "risk-free Clintonian state capitalism."


Posted by: gringoman | February 04, 2010 at 12:13 PM

gringoVision calls it something else that the mediacks can't handle: THE CORPORATE-SOCIALIST STATE (created mostly by the Democrats, while Republicans tag along with mealy mouths, hoping not to be crushed in the stampede.)

Why should Benito Mussolini have all the fun?



Limbaugh brought up something I'd been thinking about for the last few days.. is the Toyota mess being fostered by Government Motors?

What a prefect way to put non-union car manufacturing out of business by stirring the pot with sticky brake pedals.

Used to be that Conservatives said Buy American, but nowadays it's the libs who are pushing GM while Conservatives will buy Ford which didn't take bailout money or Toyota, BMW, and so on.

The non-union workers are younger and better-skilled as well, not to mention motivation!

I don't want a car built by union thugs.




At what point do we have to all come to the realization that there is no co-existence with pigslam. Al Qaeda is now working on explosive breast implants for moslem women.

The safest way to fly is on a plane free of moslems.

Is this not logical?




Why are all our governments constantly putting my life at risk for fear off offending those who want to kill us and take over our countries?

As much as our own leftists are working on further hollowing out our defenses and weakening us, we are still way stronger than all islamic lands put together and it is time we started acting like it.




Vive la France:





Obama Makes Birther Joke At Prayer Breakfast (VIDEO)


gringoNOTE: Neat one, Barry. Good decoy. Nice to have a bunch of corporate-progressive mediacks of the Free Press who'll let you slide with that, no? Not a single one will ask why in the world are you still hiding your transcripts from Harvard, Columbia and the college in California, will they?

Accommodation like that does wonders for the old confidence. They carried you into the WH, so they're not about to haul you out of it. You would understand. They've got your back and your cool.



Ugh. Hannity just announced that he's going to have Gingich on. Gotta look for another station for today..



House agrees to $1.9 trillion more debt

This is an American problem that’s been growing for decades. If we don’t get started reversing this ship we’re going to crash on the rocks of bankruptcy.

The best way to start getting out of this mess is to stop spending.

If America was a family of ten children, how could the parents reasonably expect three to sacrifice while the other seven continued spending in an unabated fashion? Everyone must work in a cooperative effort, to share in the sacrifice. I wish I could count the stories my grandparents told me about the shared sacrifices required to make it through the Great Depression.

But reducing spending is only a portion of what’s needed. We also need to grow the economy and put people back to work. Unemployed workers don’t contribute either tax revenues or wealth production. Businesses are making more money than before because their overhead has been reduced as a result of layoffs. Those businesses won’t be chomping at the bit to rehire what they’ll now view as an unnecessary financial burden.

If existing businesses aren’t going to hire people back, America needs to create new business. I propose we immediately start producing domestic energy, roll back draconian regulations on both energy production and manufacturing, and lower labor costs, which means no card check.

Our present economic path is unsustainable. I don’t know about you, but I find no great comfort in the fact that lobbyists, revolutionairy Marxists, Goldman Sachs criminals and a community organizer are in charge.




Gringoman, here in New York Steve Malzberg is much better than Shamnity who keeps trotting out this old Newt character.

While Sean is talking to Newt - in-between Gecko commercials - Steve Malzberg is talking about the birth certificate issue and that his own son has to produce a birth certificate to sign up for Little League.



M/M, do you see the correlation between race, IQ, and the level in which a nation can advance? I’m not saying mean IQ is the only factor, I’m saying it’s a primary factor.

POSTED BY: DJ | FEBRUARY 04, 2010 AT 09:52 AM

I don't think you can say that one nations has a lower IQ than another country. I don't know what the problem is with Haiti but I think it could be corruption. Look how our government robs us and we can't stop it.

What does impress me about the Haitians is that they have a hunger for their children to be educated. From reading about the child slavery problem and the news reports about the missionaries, Haitian parents give their children to these groups because they are fooled into believing that their children will be given an education. Meanwhile, in the States, I meet people all the time who take educational opportunities for granted. They don't read at all and watch t.v all night.

This topic is relevant because foreign aid contributes to our national debt. I'm interest in learning how wisely my tax dollars are being spent.


Ugh. Hannity just announced that he's going to have Gingich on. Gotta look for another station for today..

Posted by: Ummah Gummah | February 04, 2010 at 03:01 PM

Can't say I blame you.


When JFK took office in 1961 the top marginal tax rate was 90 percent and he cut the rate to 70 percent. How in the hell could the top rate climb to 90 percent? The answer is that liberals never learn. They firmly believe the answer to economic troubles in more taxes, more regulation, and more spending. That's why the tax rates can go up and up, the more the better. The truth is that increases in taxes and spending depress the economy. Reagan cut the top rate to 28 percent, decreased government regulations, and the economy exploded upward and continued to grow except for a small recession in 1991/2 and 2000/2001. Monica, you are right, their goal is not economic expansion, their goal is spreading the wealth around and leveling the playing field. That's more important than growth and wealth creation. It's sad, but these socialist are in the process of destroying our economy.



M/M, what about "KEEP THAT NEWT AWAY FROM ME" does Shammity not understand?!

We don't need any more of these retreads messing things up.

This isn't about personal careers any longer!

We need the kind of leader who can pull that Excalibur from its stonen anvil and lead because that is what they are destined to do, for the better of the Nation.

No more of this I gotta be president as part of my self-realization therapy stuff!

Here is the story of a European leader who didn't get there because he knew how to "community organize".

he got there because he wanted his people to be free of oppression and live according to their own native laws:


The battle that saved the west: Arminius ("Hermann the Liberator") and his German warriors crushed three Roman legions in the Teutoburg Forest--and in so doing redirected the course of history.(HISTORY--PAST AND PERSPECTIVE)
The New American | September 28, 2009 | Eidsmoe, John | Copyright


This guy didn't battle the moslems. They weren't around yet to make the world unsafe with their lunacy. But once they arrived on Europe's shores capable men like Charles the Hammer Martell, Jan Sobieski and others, raised armies of men to roll back the vile aggressor.

Now they can just fly right in, throw away their passports and go to the nearest welfare office and start collecting while they devote all that free time - since they don't have to work - to the opening of yet more mosks and the spread of the filth called islam.





As CA Goes, So Goes the Empire of Debt.........?

Teachers pension fund is $43 billion short

The California State Teachers' Retirement System says that as of June 30, 2009, it could meet only an estimated 77% of its future pension obligations -- far less than the 100% recommended by actuaries



M/M, what about "KEEP THAT NEWT AWAY FROM ME" does Shammity not understand?!

Hannity knows how we feel, especially after what did during the NY 20th Congressional race. He says he sticks up for Newt because Newt was one of his first guests when Hannity started on an Atlanta radio station. Can't criticize him for not throwing one of his friends under the bus like Obama does.

Monica had Newt on the same week and proclaimed her devotion to him too, even though we spent the whole week discussing how we dislike him.


Gringoman, here in New York Steve Malzberg is much better than Shamnity who keeps trotting out this old Newt character.

While Sean is talking to Newt - in-between Gecko commercials - Steve Malzberg is talking about the birth certificate issue and that his own son has to produce a birth certificate to sign up for Little League.


Posted by: Ummah Gummah | February 04, 2010 at 04:41 PM


Maybe Malzburg really is beating Hannity in NY ratings. I don't know if I should mention that Malzburg, recently divorced, is now advertising himself as available for a date. (He says only females need apply.) I have no idea if he's M/M's type or not, but if he is, it might put her in a sticky situation. Betraying Sean Hannity?



Well, if this loyalty thing is real and there's nothing more behind it.. I just don't want to see this creep messing up the next election for us.

By the way, the newt is hardly so loyal himself. I am sure we all read about how he treated his hospitalized wife since it was posted her by one of the group.

I'm not a sexual moralizer, but a vow is a vow. The way Newt breaks his wedding vows does not make me think of him as a person of high moral character.

If moral fiber is unimportant we can just keep the President we already have.




The battle that saved the west: Arminius ("Hermann the Liberator") and his German warriors crushed three Roman legions in the Teutoburg Forest--and in so doing redirected the course of history.(HISTORY--PAST AND PERSPECTIVE)
The New American | September 28, 2009 | Eidsmoe, John | Copyright


I wonder how the Germans saved the West by defeating a few Roman legions 2000 years ago when Rome, in fact, was The West, and the many different Germanic tribes were known as the barbarians.

The American Founding Fathers studied the Roman Law and constitution, not the tribal ways of the Helvii and Ostrogoths etc. The Senate was in Rome, not in the Black Forest. There were no aqueducts and Pantheons and other astounding feats of architecture and engineering in the North. There was oral poetry up there, but no writing, no books, no residue of Greece. The tribes up there had fierce warriors and were even bigger physical specimens, yet the Romans still held them off for hundreds of years due to discipline and organization and determination. The northern tribes, constantly looking for lebensraum in the south, didn't take Rome until it had really decayed and gone utterly soft, about 400 years later. When Alaric and others entered the world-famous city, they were literally gawking in amazement. Beginning to go Christian, they even decided not to burn and loot everything in sight, even though they didn't do badly for the new masters of the once mighty but now degenerate Romans.



Case of Michael Mann :

Penn State's role is to give the appearance of an examination of the facts, and then protect the reputation of the university, and its faculty. It was never possible that they would find fault with Mann. Only the most blatant and public notorious cases would possibly rile them up - it has never happened to my knowledge. Penn State has obtained a reputation for letting its standards slide since the mid-80s. Publication counts are all that matter.

Another Penn State case : Richard Alley, Glaciologist. deliberately confused cause and effect of CO2 gas concentrations and temperature change from ice measurements. He delivered talks giving the impression CO2 raised temperature, when there was no such case. It is open and shut. Is it standard practice? Perhaps. Did he deliberately give a false impression to the public about the facts he knew? Yes.

He was also involved in modeling ice streams, claiming they flowed 700 m/annum in steady state, and it took a researcher from space, to disprove his claim, finding that the ice stream in question was in fact motionless. AND, he also claimed to have done research in Greenland, giving talks on the subject of a glacier there, as if he were there, when in fact he was reporting something others from Scotland had done and had written up in a paper that he read.

So standard practice can get quite low. It is the fault of the universities and our politicians, for letting this happen - turning the academic system into degree and job mills for their friends and family.


Its fair to single out Penn State. They have set a high standard in Evan Pugh, and these people are a mockery of this fine man.


February 4, 2010

RALPH PETERS: One Thing Obama Is Doing Right: The Drone War. “To his credit, Obama authorized a much wider employment of these weapons than did the Bush administration. Partly, this is due to improved intelligence capabilities and, in part, to improved UAS availability and technology. But, in the end, the president personally green-lighted intensified attacks.”(h/t Instapundit)

gringoNOTE: COMRADE LENIN. "One step backward, two steps forward."



Gringoman, I think the author is making the case that this battle stopped the Roman advances into Central and Northern Europe, which set up an Anglo-Saxon culture distinctly different from Roman Culture.

He didn't say that this battle saved the West, he said that it changed the history of the West.

The battles of Tours and Vienna saved the West.

Right now the battle rages word-wide but too few of US can see it.



Maybe Malzburg really is beating Hannity in NY ratings. I don't know if I should mention that Malzburg, recently divorced, is now advertising himself as available for a date. (He says only females need apply.) I have no idea if he's M/M's type or not, but if he is, it might put her in a sticky situation. Betraying Sean Hannity?

Posted by: gringoman | February 04, 2010 at 09:48 PM

It would be betraying Bernard, and Sean has LIVED through Bernard since the first hour the news broke about how those weasels over at CBS and NBC treated him. I noticed that ever since I started flirting with Bernard all the other radio show hosts are trolling for women fans: Savage fantasizes about being Clint Eastwood in "Playing Misty for Me" and Mark Simone keeps reminding us he is single.

The feminazis don't like Bernard because he is a REAL guy, but women love him. Yet, another example of how N.O.W. is out of touch with the average woman. Bernard said early that they only "corpseman he knows wears suspenders on CNN". LOL!

This is a "trickle down" effect. What they do to the guys on the radio will trickle down to real people, like my dates. The "Breck girl" is not my type.


As for Hannity, he had a great caller the other day named Priscilla who called him her "6:00 boyfriend". Hannity, to me, is my therapist. The first time I listened turned him on, he asked if the people you know call you "mean-spirited" when express your opinion. (yes, and I was debating foreing aid with them in 2001 too. Hannity diagnosed this as "liberal intolerance". You know what he means.

You guys may think he is corny, but he provides his fans with one of the few places where we can escape from them 3 hours a day. When they call him, he deals with them so we don't have to. Hannity provides us with an important service - he keeps us sane!


By the way, the newt is hardly so loyal himself. I am sure we all read about how he treated his hospitalized wife since it was posted her by one of the group.

I'm not a sexual moralizer, but a vow is a vow. The way Newt breaks his wedding vows does not make me think of him as a person of high moral character.

If moral fiber is unimportant we can just keep the President we already have.

Posted by: Ummah Gummah | February 04, 2010 at 09:49 PM

Good people get divorced all the time. If their first marriage doesn't work, sometimes the second one does, but their are degrees.

I don't know enough about Newt, but John Edwards is repulsive. We are now seeing the real two Americas that John Edwards sees.

More about this topic after Barbara Walters interview with Jenny Sanford tonight.

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