Marion Berry just announced his retirement. No, not THAT Marion Barry: not the crackhead former mayor of Washington who spoke the most infamous and hilarious political quote of all time: "B-tch set me up!"
No, not him, although it would be fun to have him back in the news.
This is Democratic Congressman Marion Berry of Arkansas, who, like 11 Democratic Congressmen before him, have seen the writing on the wall in NJ, VA, PA, and now MA, and have decided they'd rather bow out gracefully than risk getting clobbered right out of a job in November.
Berry reports that in his discussions with the White House over health care, cap and trade, taxes, and jobs, the President and others seemed frighteningly delusional.
"They just keep telling me how good it was going to be," he said. "The President himself, when that was brought up in one group, said, "Well, the big difference here and in '94 was you've got me.""
Somewhere, Bill Clinton plots his revenge for that one.
The malignant narcissism that inhabits The Bama makes Clinton's narcissism look amateurish. The Bama still believes in the power of his own persona? Let's see what the "one we've been waiting for" has produced so far:
Failure to secure Democratic election victories in the aforementioned states.
Failure to bring the Olympics to his hometown of Chicago.
Failure to produce a global carbon deal in Copenhagen.
Failure to produce a comprehensive health care bill.
Failure to pass cap and trade.
Failure to stimulate the economy.
Failure to produce jobs and lower unemployment.
Failure to get Iran to give up its dogged pursuit of nuclear weapons.
Failure to get Russia to "reset" its relationship with us and the West.
Failure to get the Israelis and Palestinians to the table for any "peace" talks.
Failure to get North Korea to give up its nukes.
Failure to get Islamic terrorists to stop attacking us.
Failure to get the Muslim world to respond more peacefully to us.
Failure to nail Osama bin Laden.
I could go on, but the internet has limited space.
If The Bama truly believes that his mere presence can make things safe for Dems heading into 2010, they ought to take a look at the above list. It's not a very good track record. That's why Congressman Berry is hightailing it outta there. He doesn't trust The Bama to be anything other than the kiss of death.
Run, Fredo, run!
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