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November 12, 2009




Emerson’s Farr Says U.S. Is Destroying Manufacturing
By Will Daley

Nov. 11 [Excerpts](Bloomberg) -- Emerson Electric Co. Chief Executive Officer David Farr said the U.S. government is hurting manufacturers with regulation and taxes and his company will continue to focus on growth overseas.

“Washington is doing everything in their manpower, capability, to destroy U.S. manufacturing,” Farr said today in Chicago at a Baird Industrial Outlook conference. “Cap and trade, medical reform, labor rules.”

Companies will create jobs in India and China, “places where people want the products and where the governments welcome you to actually do something,” Farr said.

“What do you think I am going to do?” Farr asked. “I’m not going to hire anybody in the United States. I’m moving. They are doing everything possible to destroy jobs.”

Mature markets such as the U.S., Western Europe and Japan continue to decline in importance and the company will keep investing in emerging markets, Farr said during the presentation.

“We as a company today are putting our best people, our best technology and our best investment in these marketplaces to grow,” he said. “My job is to grow that top line, grow my earnings, grow my cash flow and grow my returns to the shareholders. My job is not to shrink and roll over for the U.S. government.”

“you are not going to see Emerson going out there with fancy commercials or sitting at the right hand of some president, talking about this,” Farr said. “We do it.”


gringoNOTE: The savvy will recognize Farr as an authentic representative of US capitalism. The savvy will discern the difference between Farr and the Corporate-Communist cabal of Washington and Wall Street---those pretentious cuties, with their Poison Ivy Leagye degrees, who produce nothing except numbers, debt, taxes and swelling Big Nanny Government.

Farr is one of the remaining American industrialists who actually make things. This guy is clearly not from the Wall Street socialists, like Goldman-Suchs.


Given our economic condition, perhaps we ought to pull out of Afghanistan. This is not an opportune time to nation build. It is like trying to expand a company when it is just avoiding bankruptcy, right?

It is more cost effective in Afghanistan to promote positive moves there, and diminishing negatives, while aggressively going after any extremists buildups. Afghanistan has no oil - it is a different situation. We could pull back, use fewer troops in hit and run type operations, use cruise missles, and drones, and navy aircraft.

We are saying we are there to rid the region of extremism, but acting like we are nation building.


The US Socialist SWAT Team preceded Obama, of course. Professor Cool is simply the most extreme, the Bolshevik taking over from social menshevik like Bubba Clinton and fiscal menshevik Georgie Bush. These are all elected Great Czars of the Corporate-Communist Cabal.

Oh, okay. 'Corporate-Communist' is a bit lurid? How about 'Washington/Wall Street Socialism' (as the American taxpayer gets to support and pony up for both the irresponsible of Mortgages-For-Everyone and the staggering losses from Wall Street greed and/or stupidity?)

WALL STREET SOCIALISM (for those who still resist 'Corporate Communism')

(Under "Mortgages for the Poor' President Clinton) Secretary of Treasury: Robert E. Rubin, former co-chairman, GOLDMAN-SACHS.

(Under fiscal socialist President George Bush) Secretary of Treasury: Hank Paulson, former CEO, GOLDMAN-SACHS.

(Under fiscal bolshevik President Obama) Secretary of Treasury: Timothy Geithner

Interview of former Assistant Secretary of Treasury Paul Craig Roberts. 03 JUly 2009:

Max Keiser: “Does the US Secretary of the Treasury [currently Geithner] work for the people or does he work for the banking system on Wall Street?”

Dr. Paul Craig Reports: “He works for GOLDMAN-SACHS.”

He also called the attempts to bail out the banking system to-date “a fraud.”


Escaping Politically Correct


@ Truther

We are immersed in two military blunders.

1.) Iraq.

Initially I agreed Iraq should have been invaded only because I gave the Bush Administration the benefit of the doubt and believed them when they proclaimed Saddam had a stockpile of WMD. Furthermore, he had an ongoing program to develop nuclear weapons.

When in fact we discovered no WMD were there, we should have left.

2.) Afghanistan.

Again, once the Taliban was overthrown and Al Qaeda was all but completely destroyed, we should have declared mission accomplished and got the hell out. Instead, Bush FOOLISHLY allowed the mission to morph into a nation building operation. Today, President Hussein Obama is placed in the unenviable position of choosing to pull out or send additional troops. If he decides to pull out, then the Taliban would retake power and allow Al Qaeda to resume operations there. If he decides to send 34,000 additional troops, can we accomplish a "victory"? Is victory in Afghanistan even possible? History informs us Afghanistan is the destroyer of great empires. From Alexander the Great to the British Empire to the Soviet Union, they all crumbled due to their attempts to subdue and control the MANY warring tribes there. Could, will, the USA meet the same fate?


There are persistent rumors of possibly "reaching out" to the Taliban. Perhaps our Commander-in-Chief can learn something, in this regard, from US Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan?.....

Fort Hood shootings suspect may have wired money to Pakistan

09:05 AM CST on Thursday, November 12, 2009

By DAVE MICHAELS / The Dallas Morning News
[email protected]



Excellent point!

POSTED BY: FREDK2929 | NOVEMBER 12, 2009 AT 08:59 AM


Leave it up to self-hating Fred the Jihad-lovin' Red to cheer on the islamist apologists by using the Korean killer as a means to mitigate islam!

WHAT "religion" did the Korean intend to force onto others with his murder spree?

Did the Korean shout ****** akbar or something similar like Buddha akbar??!

HOW MANY Korean suicide bombers have we heard from?

How many Koreo-fascist internet forums have you heard about?

NAME ***ONE***, FRED!!!!!!!!

How many Korean hijackers were on the planes on 9/11, asswipe?

The LIEberal enablers of islam keep shouting about a lone Korean and a lone Tim McVeigh EACH and EVERY time a jihadist goes on a murderous rampage!!

You should read the comments section at "n"pr if you want to realize how self-brainwashed the LIEbs really are!


They don't WANT to see black racism, like in the Zebra murders.. and moslem racism and murder in all its forms like London, Mumbai and Madrid, to name but a few prominent examples!!

Imagine the roles in sudan/Darfur were revesed!!!

The LIEbs would be calling for a full-fledged invasion to the "poor oppressed" mooozeleeembes can SECEDE and start their own jihad-state as they did in Bosnia and Kosovo!!

Dr. Michael Savage stated at UNIVERSAL TRUTH that is of equal importance with the Theory of Relativity:




Monica knows how serious the US Debt burden has become. To cut spending is absolutely critical. Can she give Obama ideas here? E.g. US Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan may have become a figure of national infamy since his "Allahu Akbar" shootings at Fort Hood in a flowing white robe. Understood. But is he totally useless now for anything constructive? What about the new revelations, especially on his spending, or rather lack of spending? Fiscally relevant? How did he manage to live so low-budget on a salary as good as his? Can Obama's experts learn nothing for the national economy from Hasan's example? Obama tells us to wait for the facts. Well, here are some more....

Mystery of money

Hasan's finances have been a mystery since last week, when the Army major and psychiatrist allegedly shot and killed 13 colleagues at the sprawling Central Texas military base. Hasan earned more than $90,000 a year and had no dependents, yet lived in an aging one-bedroom apartment that rented for about $300 a month.

"You can bet there is an ongoing, extensive investigation into every single financial transaction he made," said Matt Orwig, a former U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Texas who has no direct knowledge of the Hasan case.




Here is what mooozeleeembes living IN AMERICA freely say about US!!

See what they are saying about the cowardly massacre of OUR 12 brave servicemen:


Nop matter how much Fred and MA grovel before them, these XKREMENTS see these dhimmis as "maggots" and as useful idiots!!

Why aren't these commentators being picked up and THROWN OUT of the country??

After a lengthy waterboarding session of course!! To be administered by JACK BAUER!




Gringoman, the libs were talkign about how heir newest pet jihadists drove a beat-up old car and lived in a $320 / month apartment!!

You see "poverty" is the reason he resorted to jihad! and PTS of course! Don't let the TRUTH that he NEVER saw combat get in the WAY of LIEberalism!!

I heard this on the radio and saw it in the comment section at "n"pr where the true believers of LIEberalism were in a frenzy to outdo each other in their vain attempts to deify this "poor" jihadist!

meanwhile, noone asked.. like you just did: what happened to the REST of his money?

If I may venture a guess.. the money went to fund the wider jihad... naturellement!!



n documents reviewed by NPR and conversations with medical officials at Walter Reed and USUHS, new details have emerged regarding serious concerns that officials raised about Hasan during his time at both institutions.

Hasan had been a trouble spot on officials’ radar since he started training at Walter Reed, six years earlier. Several officials confirm that supervisors had repeatedly given him poor evaluations and warned him that he was doing substandard work.

Both fellow students and faculty were deeply troubled by Hasan’s behavior — which they variously called disconnected, aloof, paranoid, belligerent, and schizoid. The officials say he antagonized some students and faculty by espousing what they perceived to be extremist Islamic views. His supervisors at Walter Reed had even reprimanded him for telling at least one patient that “Islam can save your soul.”

gringoNOTE: Ummah, we know that Hasan was in contact with jihad imam. There is now evidence that he even sent money to Pakistan. Do we know whether or not he was ever in contact with the Twin Towers Troll who raves at monicamemo? The line between Hasan's idea of Islam and TTT's 'Christianity' is looking thinner and thinner. Maybe there's a difference in what they want to do about "The Great Satan". But what is it?



So if citizens who don't take up the Health Care offer-you-can't-refuse get thrown in jail for their refusal does this mean that ILLEGAL ALIENS who are included in the bill - despite the Bama's loudly voiced statements to the contrary - ALSO get thrown in jail if they don't buy coverage??!!!

I'd love to see what "journalists" are going to dig up the answers to this question!

Allez-hop, you eager beavers of independent American journalism! Allez-hop!



Maybe there's a difference in what they want to do about "The Great Satan". But what is it?



I don't see any difference at all.




And HOW MAY Koreans do THIS, FREAKD and OVARI:


HOW MANY Koreans, how many McVeighs and so on are busy doing this??




Here's more on "Dr" Phil explaining away the jidadist motive of the Fort Hood Killer:


"Dr" Phil was "appalled" that the islamist background of the MURDERING JIHADIST was even MENTIONED in the initial reports of the massacre.

I guess he is Oprah's mouth piece.

I want to know WHERE on earth did this "Dr" Phil get his degree?

I want to make sure that my offspring do NOT go anywhere near whatever school graduated this nitwit!




Uh, FreaK and Ovari:


Did the Korean have "soldier or Buddha" on his business card??!! well this jihadist cockroach had "Soldier of alla" on his!!

Yeah I know.. everybody moveon.org.. nothing to see here.. nothing at all.. this has nothing at all to do with pigslam..

Stupid libs!


Do you have any facts that support cutting taxes will lower the unemployment rate?
Bush cut taxes in 2001,2002,2003 and how well did it do for us?


Even though that chart goes to 2005, i can imagine what keeps happing after that ;)

So in all seriousness, does anyone have any real proof that tax cuts helps unemployment?



That picture is hilarious. It took me a while to figure out whose face that is, but I made the connection. ROFLMAO!!!



Thanks DJ. I am always trying to keep things light, whenever possible given the intrusive, oppressive presence of libislam in all our daily lives.




DJ, notice the utter silence after I told these libs what time it is. They HATE facts like Dracula hates Holy water.

Then there was one before your post trying desperately to change topic..



If you're looking for the softball fields, try "n"pr.




More from the "this has nothing to do with islam" department:


Car bomber film makers shout "satan-hu akbar" when a car bomb they are filming goes off.

Of course, this has NOTHING to do with islam, eh FRED?



"DJ, notice the utter silence after I told these libs what time it is. They HATE facts like Dracula hates Holy water.

Then there was one before your post trying desperately to change topic.." (--Ummah)


I know. It's so idiotic that it boggels the mind. It's all part and parcel of the looking glass world the libs are creating for us. Or as Gringoman puts it: We are living in a POW Nation created by the PC Thought Police.



THIS has NOTHING to do with islam either:


Feds move to seize 4 mosques, tower linked to Iran



Even the President noted that Pvt Francheska Velez was expecting a baby.

Adding my voice 13 Charges of murder should be 14 charges of Murder. Who is going to speak up for Baby Velez? 12 Soldiers 1 civilian and one unborn baby. That’s 14 counts.



Maybe there's a difference in what they want to do about "The Great Satan". But what is it?



I don't see any difference at all.


Posted by: Ummah Gummah | November 12, 2009 at 02:37 PM

I have an idea on finding out the difference between Hasan (religious fanatic) and Troll X (religious fanatic) re their "solution" for the "Great Satan." (Hasan, of course, is currently indisposed.) Meanwhile, maybe IATRC can get Troll X to explain how his approach to the "Great Satan" differs from Nidal Malik Hasan's?


"Maybe there's a difference in what they want to do about "The Great Satan". But what is it?" - Gringo


The "Great Satan" wouldn't BE the Great Satan in the FIRST place if it DISMANTLED and EVACUATED Israel, got off OIL (except for plastics and fertilizer) and got the hell out of the MIdeast FOREVER and quit the genocidal suicidal war IT CANNOT EVER WIN against a third of the planet.

TWO-THIRDS if you count China and Russia as protecting the Mideast, WHICH THEY ARE. (Specifically, Iran.)

People do not attack for no reason. QUIT SUPPORTING ISRAEL and this all ends.

Even if you believe that 9-11 was perpetrated by THEM, it was in retaliation for ISRAEL'S WARCRIMES OF ATROCITY that only an imbecile or Zionazi would deny.

Only an idiot tries to kill a lion with a baseball bat. When all they had to do was PULL THE FRICKING THORN OUT ITS PAW to have a loving pet and even defender for life.

Aesop KNEW something the idiots here will never fathom.


This jobs summit will be a waste of time because the people who attend, and the people that Obama will listen to are socialists. They are not interested in jobs, they are just interested in the redistribution of wealth. Obama's first "stimulus" package was mostly a gigantic pork barrel package that redistributed pork throughout the country. It did nothing to create jobs. Socialists don't understand where new jobs come from and how they are created. They hate American business which creates jobs, so how could they possibly understand how jobs are created. They see business as simply a source of funding for their social welfare give-away programs. They hate profits and believe that if companies are having good profits then they are not being taxed enough.

The jobs summit is a joke. It's like the "fiscal responsibility summit" that Obama had early in his Administration, and then proceeded to spend trillions and trillions, and still wants to spend trillions more. We are ruled by hardcore socialists who are not interested in jobs, wealth creation, capitalism, and economic growth, they want the expansion of the welfare state.


I first heard THIS story on Imus in the morning:

Whilst i think that Obama done punked out a while back, he STILL is a decent person...something y'all don't even want to *think* about since he's ALMOST Black!


O'Reiley's show, according to Laura Ingraham, is popular because he makes no attempt to pander to the audience for ratings. NO puppy stories, no "Have a good night.", just a blind scribble. Could that be right?

He also does not seem to drive ahead with issues until they are resolved.


Has anyone heard that McVeigh, being a member of a militia and a US Vet, was in fact showing his dislike for government, especially the Clinton Administration, because of its embrace of Communism with the Russians (invitation to 1000's of Russian scientists and other emigres, and with the acceptance of the WTO and importation of Chinese goods to the destruction of US manufacturing?

I mention this because bibles and guns are back in places, for many of the same reasons.


It totally amazes me that the libs are comparing the Ft. Hood shooter with the Virginia Tech shooter.
Michelle Malkin connects the dots for them.



I couldn't believe this when I heard this story. What's next? Competing with Salvation Army bellringers?


Did you guys see this? Doug Hoffman may have conceded NY-23 too early.



I have it from a top Republican, that FOX news has high ratings because Newscorp puts a lot of money into politics. I suppose if Madoff can find a way to get at the SEC, and bankers can tamper with the ratings of securities, then Mr Murdoch can find a way to hype the ratings.

Actually, News Corporation has been documented tampering with the Nielsen ratings, to influence ratings.


Carly Fiorina, a great potential candidate, suggests "carbon-like caps" on health care. They could sell health coupons to other health providers that have higher costs. Sounds good. at least it provides a mechanism for putting pressure on costs.


It totally amazes me that the libs are comparing the Ft. Hood shooter with the Virginia Tech shooter.
Michelle Malkin connects the dots for them.

POSTED BY: M/M | NOVEMBER 12, 2009 AT 09:19 PM


M/M I know you meant that in a rhetorical sense. We all know the libs are doing their darndest to disconnect the Fort Hood jihadist from islam.

Like a poster on another blog likes to say:

Islam is a LIE and the truth is killing it.

Case in point: The most recent XKrementations suffered by this once-noble blog.. all the islamofascists are trying to tell is that if ONLY if ONLY we sacrificed little Israel then they - the VAST moozeleembe asses will al of a suddden become peaceful and everything will be good.

Islam has been on a rampage of murder, rape, pillage and mayhem since the year 622 AD.

Israel was founded in 1948.

I rest my case.




asses was supposed to read masses, but somehow the shoe fits anyhow.. LOL

PS. another dead giveaway that the XKREMENT is an islamist cockroach is not only its demonstrated RAGE when it comes to Eretz Yisroel, but also the old islamist tactic of mentioning their numbers, always subtly or less than subtly, inflating them in order to "convince" their foes that they don't stand a chance and might as well bend to the will of the Borg.

I say to that: LEN ASTASLEM!


"Israel was founded in 1948." - Ummah


Two wrongs don't make a right.

Undoing the latest wrong you can undo makes one right.

Dismantle and evacuate Israel before it triggers Armageddon.

I rest MY case.

And I know you want to keep believing that I'm Moslem, because of a desperate attempt to keep your Zionazi alliance with perverted ChristianISM going, but know this:

I am a Christian; You are a Zionazi of Jewish descent. Probably don't even follow the Jewish faith of your fathers.

Get it right and keep it that way. Otherwise you just continue to look stupid.


"Did you guys see this? Doug Hoffman may have conceded NY-23 too early." - M/M


Yeah, and so did Al Gore in 2000.

Really, you're going to have to try a lot harder than that.



Disinformational XKrementalism

Almost sounds like an art movement.

Or perhaps a bowel movement?



M/M I know you meant that in a rhetorical sense. We all know the libs are doing their darndest to disconnect the Fort Hood jihadist from islam.

The way they are treating the shooter amazes me. I remember Rudy talking about a "pre-9/11" mentality, but I didn't totally comprehend what he was talking about. Now, MSNBC and Dr. Phil are demonstrating it ot me.


"Or perhaps a bowel movement?" - Ummah


More cutsey infantilism from our resident Zionazi jihadist.

Why we hooked up in the first place. Sometimes folks actually grow up.

I have faith.

Speaking of Gringo, Ummah's other paramour, just so our audience doesn't think that all Viet Nam vets are paranoid nutcases, read this:



"I remember Rudy talking about a "pre-9/11" mentality," - M/M


It's not a "Pre-9/11 mentality"; it's a "Poppy Bush and Dick Cheney pulled 9/11 and now they're gone and almost dead" mentality, fostered, in part, by our own dear CIA all OVER the "internets".

Truth wins out. Lies die.

The only Jihadists we have to worry about are ON "OUR" side.

Same as it ever was.



That picture is hilarious. It took me a while to figure out whose face that is, but I made the connection. ROFLMAO!!!

Posted by: DJ | November 12, 2009 at 05:35 PM

Not to forget my chuckles, but with my eyes getting "computered" in recent years,(didn't need glasses for reading until last two years) I haven't even tried to guess who it is. But now that you say it's somebody, I do notice sizeable ears. I like how it must look to the trolls. "Wingnut this...."


"Maybe there's a difference in what they want to do about "The Great Satan". But what is it?" - Gringo


The "Great Satan" wouldn't BE the Great Satan in the FIRST place if it DISMANTLED and EVACUATED Israel, got off OIL (except for plastics and fertilizer) and got the hell out of the MIdeast FOREVER and quit the genocidal suicidal war IT CANNOT EVER WIN against a third of the planet.

TWO-THIRDS if you count China and Russia as protecting the Mideast, WHICH THEY ARE. (Specifically, Iran.)

People do not attack for no reason. QUIT SUPPORTING ISRAEL and this all ends.

Even if you believe that 9-11 was perpetrated by THEM, it was in retaliation for ISRAEL'S WARCRIMES OF ATROCITY that only an imbecile or Zionazi would deny.

Only an idiot tries to kill a lion with a baseball bat. When all they had to do was PULL THE FRICKING THORN OUT ITS PAW to have a loving pet and even defender for life.

Aesop KNEW something the idiots here will never fathom.

Posted by: xbjllb | November 12, 2009 at 08:04 PM

We now see the main difference between Hasan who says 'Allah' and X Kook who says 'Jesus': A flowing white robe and firepower.


PS. another dead giveaway that the XKREMENT is an islamist cockroach is not only its demonstrated RAGE when it comes to Eretz Yisroel, but also the old islamist tactic of mentioning their numbers, always subtly or less than subtly, inflating them in order to "convince" their foes that they don't stand a chance and might as well bend to the will of the Borg.

I say to that: LEN ASTASLEM!

Posted by: Ummah Gummah | November 12, 2009 at 10:55 PM


Yes, TTT does seem unusually Israelphobic, even by leftist standards. One wonders if even the Freudian analysis of fury against a Jewish parent (in X's case the Mommy, I believe, not what he sees as his goy procreator)can fully account for it. But taking the analysis further, as his Medicaid shrink would, it could involve a fateful love object (only indirectly the parent object of love/hate.) Shouldn't speculate, though, without more actual facts on the X case, which he can't disclose. So we can't really help the sickie without his cooperation. For example, if his dream object is now living in muslim circumstances, and not necessarily as a kind of prisoner, or fearful 'moderate,' and the "idiot" Judeo-Christians are antagonizing the muslims, supporting "fascist" Israel instead of letting muslims wipe out the Jews and make "progress" in matters such as same-sex unions....and....well....we can't really speculate since we don't know all that the shrink would know. But then, this could be what he has instead of what he needs, if he won't get psychiatric help. Raving obnoxious: it seems cheap.


Friday, November 13, 2009

Holder's Hidden Agenda, cont'd . . . [Andy McCarthy]

This summer, I theorized that Attorney General Eric Holder — and his boss — had a hidden agenda in ordering a re-investigation of the CIA for six-year-old alleged interrogation excesses that had already been scrutinized by non-partisan DOJ prosecutors who had found no basis for prosecution. The continuing investigations of Bush-era counterterrorism policies (i.e., the policies that kept us safe from more domestic terror attacks), coupled with the Holder Justice Department's obsession to disclose classified national-defense information from that period, enable Holder to give the hard Left the "reckoning" that he and Obama promised during the 2008 campaign. It would be too politically explosive for Obama/Holder to do the dirty work of charging Bush administration officials; but as new revelations from investigations and declassifications are churned out, Leftist lawyers use them to urge European and international tribunals to bring "torture" and "war crimes" indictments. Thus, administration cooperation gives Obama's base the reckoning it demands but Obama gets to deny responsibility for any actual prosecutions.


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