Whose brilliant idea was it to send the President of the United States to Denmark to charm the International Olympic Committee into granting Chicago the 2016 Games? Whose genius was it that sent the
man on an expensive Air Force One joyride to Europe on the same day that the
unemployment rate ticked up to 9.8%? Whose grand intellect thought it was
a good idea to put the president's prestige on the line without knowing in
advance that it would turn out well? Whose narcissism was so in play that
they thought the president's overwhelming magnetism and charisma would be
enough? Whose fertile mind believed the president when he said during the
campaign that he could get the world to see and treat us differently?
Whose brilliant idea was it to cast the president as a traveling salesman,
begging for a nod?
There's only one brilliant mind that could possibly
have come up with such an ingenious idea.
He's back in the Oval Office tonight.
Posted by: M/M | October 02, 2009 at 06:37 PM
This is a better version
Posted by: M/M | October 02, 2009 at 06:39 PM
M/M how is life without Imus, but seeing the world more clearly instead...?.
Posted by: Ummah Gummah | October 02, 2009 at 06:38 PM
I listened for a little while today, but I'm not going to spend a great deal of my time listening to LIEberals, so I'm finding plenty of other things to do.
Check out FlashForward on ABC at 8. They have a blog too. Should keep me occupied.
Posted by: M/M | October 02, 2009 at 07:08 PM
What's hilarious about the entire thing, is that the O man, his wife, and head of his fan club, the O woman, ALL lost oodles and oodles of money, not just for their slumtown Chicago, but for the US as well as their insufferable arrogance backfired and they all got the bitchslap of their lives from the world that supposedly loves them.
No longer. That's for sure.
Honeymoon is over. Now try doing what the world really gives an ef about: pulling all US troops out of the Mideast.
No more shell games. The world is on to your BS, Mr. President.
Especially since they know US troops will STILL be in Afghanistan AND Iraq AND Iran come the RIO 2016 Olympics.
Lying posing huckstering sack of sh*t.
Posted by: xbjllb | October 02, 2009 at 07:08 PM
I could just see the IOC discussing this for less than thirty seconds before unanimously making the decision to ko Chi-town.
Here was the question that met stunned silence until an overwhelming unanimous "No efing way" decision:
"Didn't we already take a lot of flack for the 1936 Berlin Olympics?"
Posted by: xbjllb | October 02, 2009 at 07:11 PM
wow.. I got a REALLY ISLAMIC reply to a prior post:
You've gotten more than enough US men and women killed for NO-THING, you ef-ing warmongering atheist Zionist piece of sh*t . As well as enough innocent blood on the other side to bathe in for eternity.
Go blow yourself up, b*tch, so you can spend eternity sucking Lucifer's limp dick and eating his sh*t. Which will be far too good a fate for the likes of you. If we only couldn't hear your screams in Heaven as he eats you alive.
Death to all warmongers. At their own hands. If they don't repent and d*mn fast.
That's almost as jihadist as the ones that Robert Spencer gets. Where is CAIR to denounce?!
Posted by: Ummahgummah | October 02, 2009 at 07:51 PM
M/M, I prefer "n"pr over imus. At least they are upfront about their LIEberalism.. imus still pretends to be an america n but he has long sold his soul.. not for a false, evil ideology like socialism or islam, but for MONEY.
Posted by: Ummahgummah | October 02, 2009 at 07:56 PM
PW, the neo-socialist asks: "What IS a "neo-socialist"?"
I hope this helps clear up any confusion:
PW: "And since you have blamed George Bush for renting to swingers:..."
Very funny PW, you pedantic pencil-necked putz.
I meant to write 'borders'
Posted by: DJ | October 02, 2009 at 06:29 PM
So if you meant to write 'Borders' instead of 'boarders' you should have done so... I mean, get a book already.
The article written by Schneider is a hoot. Thanks.
I get his drift although he is wrong in his definition of socialism, by his stating that socialism requires the abolition of private property.. it is dead wrong... but then again so is your labeling me a neo-socialist.. I was never a liberal, so no "neo-" would ever apply.
What I find delicious among the under-educated, David, are people like Schneider writing on topics thay no little about but pretending as if they are experts.
Freeper Schneider reminds me of a certain Doestoevsky fan who it seems has yet to unravel the novelist's meaning.
To your point however, DJ, Schneider cannot produce an satisfactory definition of socialism because he writes in manichean terms: Socialism as bogeyman.
There is a wide swathe of state intervention into enterprise ranging from a very mild safety net in the USA, amping slightly up with free health care and education in Canada, all that coupled with free housing in Norway, to total state domination of the economy in Cuba. The abolition of all property would be a definition of communism. Schneider can't deal with that because he isn't interested in speaking about socialism as much as he is trying to sell american fascism.
That's why you are a freeper, and it has nothing to do with the subject matter glossed over in any of the articles because they're are just there to be demonized in an effort to promote a far-right ideology.
This is true.. or you would choose an academic treatise to explore the meaning of, in this case, socialism.
To the "BORDERS" don't you feel used by Bush? The reason, the only reason your southern border is open is so that business can get the cheapest labour possible. To end the undocumented flow, Mr Bush only needed to seriously crack down on employers who exploit immigrants for private profit. Republican americans a schizoid on this issue. They need lower mddle-class white men to continue to vote against their own pecuniary interest so they promise to crack down; but never will. That is because the monied, the real base of the party, benefit from exploiting immigrants; meaning they are able to pay less than the prevailing wage and pocket the difference. Takes the food right off of your family table.
DJ has been played for a chump.
Posted by: Phil Wedeen | October 02, 2009 at 08:31 PM
Death to all warmongers. At their own hands. If they don't repent and d*mn fast.
That's almost as jihadist as the ones that Robert Spencer gets. Where is CAIR to denounce?!
Posted by: Ummah Gummah | October 02, 2009 at 07:51 PM
Imagine the X Troll and Pee-Wee bumping into each other somewhere....
Posted by: gringoman | October 02, 2009 at 08:33 PM
"There's only one brilliant mind that could possibly
have come up with such an ingenious idea.
"He's back in the Oval Office tonight."
Yes, and his name is Deadfish Emanuel Axelrod. Barry is busy preening with media masseurs and masseuses.
Posted by: gringoman | October 02, 2009 at 08:41 PM
"Go blow yourself up, b*tch, so you can spend eternity sucking Lucifer's limp dick and eating his sh*t. Which will be far too good a fate for the likes of you. If we only couldn't hear your screams in Heaven as he eats you alive." ( --xbjllb)
Not bad X-man, but you need just a liiiittle more practice before you reach the black-belt level of jihadist rhetoric, eg.:
Jihadist reacting to Spencer:
"May Allah rip out his spine from his back and split his brains in two, and put them both back, and then do it over and over again. Amen"
Posted by: DJ | October 02, 2009 at 08:44 PM
For all Leftists.. and their detractors as well [ :-) ] .. has anyone figured out the carbon footprint of a round of golf yet?
Leftists like the Bama who, it must in all fairness be noted, also enjoys the arguably much more environmentally-friendly sport of basketball, enjoy their golf outings as much as those "evil Capitalists" they are fighting so hard against do, should at least know how much they "owe" in "carbon credits" for each and every round of golf they play.
What with all those wetlands, desert sands, and other parts of Gaia uprooted, preened, fertilized and tilled.. raped and plundered for this entirely useless activity called "golf".. the crude that is converted for all those fertilizer and those pesticides to maintain the carefully groomed illusions of "perfect green".. the toxic runoff into the local micro-environment.. causing algae buildup and fish kills in local ponds and streams..
If you're a true environmentalist and a "man - or person LOL - of the people", how can you in good conscience practice something that so gratuitously wastes water in the deserts and causes such environmental degradation in its wake wherever it is performed?
Isn't it one thing for unconscientious industrialists, assorted capitalists and other uncaring persons to enjoy such an environmentally disastrous activity, but one that should be completely unbecoming for anyone claiming to be a concerned friend of Gaia, our "Holy Earth Mother"?
How undemocratic to command such resources for the enjoyment of a few when so many more could enjoy similarly prepared grounds for football, both American and World-wide, for baseball, softball, boccia, frisbee, field hockey, even cricket and the most elitist sport - but admittedly dangerous and requiring some skills and moxie - polo.. !!!
Is that what "the world wants"?
I urge Mr. Obama and all Leftists to put their money where their mouths are.. STOP playing golf immediately and instead field some very meaningful research on its environmental impact!
I demand to know what "carbon footprint" a round of golf entails.
And NO, just like mandated health care, this CANNOT wait..
Posted by: Ummahgummah | October 02, 2009 at 08:54 PM
"That's almost as jihadist as the ones that Robert Spencer gets."
The ONLY jihadists around here are you and your circle jerk cronies.
G-d's going to get you, all of you for every last bit of your warmongering, and that's a promise. Made a long time ago. And about to be fulfilled.
Posted by: xbjllb | October 02, 2009 at 09:20 PM
What a tool!!
Posted by: mjfell | October 02, 2009 at 09:21 PM
"Not bad X-man, but you need just a liiiittle more practice before you reach the black-belt level of jihadist rhetoric"
You mean Ummah on a poor day, of course.
Just cleaning out the Temple, man; just cleaning out the Temple.
Posted by: xbjllb | October 02, 2009 at 09:22 PM
What a tool!!"
Oh I am a tool of He who sent me; just as you are a tool of he who sent you.
Posted by: xbjllb | October 02, 2009 at 09:22 PM
"Go blow yourself up, b*tch, so you can spend eternity sucking Lucifer's limp dick and eating his sh*t. Which will be far too good a fate for the likes of you. If we only couldn't hear your screams in Heaven as he eats you alive." ( --xbjllb)
Not bad X-man, but you need just a liiiittle more practice before you reach the black-belt level of jihadist rhetoric, eg.:
Jihadist reacting to Spencer:
"May Allah rip out his spine from his back and split his brains in two, and put them both back, and then do it over and over again. Amen"
Posted by: DJ | October 02, 2009 at 08:44 PM
But the X troll, while he develops and expresses his inner homicidal maniac at monicamemo, often mentions his attachment to the peaceful Jesus Christ.
The X Troll seems to have a problem at monicamemo. You might call it a conflict of interest.
(Maybe he can take this up with Pee-Wee. The "educated" Pee-Wee is now trying out new analytic technique, from the Alinsky School of Progressive Psychobabble.
Posted by: gringoman | October 02, 2009 at 09:27 PM
Blah blah blah, the mainstream media say they are STUNNED Chicago didn't get the Olympics. They are REALLY stunned cuz OBAMA'S magic hat trick didn't work on the IOC. The GREAT ONE was supposed to have healed and united the world. All was forgiven and the world loved us. This is the MYTH spun by MSM but now they are STUNNED to discover they'd only pulled wool over their own eyes.
Posted by: mjfell | October 02, 2009 at 09:29 PM
What a tool!!"
Oh I am a tool of He who sent me; just as you are a tool of he who sent you.
Posted by: xbjllb | October 02, 2009 at 09:22 PM
I am rubber, you are glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks on to you! Nah nah nah nah nah nah!!!!
It's so stimulating discussing important matters with children.
Posted by: mjfell | October 02, 2009 at 09:32 PM
"You might call it a conflict of interest."
You might call it justifiable anger at fascist warmongering atheist Zionist pieces of sh*t getting more than enough US and ally men and women killed for NO-THING, as well as enough innocent blood on the other side to bathe in for eternity.
I'll stand before G-d and put MY calls for your and your circle jerk cronies' eternal judgment at your own and at His hand against your incessant warmongering any day.
And do.
You have NO idea how little time is left. NO idea whatsoever.
If you think I and the Moslems you've turned into enemies are angry, JUST WAIT UNTIL YOU MEET GOD.
Posted by: xbjllb | October 02, 2009 at 09:36 PM
"I am rubber, you are glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks on to you! Nah nah nah nah nah nah!!!!
It's so stimulating discussing important matters with children."
That's funny. It's even more stimulating discussing things with a-holes who throw up straw responses they've made up themselves and then attack those, BECAUSE THEY CAN'T ATTACK THE ACTUAL RESPONSE made by the other person.
So lame. And so predictably tedious.
Posted by: xbjllb | October 02, 2009 at 09:38 PM
Take your self appointed "messenger of God" sales pitch where the people a gullible to buy it.
I suppose for your next trick you'll brag about how humble you are.
I know a hack when I see one.
Posted by: mjfell | October 02, 2009 at 09:43 PM
Hey Reverend Wright...I mean XBJLB, isn't this where you're supposed to pontificate about America's chickens coming home to roost?
You've just got to do better at picking up your cues.
Self appointed "messengers of God" are all show biz...with your display of ineptitude I won't put much stock in your chances.
Posted by: mjfell | October 02, 2009 at 09:46 PM
"I suppose for your next trick you'll brag about how humble you are."
There you go putting up straw men again. I never ever even PRETENDED to be humble.
But you continue to pretend you have a chance against the truth.
Tell it to God, MJ; tell it to God. We'll all be seeing Him soon enough.
I can't wait.
Posted by: xbjllb | October 02, 2009 at 09:47 PM
"I won't put much stock in your chances."
Your backing would be an express ticket to Hell. No thanks.
See ya at the Throne, Buddy.
Posted by: xbjllb | October 02, 2009 at 09:50 PM
False prophets will suffer the most "pal".
Get off your imaginary high horse.
Unless you're counting on having "Trigger" bring you a nice cool drink of water later on...
Posted by: mjfell | October 02, 2009 at 09:53 PM
"False prophets will suffer the most "pal"."
You mean the warmongers who instigate "Holy" war?
I'm afraid you'll find out the hard way just WHO is a false prophet and WHO is not.
At least I have NO doubt you'll go down swinging. All the way.
Posted by: xbjllb | October 02, 2009 at 09:58 PM
And Happy Trails to ya, too!
Posted by: xbjllb | October 02, 2009 at 09:58 PM
I sure hope "Trigger" knows how to carry water for you "bub", you're certainly going to need it.
False prophet.
Posted by: mjfell | October 02, 2009 at 10:02 PM
You mean the warmongers from the middle east who've been waging "holy war" on western civilization for centuries?
You know, the ones who've been attacking Israel and the United States for Decades?
Or are you so far gone you're completely divorced from reality?
Posted by: mjfell | October 02, 2009 at 10:04 PM
I was on my way to WalMart this morning to do my part to stimulate the economy and I found myself behind this little rice burner of a car bearing a bumper sticker that read: "We did it! - Obama / Biden".
Well, as luck would have it she pulled along side of me at a red light about a half mile down the road. I beeped my horn and gave her a big thumbs up. She rolled down her window and I said... "I love your bumper sticker!' She thanked me and I quickly added, "It's good that you are taking responsibility for your mistake!"
She gave me the finger and drove off.
Humorless b*tch...
Posted by: mjfell | October 02, 2009 at 10:11 PM
Except that a monkey would know more about Eros.
Posted by: gringoman | October 02, 2009 at 05:24 PM
God, gringoman, you seem to really be into kink.
There was this theory being propounded about men, monkeys, and AIDS.
Take precautions; especially in cross-species encounters...
Posted by: Phil Wedeen | October 02, 2009 at 10:38 PM
Gringorgasmic Orly Taitz tells Capt Rhodes to go screw herself. News you won't get on MilitaryCorruption.com:
Capt Rhodes stands now to be punished for refusing to deploy to the middle-east because she claimed that Obama is not a legitimate President or CnC.
Capt Rhodes faces ten years in Leavenworth Prison after she was duped by the fascista birther movement to engage in this publicity stunt.
Her career and life all but over, Capt Rhodes was thrown over the side by Orly Taitz who jettisoned Rhodes because Taitz herself faces criminal sanctions for bribing a witness to make purjured testimony regarding the birth certificate of President Obama.
Readers of Monicamemo have seen countless endorsements of Orly Taitz by the Gringoman, who once again was wrong in each and every one of his posts concerning Taitz.
However if pressed, gringoman will state that he never heard the name before. More GringoPocracy comes with the fact that Gringoman runs the MilitaryCorruption.com website where he claims to "fight for truth and expose the corrupt". If ever there was a case that needed exposing this is it.
But Blowdry won't print a word.
Protecting a military officer who has been duped by a fascist movement means that Orly Taitz would be thrown over the side. For gringoman, a fact may never, ever, get in the way of his ideology.
You see, in GringoWorld, Orly Taitz is a victim of the Obamasuckling media and a crack "Coco legal team".
It's hard for me to tell whose worse: Taitz or Gringoman.
Posted by: Phil Wedeen | October 03, 2009 at 12:45 AM
HAVE to agree with you here Monica...WAS worried that he'd be he ultimate housenigro---NOW worried he makes GW look Einsteinian!
Posted by: EminemsRevenge | October 03, 2009 at 12:50 AM
"False prophet."
Who's prophesying? Another straw man to knock down. You just can't quit me, can you?
Posted by: xbjllb | October 03, 2009 at 12:57 AM
"You mean the warmongers from the middle east who've been waging "holy war" on western civilization for centuries?
You know, the ones who've been attacking Israel and the United States for Decades?
Or are you so far gone you're completely divorced from reality?"
I mean ALL warmongers. Them too. I never said they were immune to His wrath, or were the "good" guys (Ummah you idiot).
But you know something my Mom beat into me, because my Mom WOULD have peace in the household; it takes two to fight.
Something you and yours never learn.
God WILL have peace on this earth. If He has to let half of you kill the other half to do it.
And then HE'LL take care of the unluckiest of surviving "victors" in all of history.
Bottom line: there is only ONE god who sanctions, allows, forments, and uses war since Christ came; that false god is Lucifer.
And I'll keep hammering it home until he, and his, are no more. Even in the Old Testament God kept "ordering" the Jews to war to try and teach them His spiritual Law "What goes around comes around"; something they NEVER EVER learned.
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it endlessly, in Hell, for all eternity.
Posted by: xbjllb | October 03, 2009 at 01:06 AM
"She gave me the finger and drove off.
Humorless b*tch... "
How lucky for the planet that the next person you say that to will be fully armed.
Posted by: xbjllb | October 03, 2009 at 01:08 AM
You take yourself WAY too seriously for me to take you seriously at all.
Much like this incompetent clown:
in Case You Missed It... Obama Bashed America Again During Plea to IOC in Denmark.
Two buffoons inflicted by hugely overinflated egos, yet without the talent to match.
Posted by: mjfell | October 03, 2009 at 01:16 AM
I have an idea for the greatest reality TV show of all time, the greatest social experiment of all time.
Let's take all the Moslems who would destroy Judaism and Christianity, and all the Jews and "Christians" and atheists and Luciferians and Satanists who would destroy Islam and every other religion, and lock them all together in a huge metal globe with no windows, with waste leaving by pipes too small to crawl through, and air and food and water entering through the same sized but obviously different pipes. Provide all of them enough air, food and water to live comfortably, line the inside of the globe with cameras, and watch what happens day after day and who will be the last two surviving idiots to be "voted off the planet" and kill each other.
I'd call it "Planet Peace" and this darned blog would be pretty darn empty after it.
Seems like a far too uncomfortable metaphor for current reality. Except that those of us of all religions who desire peace are the hostages of the asylum inmates running the game.
Posted by: xbjllb | October 03, 2009 at 01:21 AM
"You take yourself WAY too seriously for me to take you seriously at all."
Is that what you plan to say to God? I'm looking forward to hearing that exchange.
Posted by: xbjllb | October 03, 2009 at 01:22 AM
God does NOT speak to me through you..."sir".
Except perhaps to show me what not to do.
Posted by: mjfell | October 03, 2009 at 01:24 AM
P.S. Murder of innocents and advocating murder of innocents, especially children and their mothers, is DEADLY serious business.
But not to sociopaths and psychopaths.
Posted by: xbjllb | October 03, 2009 at 01:25 AM
"God does NOT speak to me through you...'sir'.
Except perhaps to show me what not to do."
That's what YOU think. Blaming the messenger doesn't cut it; and even if it did, ignorance is no excuse.
Posted by: xbjllb | October 03, 2009 at 01:27 AM
God speaks through everyone who state the truth. Period.
And Lucifer, the father of lies, speaks through everyone who lies. Period.
You've already proven, through your warmongering, your god is Lucifer.
So no, in that case, YOUR god does not speak through me.
He speaks through you.
Posted by: xbjllb | October 03, 2009 at 01:29 AM
Which is why you are a false prophet. You spread lies about "the president" all the time.
You label me a warmongerer without any proof whatsoever. Talk about erecting a straw man argument.
You, "sir" are a 100% phoney.
Liar. Phoney.
Brainwashed left wing lunatic. You're what Marxists describe as a useful idiot.
Nothing more.
Posted by: mjfell | October 03, 2009 at 01:36 AM
Obama's Olympic failure will only add to doubts about his presidency:
There has been a growing narrative taking hold about Barack Obama’s presidency in recent weeks: that he is loved by many, but feared by none; that he is full of lofty vision, but is actually achieving nothing with his grandiloquence.
Chicago’s dismal showing yesterday, after Mr Obama’s personal, impassioned last-minute pitch, is a stunning humiliation for this President. It cannot be emphasised enough how this will feed the perception that on the world stage he looks good — but carries no heft.
It was only the Olympic Games, the White House will argue — not a high-stakes diplomatic gamble with North Korea. It is always worthwhile when Mr Obama sells America to the rest of the world, David Axelrod, his chief political adviser, said today. But that argument will fall on deaf ears in the US. Americans want their presidents to be winners.
Mr Obama was greeted — as usual — like a rock star by the IOC delegates in Copenhagen — then humiliated by them. Perception is reality. A narrow defeat for Chicago would have been acceptable — but the sheer scale of the defeat was a bombshell, and is a major blow for Mr Obama at a time when questions are being asked about his style of governance.
At home, it is difficult to turn on a television and not see Mr Obama giving a press conference, or an interview, or at a town hall rally, in his all-out effort to sell his troubled reform the US health insurance system. After three months of enormous exposure, Mr Obama has achieved this: the growing likelihood of ramming a Bill through Congress with — at most — just one Republican vote.
Abroad, Mr Obama promised in his Inauguration address to engage America’s enemies, and he has done just that. He has very little to show for it. Yes, Iran took part in bilateral talks with the US this week over its nuclear weapons programme — but that is something Tehran has wanted for years. There is still a very good chance that the meetings will prove to be an exercise in futility and a time-wasting ploy by Tehran.
Mr Obama also scrapped a plan for a missile defence shield in the Czech Republic and Poland, hoping to get in return Russian co-operation behind new sanctions against Tehran. There was optimism when President Medvedev said “sanctions are seldom productive, but they are sometimes inevitable”. Yet Vladimir Putin, and the Chinese, remain fiercely opposed to sanctions.
Meanwhile, America and its allies are being forced to witness a very public agonising by Mr Obama and his advisers over his Afghan strategy — six months after he announced that strategy.
This has all added to the perception that Mr Obama’s soaring rhetoric — which captured the imagination during last year’s election — is simply not enough when it comes to confronting the myriad challenges of the presidency. His spectacular Olympic failure will only add to that.
Posted by: mjfell | October 03, 2009 at 01:41 AM
Be Unafraid
by Michael J. Fell
Recently, on the floor of Congress, Alan Grayson, representative from Florida, in an attempt to draw attention to himself, falsely described the Republicans healthcare strategy as: they want Americans to "die quickly" if they get sick. You’d like to think that with the brew-ha-ha that erupted after Joe Wilson’s truthful "You lie!" remark and the resulting reprimand, the Democrats might attempt to practice what they police…I mean preach.
Instead, Grayson’s supposed “apology” read like this: "I apologize to the dead and their families that we haven't voted sooner to end this holocaust in America (referring to the supposed healthcare crisis)."
Grayson compared a small percentage of Americans not having healthcare insurance to the systematic, ruthless extermination of tens of millions of people, which is ludicrous. He compared people not having insurance to innocents being roasted in ovens, gassed, tortured, starved to death and/or turned into lampshades. Yet he has the backing of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who brushes this idiocy aside like a minor indiscretion. The same Speaker who led the kangaroo court witch hunt against Wilson for “lack of protocol or civility”.
This is a clear, indisputable demonstration of the double standard that now exists in America, where "progressives" are allowed to say whatever they want without repercussion, while Conservatives are raked over the coals, called names, trivialized, marginalized and ridiculed for having "the nerve" to disagree with the radical left. Tea Party participants have been described by progressive politicians, Hollywood elitists and television pundits as un-American, violent, hate filled racists.
There’s only one solution to this harsh reality.
Conservatives must continue to speak the truth without fear. Be prepared for the ferocious and violent onslaught that awaits you. Know that their attacks are without merit, designed solely and specifically to intimidate you into silence. Your right to free speech, like your rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is God given. Let no human power take them from you. Hold fast to the truth spoken by Abraham Lincoln during that most troubling of American times: “The probability that we may fall in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just; it shall not deter me.”
Be strong. Be positive. Make our founding fathers proud.
Remember: Evil is powerless when the good are unafraid.
Posted by: mjfell | October 03, 2009 at 02:51 AM
What is Monica trying to sell us?
Here is an idea - Islam just fills the vacuum where no one else lives. Why doesn't the West establish several western oriented states in the region and defend them as cultural beach heads as it were, so Israel is not in there by itself. This would enable assimilation of culture, lead to better ways to live in the desert, and begin the process of upgrading the culture. We do not have to go to war, rather just establish developments in the region and defend them.
Posted by: Dgscol | October 03, 2009 at 03:37 AM
"You, "sir" are a 100% phoney.
Liar. Phoney."
Tell it to God, MJ; tell it to God and see what HE says.
I'll be there.
Posted by: xbjllb | October 03, 2009 at 04:07 AM
"You label me a warmongerer without any proof whatsoever."
You're right. I forgot you're the shill who cuts and pastes lengthy interminable GOP talking points propaganda about everything BUT the war. Probably because you agree with Obama's complete continuance of Bush's warmongering policies and therefore, see no need to go there.
The only real proof I have is your defense of honest-to-God nutcase warmongers here, their support of you, and your recent post trying to justify Western historical aggression based on Islamic historical aggression.
Disingenuous? Slightly.
Look. One thing is clear, and fact. Since AFTER Nixon, it is the rightwing and the GOP who has been the single most warmongering group in the history of the US, from the rabid slobbering cry to try and force Carter into a war with Iran (THEN) over the hostages, to Gulf War I and Bush's and now, Obama's endless wars in the Mideast. For someone who claims not to be a warmonger, you sure picked a strange group to hang out with.
Unless, of course, you're a closet warmonger. That would be unfortunate.
Posted by: xbjllb | October 03, 2009 at 04:26 AM