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October 02, 2009



It's Down With Free Enterprise,' Stupid!

And up with the USSA (United Socialist States of America).


Great article Monica Where can i listen to you live via the internet Thx Jijm


THE NEOCOM OBOTS: It's Down With Free Enterprise,' Stupid!

And up with the USSA (United Socialist States of America).

Posted by: gringoman | October 02, 2009 at 10:13 AM

But there's still one problem for Community Organizer Cool & Gang and their MSM Massage Parlor:

Frank Luntz (recently interviewed by Monica) mentions some results from months of polling Americans across the US-----




But there's still one problem for Community Organizer Cool & Gang and their MSM Massage Parlor:

Frank Luntz (recently interviewed by Monica) mentions some results from months of polling Americans across the US-----



Posted by: gringoman | October 02, 2009 at 10:24 AM

Give Obamascam credit. It managed to scam even Wall Street. Who can't enjoy watching swindlers being swindled?

But the smooth Community Narcissist and his swindlers and liberal racists could not stop there. The scam had to go forward everywhere else too. The neocom narcissist believes in what the MSM flunkeys give him in their bathhouse, but little understands American history and its plain people. He has little conception of "Don't Tread On Me."

Does he even yet have a clue as to what he's awakened all across the length and breadth of this land?


"Of course, if you believe that Team Bama is deliberately
wrecking the economy to create as many dependents on the government as possible,
then they're not so stupid.
But we are, for believing otherwise."


True conservatives never believed for one second that Obama and his band of liberal racists had any other intention than to disable and or dismantle MUCH of the free enterprise system and replace it with a neo-socialist one.

In addition to government controlled/rationed healthcare and Cap and Tax, the enemies within, will most assuredly grant citizenship to an estimated 12 to 30 million illegal aliens. Factor chain migration into that equation and the liberals will aquire an overwhelming advantage at the ballot box from thereon in. We can credit Curious George Bush's open boarders policy -- amongst other liberal policies of his -- for the downfall of conservatism and the eventual end of freedom in America.



THIS JUST IN (According to Drudge)

The Obot Safari to Copenhagen has been notified that Chicago (one of the world's mugging capitals) will not--repeat-not get the 2016 Olympics.


The Copenhagen Disaster (Prestige-wise)

Originally Posted by gringoman View Post

THIS JUST IN (before noon Friday)

The Obot Safari to Copenhagen has been notified that Chicago (one of the world's mugging capitals) will not--repeat-not get the 2016 Olympics.

(That Chicago savagery on streets of Chicago, widely viewed on YouTube a few days ago, probably did not help the Obama cause.)

According to reports, the rejection came very early during the Olympic Committee's vetting process. First round. Sounds like the kind of rebuff that is unexpected for a "charismatic President of the World". He also put American and his own personal prestige on the line by taking himself and such a big entourage, including The Michelle and The Oprah. Apparently they expected to get what they did not get.

gringoPrediction: Rio de Janeiro....Wouldn't you?


You, Monica Crowley have a phd? Is this a fact? whats your degree in, dairy products? Seriously, I would very much like to know what institution ordained your qualification.



Funny how libs are so concerned about "institutions" "ordaining" people.. oh I forgot.. that's since they've managed to take over so many of them..

Now I would like to ask who "ordained" the "reverends" Jesse et Al..

PS. If you don't like this blog T or D.. GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE.... scram.. VAMOOSE.. cya.. never wanna be ya..



It does seem like Obama cannot bounce a b-ball and chew gum at the same time.


Like Pavlov’s dog, President Obama rings the bell, and the liberal media respond. Last week, he [Obama] appeared on five Sunday morning news programs, and was the sole guest on David Letterman’s Late Show the next day, where Dave swooned, “I can't tell you how satisfying it is to watch you work.”



That's what Dave sez to all his interns..


PS. Knowing what everyone knows by now.. The Bama should have replied: "Dave if I didn't know better, I'd think you're hitting on me."

This is what you get when you go on too many meaningless vapid chat shows..




An UmmahNote on Rio:

Since Rio is hosting the 2014 FIFA World Cup, which draws FAR LARGER audiences than the Politically Correct Olympics - full of boring "sports" none of which are of interest to a significant audience - which have been shoved down our throats for decades now, it is virtually a guarantee that Rio can handle an afterthought like the Olympics two years after a MOMENTOUS event like the World Cup!

Is there any doubt, what is the Greatest Prize of all in Sports?

Hint: It's not the Olympic medal count!

It's the World Cup, Stupid ;-)


Phil Wedeen

Does he even yet have a clue as to what he's awakened all across the length and breadth of this land?

Posted by: gringoman | October 02, 2009 at 10:42 AM

There is a certain je ne sais quoi when a man who has reached a certain age begins to brag about his libido.
When that does occur no one questions its source..et les choses a propos est un sourire...
though I suspect coming from older men the attraction may be to the haberdachery.
Be proud of those stirrings in the loin; you're not dead yet.

Phil Wedeen

gringoPrediction: Rio de Janeiro....Wouldn't you?

Posted by: gringoman | October 02, 2009 at 12:19 PM

Gringoman isn't forcing the canard card on us again, is he?
By the time you got around to your "gringoPrediction"
the tea leaves were no longer needed. The Obama's can blame it on Rio, but you can't.
By the time you consulted your crystal balls the champagne was already drunk in Rio.
Any word on 2020?

Phil Wedeen

It's Down With Free Enterprise,' Stupid!

And up with the USSA (United Socialist States of America).

Posted by: gringoman | October 02, 2009 at 10:13 AM

Scratch a brownshirt and he'll spill his heart all over your sleeve.
Since your already on the dole, life won't change too much.


The Obsolescence of a Slur
Criticisms of Obama are increasingly met by cries of “Racist!” Are his critics racists?

By Victor Davis Hanson

The charge of racism has been leveled against critics of President Obama’s health-care reform by everyone from New York Times columnists, racial activists, and Democratic legislators to senior statesmen like Jimmy Carter (“It’s a racist attitude”), Bill Clinton (“some . . . are racially prejudiced”), and Walter Mondale (“I don’t want to pick a person [and] say, ‘He’s a racist,’ but I do think the way they’re piling on Obama . . . I think I see an edge in them that’s a little bit different”).

But are Obama’s critics really racists?

It is a serious charge. If true, it means the hope of a color-blind society is essentially over after a half-century of civil-rights progress. If false, it means that we have institutionalized vicious smears as legitimate political tactics — and, in the process, discredited the entire dialogue that surrounds racial prejudice.

How do we determine the accuracy of the “racism” charges?



Note to Obama and Michelle:

Worlds' love affair? O-VER.

US'S love affair? O-VER a LONG time ago.

Never laughed harder as IOC bitchslaps O, wifey, and PR chief Oprah.

OBAMA! NOW do what the ef you INTIMATED during your ENTIRE campaign you would do, and what the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of the American People elected you to do, and pull EVERY LAST TROOP OUT OF THE MIDEAST.

NOW. IMMEDIATELY. Godd*mn your drug dealing and your opium poppies. Literally.



As I was viewing the Drudgereport headline "THE EGO HAS LANDED" thinking about B.O.s failed campaign to get Chicago the 2016 Olympic Games, I had the same thought about B.O. - " It's The Economy, Stupid"

But stupid knows what stupid does. And his actions appear more and more intential every day - connect the dots! Break out the Soviet National Anthem and sing dat song.


Troops will not be pulled out until after the Iran issue has been resolved - in fact, it may be inevitable that they must enter Iran, and hopefully it will be a cakewalk. The trouble is nuclear, but also there is trouble with Iran destabilizing Iraq. Until these issues are resolved, the troops are pinned.


Top 10 Reasons Chicago Didn't Get the Olympics

10. Dead people can't vote at IOC meetings

9. Obama distracted by 25 min meeting with Gen. McChrystal... Read More

8. Who cares if Obama couldn't talk the IOC into Chicago ? He'll be able to talk Iran out of nukes.

7. The impediment is Israel still building settlements.

6. Obviously no president would have been able to accomplish it.

5. We've been quite clear and said all along that we didn't want the Olympics.

4. This isn't about the number of Olympics "lost", it's about the number of Olympics "saved" or "created".

3. Clearly not enough wise Latina judges on the committee

2. Because the IOC is racist.

1. It's George Bush's fault.



HAHAHA!! I love your Top Ten list, MJ!!


Better make sure the lameshow hosts don't rip you off in their desperate search for material..



It does seem like Obama cannot bounce a b-ball and chew gum at the same time.



Looks like he got his gum stuck on the ball..




MJ, I got one more for your list: Olympic Committee members too distracted by interns.




Gringoman, were you talking about the U.nited S.ocialist S.oviet S.tates of A.merica?




Once again the XKrement exposes itself as the islamofasco-bot that it is:

OBAMA! NOW do what the ef you INTIMATED during your ENTIRE campaign you would do, and what the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of the American People elected you to do, and pull EVERY LAST TROOP OUT OF THE MIDEAST.

NOW. IMMEDIATELY. Godd*mn your drug dealing and your opium poppies. Literally.




I have a better idea.. we take out all the troops and then we send a detailed message carried by ICBMS.. any more terrorism or any other BS and we'll be a bit more "on target" next time.

I am sick and tired of these islamos running wild ON MY DIME.

Get a job or die.



Did Letterman get treated roguishly?


Our president said "Frankly, we cannot defend our economy."
It is particularly difficult while we borrow money from China. We should repudiate the debt, since it was caused by the Chinese breaking many international trade laws. The sooner we repudiate, the sooner we can defend.

Case in point : Our green tech is under attack. first the Volt, and now solar panel technology. Espionage on US companies, or paying off former employees, is leading to the Chinese intentionally targeting and directly confronting our new startups.
They are sending panels to the US and leaving out the diodes that turn them into useful devices, and thereby escaping 2%import duties. Our government response : nothing.

As for joining globally networked trade -- you're in or you're out -- this is a real dilemma for the US. We are just not any two bit country, but the country on the hill with the bright light, and this citadel is under attack, and the feeling is not good, or comfy cosy. We should elevate the world, not being our country down.

Phil Wedeen

Is there any doubt, what is the Greatest Prize of all in Sports?

Hint: It's not the Olympic medal count!

It's the World Cup, Stupid ;-)


Posted by: Ummah Gummah | October 02, 2009 at 01:48 PM

Spot on

Phil Wedeen

1. It's George Bush's fault.

Posted by: mjfell | October 02, 2009 at 03:49 PM

I knew it! The swine. When are you good folks going to put him and his friend, the face-hunter, behind bars?

Phil Wedeen

True conservatives never believed for one second that Obama and his band of liberal racists had any other intention than to disable and or dismantle MUCH of the free enterprise system and replace it with a neo-socialist one.

In addition to government controlled/rationed healthcare and Cap and Tax, the enemies within, will most assuredly grant citizenship to an estimated 12 to 30 million illegal aliens. Factor chain migration into that equation and the liberals will aquire an overwhelming advantage at the ballot box from thereon in. We can credit Curious George Bush's open boarders policy -- amongst other liberal policies of his -- for the downfall of conservatism and the eventual end of freedom in America.

Posted by: DJ | October 02, 2009 at 11:20 AM


You sound so down and out.
What IS a "neo-socialist"? And since you have blamed George Bush for renting to swingers:

" We can credit Curious George Bush's open boarders policy -- amongst other liberal policies of his -- for the downfall of conservatism and the eventual end of freedom in America"-DJ

I'll have to agree with you here. If he rented rooms to more genteel boarders there probably would not be so much licensiousness around the house. If you have to let a spare room it's best to find someone quiet and conservative who will least disrupt normal family activities.
But have somebody board who is too open all and sorts of shenanigans can come your way and disrupt your freedom at home.
So did George Bush start this "open boarders policy" as way for homeowners earn some extra income and perhaps stave off forclosure?
Sounds like him. Screw up the world economy and then tell the little guy to rent a room and earn some cash.
The swine.


There is a certain je ne sais quoi when a man who has reached a certain age begins to brag about his libido.
When that does occur no one questions its source..et les choses a propos est un sourire...
though I suspect coming from older men the attraction may be to the haberdachery.
Be proud of those stirrings in the loin; you're not dead yet.

Posted by: Phil Wedeen | October 02, 2009 at 01:52 PM

Is Pee-Wee on retainer for this? LE DEVOIR'S Marxist missionary and psychobabble. Pretty obscene, Like a monkey auditioning for 'Deep Throat.'

Except that a monkey would know more about Eros.


It's Down With Free Enterprise,' Stupid!

And up with the USSA (United Socialist States of America).

Posted by: gringoman | October 02, 2009 at 10:13 AM

Scratch a brownshirt and he'll spill his heart all over your sleeve.
Since your already on the dole, life won't change too much.

Posted by: Phil Wedeen | October 02, 2009 at 02:06 PM

What is the going rate for a fascista Fidelista with a degree in Shyster---the kind who cyberstalks to bolster his income from the Canadian Nanny?

It can be specified in Euros, unless the "legal professional" prefers pesos from El Commandante's Castrolandia.


As I was viewing the Drudgereport headline "THE EGO HAS LANDED" thinking about B.O.s failed campaign to get Chicago the 2016 Olympic Games, I had the same thought about B.O. - " It's The Economy, Stupid"

But stupid knows what stupid does. And his actions appear more and more intential every day - connect the dots! Break out the Soviet National Anthem and sing dat song.

Posted by: Checkers | October 02, 2009 at 02:53 PM

Do you know how much they and the RINOS and their psycho-babblers fear....?


(Here's the kind of image the progs and their media flunkeys won't promote....




Gringoman, were you talking about the U.nited S.ocialist S.oviet S.tates of A.merica?


Posted by: Ummah Gummah | October 02, 2009 at 04:03 PM

Axelrod and Deadfish would feel that 'Soviet' might give Americans the wrong idea. Even PeeWee, drooling with legalese and his new-found "expertise" in psycho-babble, might be smart enough to agree with Axelrod and Deadfish.


HAHAHA!! I love your Top Ten list, MJ!!


Better make sure the lameshow hosts don't rip you off in their desperate search for material...

Posted by: Ummah Gummah | October 02, 2009 at 03:55 PM

Thanks Ummah!


Intelligence Averts Another Attack - Why do Democrats in Congress want to change key laws that have helped to discover terrorist plots?


Could it be a plan for massive population reduction to cure America's unfunded imbalances in Medicare and Social Security? UM UM UM?



LOL.. Deadfish.. There was a pitcher on the '86 Mets, Bobby Ojeda, who had a junk ball he used to call the "dead fish". Hitters would be swinging over it, flailing wildly, or they'd beat it into the ground. Now we have a crap pitching staff and all we have left is to roof AGAINST the stanks and FOR both the Giants and the Jets.. though I prefer my Koolaid Big Blue rather than Gang Green, when the two play head to head later in the season.. and who knows.. in the Superbowl?



It's the World Cup, Stupid ;-)


Posted by: Ummah Gummah | October 02, 2009 at 01:48 PM

Spot on



A PC guy who agrees that Football is greater than the Olympics? Certainnement monsieur, vous plaisantez.. c'est pas très Socialiste..



Maybe Oprah and Michelle should have stayed home.


PW, the neo-socialist asks: "What IS a "neo-socialist"?"

I hope this helps clear up any confusion:



PW: "And since you have blamed George Bush for renting to swingers:..."

Very funny PW, you pedantic pencil-necked putz.
I meant to write 'borders'



M/M how is life without Imus, but seeing the world more clearly instead...?



"Once again the XKrement exposes itself as the islamofasco-bot that it is:"


You've gotten more than enough US men and women killed for NO-THING, you ef-ing warmongering atheist Zionist piece of sh*t . As well as enough innocent blood on the other side to bathe in for eternity.

Go blow yourself up, b*tch, so you can spend eternity sucking Lucifer's limp dick and eating his sh*t. Which will be far too good a fate for the likes of you. If we only couldn't hear your screams in Heaven as he eats you alive.

Death to all warmongers. At their own hands. If they don't repent and d*mn fast.


Phil Wedeen

Except that a monkey would know more about Eros.

Posted by: gringoman | October 02, 2009 at 05:24 PM

God, gringoman, you seem to really be into kink.

There was this theory being propounded about men, monkeys, and AIDS.
Take precautions


Wasn't GOD president in 1983?

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