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September 26, 2009



What exactly have the Red Sox lost if I may ask? I thought the World Series isn't till October.

Posted by: Ummah Gummah | September 27, 2009 at 08:19 PM
They've lost the last seven games in a row to my Yankees. sheesh, this is baseball banter isn't it?


I think you meant "wait 'till next year".
Posted by: thorn66 | September 27, 2009 at 08:23 PM
It Ain't Over 'til It's Over. Haven't you learned from 2004?


UG, Thorn, M/M,

The reason I said I'd rather have a beer with Sharpton than Matthews and Olbermann was to emphasise the contempt I have for those two. In reality, Lying Al Sharpton is as despicable as they come.

As for my overall attitude towards blacks is concerned: On a personal level I enjoy their friendships and working relationships very much, I just don't want to live and raise my kids around them.

I wonder if Thorn is eager to live and raise HIS family in a predominately black neighborhood? You know, Thorn, there are perfectly rational reasons why whites' reaction toward racial integration eventually translates into the reality we commonly refer to as white-flight. Need I spell them out to you?


Go Lions! (LOL)


I could never have a beer with Sharkton. He has caused too much trouble for too many people.


Yeah the only beer I'd have with fartson would be to shove the mug down his throat. whatta waste of perfectly good beer!



They've lost the last seven games in a row to my Yankees. sheesh, this is baseball banter isn't it?



Looks like Win/Losses have been streaky. You better hope your streak lasts another four games. ;-)



Having a beer with Sharpton would be a fools move.Before the night was out he'd find a hiddeb racist agenda and sue you.This fool been robbing all people for years.


Having a beer with Al would be a fools move.Before the night was over he would find hidden racism and he would sue you.Fool


Having a beer with Al would be a fools move.Before the night was over he would find hidden racism and he would sue you.Fool.And you know if you got rid of so called racism.Look how different the country would be.There would no longer be a democrat party' because they couldn't get elected on their ideas.All the race baiters like Sharpten would be unemployed.They would be on welfare where they keep a lot of my people.My people need jobs.You made up millions of jobs for women.Why not us.


"Like herpes."


FINALLY you post some actual truth based on personal experience...

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