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September 11, 2009



from THE VOLOKH CONSPIRACY/////[David Kopel, September 11, 2009 at 1:03am] Trackbacks
Conservatives and the civil rights movement:

Tim Wise is a British writer who is considered by many people to be an insightful expert on issues regarding race. However, in a recent essay, he displays a significant gap in his knowledge about the American civil rights movement. Expressing his dismay about the criticism of Van Jones, Wise concludes:

Make no mistake, had they been old enough in those days, Beck and every modern-day movement conservative would have stood with the segregationists, with the bigots, with the mobs who burned the buses carrying freedom riders. They would have stood with the police in Philadelphia, Mississippi, even as they orchestrated the killing of Andrew Goodman, James Chaney and Mickey Schwerner. They would have stood with Bull Connor in Birmingham. How do we know? Easy. Because not one prominent conservative spokesperson of that time did the opposite. Not one. That's who they are. And the minute you forget that, the minute you insist on treating them better than they would treat you, the minute you insist on playing by rules that they refuse to as much as acknowledge, all is lost. They do not believe in democracy. They believe in power. White power.

Yet in fact, actor Charlton Heston, who later became President of National Rifle Association (and thus a leading "modern-day movement conservative" according to many people) marched with Martin Luther King.

Undeniably one of the most prominent conservatives of the sixties with Senator Everett McKinley Dirksen (R-Il.), the Senate minority leader. He played an indispensible, leading role in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Thanks to Dirksen's wily maneuvering, for the first time in history a filibuster of a civil rights bill was broken. Republican Senators voted 27-6 for cloture. In the House, Republicans voted for the bill 138 to 34.

I have not been able to locate an on-line roll call of the votes of all the Congresspersons. Although both parties in 1964 were more ideologically diverse than they are today, I suspect that of the 80% of House Republicans who voted yes, there must have been many solid conservatives.

This document (page 1 of the House roll call) shows an affirmative vote by Rep. John Ashbrook (R-Ohio) who was so conservative that in 1972 he ran against incumbent President Richard Nixon for Republican nomination, challenging him from the Right. Ashbrook was a founding father of the modern conservative movement: "chairman of the Young Republican National Federation from 1957 to 1959; one of the founders of the American Conservative Union, serving as chairman from 1966 to 1971; and on the Steering Committee of the Committee of One Million against the Admission of Communist China to the United Nations, whose campaign began in 1953."

I was able to find a complete list of Congresspersons in the 88th Congress. By eliminating the six Republican Senators who voted against the bill (Bourke Hickenlooper, Barry Goldwater, Edwin Mechem, John Tower, Milward Simpson, Norris Cotton), we see that there were "yes" votes from 11 conservative Republicans. (American Conservative Union ratings are on-line starting from 1971; for Senators who were still voting in 1971, the 1971 ACU rating is in parentheses): Gordon Allott (82), Peter Dominick (87), Hiram Fong (67), Len Jordan (85), Jack Miller (91), Glen Beall (74), Roman Hruska (100), Carl Curtis (100), Milton Young (89, most senior Republican), Karl Mundt, and Wallace Bennett (94).

Mr. Wise's intemperate and inaccurate words serve as a reminder about the dangers of recklessly imagining the worst of one's political opponents.


gringoNOTE//// They are also a reminder of what a liberal racist is: a race-obssessed individual in the post-Civil Rights era. The liberal racist can't help projecting his obssession onto opponents. When logic and reason fail, as they often do in his case, how can he resist whipping out his old race card? This isn't just psychiatric. The compulsion is political too. On a good day he might even draw blood with the edge of his race card---if it's not too dog-eared already.


Race does not apply to Barry Soetoro, because the man simply is not black.

And anyone who claims Obama is black is not racist, they are in pathological denial of simple basic fact.

In fact, in the 60's and early 70's, the man would be decried as an "Oreo", and prior to that, an "Uncle Tom" or "House N-" by 99% of Black America. Rightly or wrongly.

To be an American Black, in America, requires at least SOME family history of Western Hemisphere slavery. There is none in Obama's ancestry. Which is just one reason why Barry became Barack.

I have never, nor will I ever, see Barack Obama as a black American. Neither do the majority of my black friends and colleagues.

What he is, is a half-African half-caucasian Kenyan/Indonesian.

Which is nothing bad in and of itself! Other than it merely and completely does not fit the requirements for a US president.

And certainly not the "first" "black" "American" President. It is absolutely ironic how black people and their white champions fought the heinous and highly racist "one-drop rule" for CENTURIES. UNTIL the arrival of Barry Soetoro.

And THEN the "one-drop" rule suddenly applies, and the man is black.

It doesn't work that way folks, and when the smoke clears, history ain't gonna reflect it your way, either.

The "first" "Black" "American" President is now, after the Obama debacle runs its course, at least a half a century away, as planned.

IF the US survives that long.


Apologia for YOUR Reich-wing lynch mobsters?


From THE VOLOKH CONSPIRACY/////[David Kopel, September 11, 2009 at 1:03am] Trackbacks
Conservatives and the civil rights movement...


According to Wikipedia, David Kopel is a scholar, a conservative, and a member of the ACLU. I guess that makes him another CoCo, as in Conservative Communist.



This is how they commemorate 9/11 in Lebanon:




In Memoriam
courtesy of Ray Charles




How independent German artists view pigslam:


PS. You don't need to know German to get it.




Oh and THIS one just for FreaKy Fred since he refuses to acknowledge that Winston Churchill had a rather low opinion of pigslam:





I like this one. It shows how delusional the libs are.




Monica, you have to tell Bill O'Reilly that Savage is really losing it. I would mention what he was discussing yesterday but I don't want to gross you out. Needless to say, I changed the station again.


John Locke:

"Whenever the legislators endeavour to take away, and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any farther obedience, and are left to the common refuge, which God hath provided for all men, against force and violence. Whensoever therefore the legislative shall transgress this fundamental rule of society; and either by ambition, fear, folly or corruption, endeavour to grasp themselves, or put into the hands of any other, an absolute power over the lives, liberties, and estates of the people; by this breach of trust they forfeit the power the people had put into their hands for quite contrary ends, and it devolves to the people, who have a right to resume their original liberty, and, by the establishment of a new legislative, (such as they shall think fit) provide for their own safety and security, which is the end for which they are in society."



And while Savage is crying about how the other talk radio show hosts are not defending him, Beck talks about this:



"Good Morning America" interviewing Jim Demint about the "tens of thousands" tea partyers expected to march on Washington today.



M/M, I have to concur re. savage. He's lost it. WAYYYY too self-absorbed. Cya, Mike it was good to have heard ya. Time to make room for the youngins.




And this is how they treat the Christian dead in England:


Multicultis have brought us such lovely things.. this is exactly on e of the many reasons why I HATE.. not just hate.. I despise liberals!



From THE VOLOKH CONSPIRACY/////[David Kopel, September 11, 2009 at 1:03am] Trackbacks
Conservatives and the civil rights movement...


According to Wikipedia, David Kopel is a scholar, a conservative, and a member of the ACLU. I guess that makes him another CoCo, as in Conservative Communist.

Posted by: thorn66 | September 12, 2009 at 12:05 AM

I think there are some ACLU-niks, even liberals, with elementary intelligence and integrity. Who knows? Maybe one will show up here someday.


From THE VOLOKH CONSPIRACY/////[David Kopel, September 11, 2009 at 1:03am] Trackbacks
Conservatives and the civil rights movement...


According to Wikipedia, David Kopel is a scholar, a conservative, and a member of the ACLU. I guess that makes him another CoCo, as in Conservative Communist.

Posted by: thorn66 | September 12, 2009 at 12:05 AM

I think there are some ACLU-niks, even liberals, with elementary intelligence and integrity. Who knows? Maybe one will show up here someday.

Posted by: gringoman | September 12, 2009 at 09:40 AM

ps If any liberal racists object to the acronym for Community Organizing Cool One, they are still welcome to use their faculties: Suggest one that their PC Police will let pass.


"Apologia for YOUR Reich-wing lynch mobsters?"


On the contrary, a direct refutation of them. THEY are laboring under the delusion that the man is black every bit as much as his rabid supporters. The amount of posts here dealing with race WHEN IT ISN'T INVOLVED illustrates that perfectly.

No one here is more anti-right than I am. Unfortunately, I am also anti-left most of the time as well. I call it like I see it.


Monica, you have to tell Bill O'Reilly that Savage is really losing it. I would mention what he was discussing yesterday but I don't want to gross you out. Needless to say, I changed the station again.

Posted by: M/M | September 12, 2009 at 07:38 AM

gV on Michael Savage: "When he's on target, nobody is better. When he's not, nobody is worse."

Yes, Savage has been slipping, whether it's age, booze or the socialists "putting a target on my back" via their admittedly weird banning him, along with violent skinheads and muslim cut-throats, from Britain, a place where he was not even known.

He just lost his outlet in San Francisco. Mark Levin says it's because he wiped out "Weiner Nation" in the SF ratings.

ANNOUNCEMENT: The legendary BOB GRANT returns to ABC Radio, Sundays Noon-2.

Old Bob, of course, has mellowed out a lot since his fiery heyday. I wouldn't call him PC now, but you won't hear him, anymore, referring to "the mutants" in the streets, one of his terms for lowlife scum whether or not it enjoyed skin privilege assigned by Lib Central.

'Yourrrrrrrrrrrrrr influence counts. USE it!'


John Locke:

"Whenever the legislators endeavour to take away, and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any farther obedience, and are left to the common refuge, which God hath provided for all men, against force and violence. Whensoever therefore the legislative shall transgress this fundamental rule of society; and either by ambition, fear, folly or corruption, endeavour to grasp themselves, or put into the hands of any other, an absolute power over the lives, liberties, and estates of the people; by this breach of trust they forfeit the power the people had put into their hands for quite contrary ends, and it devolves to the people, who have a right to resume their original liberty, and, by the establishment of a new legislative, (such as they shall think fit) provide for their own safety and security, which is the end for which they are in society."


Posted by: Ummah Gummah | September 12, 2009 at 07:53 AM

THOMAS JEFFERSON////Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers (adminstrators) too plainly proves a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slavery.

gringoNOTE: Jefferson clearly understood how an "Empire of Debt" would reduce Americans to slavery. Some will say that Barack Hussein Obama doesn't understand this. I disagree. Even if Obama doesn't understand, his most important handlers and directors do.



Let liEberals try and DENY what these moslems are writing on their VERY OWN BLOGS:


Proof that Enoch Powell had it right.. coming to the USA very soon...



Originally Posted by Middy View Post
These Dems are the most stupid, sanctimonious, hypocritical, lying bunch of clowns in congressional history. They carry on and on about the "You Lie" outburst for which Wilson apologized. They are making this a damning sin against Dear Leader, ignoring and forgetting the disrespect they affforded our former President, who was called every name under the sun, booed and derided continuously for eight years.

Wilson committed such a sin!.......But Charley Rangel still has his fat hide sitting on the chair of the Ways & Means Committee, after he has committed countless violations, unethical practices, tax evasion, and other miscellaneous dishonest acts and deeds......and his idiot cohorts aren't even embarrassed to allow old Gravelvoice to retain his seat, and his position of Chairman of his Committee. Nancy Pelousy, who after she became Speaker, said that she was going to drain the swamp. Her congress would be the most ethical in history.

What has to be done henceforth is for the Republicans to make every effort, as long as it may take, to wrest control from these liberal, miscreants who suddenly have developed such a high degree of class and ethics that they cannot forgive the grievous sin committed by a Republican congressman, but ignore the numerous infractions and lack of ethics exhibited by the crooked Rangel.

GRINGOMAN////The Dems, by demanding a SECOND apology from Joe Wilson, are not only keeping the story alive in the news cycle, and inciting a thousand fact-checkers in the blogosphere and Talk Radio to document Obama's record of shifting, spinning and outright prevarication. They are also risking the POTUS becoming known as Barack "You Lied" Obama.

Anf if they don't watch out, this might tempt even the Republicans to start asking, finally, finally, finally: Why is Obama hiding all his records, even aside from the BC?


"Proof that Enoch Powell had it right.. coming to the USA very soon..."

Sweden too is experiencing the "benefits" of what a vibrant diverse multicult has to offer:

Muslim Rape Wave in Sweden




September 12, 2009

INSTAPUNDIT////HMM://// Pelosi, Dems Bracing For Huge Turnout At Glenn Beck/Tea Party Gathering. Actually, I think they’re floating huge numbers — two million? are you kidding? — so that they can paint it as a disappointment if we see “only” hundreds of thousands.

But no, that can’t be it: “The House leadership memo predicting huge turnout could have been written in hopes that it would leak and inflate expectations for turnout, anticipating that it will fall far short. But Dems on the Hill insist they’re genuinely worried about what tomorrow will bring.” Well, if they insist that they’re genuinely worried . . .

UPDATE: Moe Lane shares my suspicions:

I am certain of three things:

1. The Democrats are trying to manage expectations about today’s DC demonstration by coming up with a number of ‘expected’ protesters that is far above actual expectations;
2. The media will play along;
3. It won’t actually work.


News from the March on Washington. Just heard about a GREAT sign:






The March on Washington looks really good. Seems that there are a lot of people there.



Phil Wedeen

gringoNOTE: Jefferson clearly understood how an "Empire of Debt" would reduce Americans to slavery. Some will say that Barack Hussein Obama doesn't understand this. I disagree. Even if Obama doesn't understand, his most important handlers and directors do.

Posted by: gringoman | September 12, 2009 at 10:19 AM

Gringoman hasn't figured it out either...


In case you are missing the March on Washington


Julian Kulski, a World War II P.O.W. and a member of the Polish Resistance, just gave an inspiring speech.



How Democrats Get Rich --
Off Taxpayers

MARK LEVIN////There's no doubt about it: Getting rich in Barack Obama's America is tougher than ever. And with his plans for raising your taxes, staying rich is tougher still.

But that doesn't mean it can't be done. And as I see it, there are two basic ways to go about it.

The first is what I call "The Easy, Sleazy Democrat Way to Wealth." All it takes is using political power -- your own, or someone else's -- to steer private money or (even better) taxpayer dollars into your own bank account. Here are just a few tried-and-true "Sleazy Democrat" techniques for doing just that:

Run a "Government-Sponsored Enterprise" (into the ground). Say you're a longtime party hack who knows nothing about running a business, like ex-Clintonite Franklin Raines. Get appointed as CEO of Fannie Mae, the "government-sponsored" mortgage giant, where the profits are privatized and the losses are covered by taxpayers. Take tens of millions in salary and bonuses (based on phony accounting) -- and then, when you've laid the groundwork for Fannie's bankruptcy and the subprime mortgage crisis, walk away with a "golden parachute" estimated at $240 million.

Force Taxpayers to Subsidize Your Business. First, pick something that makes no real-world, economic sense, like "biofuels" or "green technology." Then, get the government to mandate and/or subsidize its use -- and if possible, to tax and regulate your competition to death. It's important, however, to mask your intentions by posing as a public-spirited crusader -- like Al Gore, whose use of this technique has already built him a fortune of more than $100 million, and who could become a billionaire from the "carbon credit" racket if a cap-and-trade bill becomes law.

Benefit from Nepotism. Not a politician? No problem -- just be related to one! Whether you're the nephew of Rep. John Murtha (D-PA), getting lucrative defense contracts, or the son of Joe Biden, getting rich off Dad's name as a government lobbyist, or the wife of Barack Obama, getting a nearly 300% raise at her Chicago hospital job right after he was elected U.S. Senator -- and right before he requested a $1 million earmark for the hospital -- just remember: in the world of political influence-peddling and back-scratching, it's always "family first."

The icing on the cake of "Easy, Sleazy Democrat" wealth-building strategies like these? You get to rail against "rich Republicans" and "greedy corporate fat cats" while congratulating yourself on being a selfless public servant.


And while Savage is crying about how the other talk radio show hosts are not defending him, Beck talks about this:


Posted by: M/M | September 12, 2009 at 08:06 AM

And while they all talk, this is now showing on the Las Vegas Strip....



INTERNET///// That’s the choir, fool.

3 million viewers? Wowwwwwwwww.

Dave Rywall on September 12, 2009 at 7:29 AM

HOT AIR////Yes, poor Beck. He’s so ineffectual. That’s why Van Jones got booted out of the White House this week — because nobody listens to Beck. That’s why ACORN got booted out of its 2010 census job today — because nobody but right-wing nutjobs watch FNC.

Gee, it’s too bad Beck and Fox don’t have any influence. But hey, not everybody can be as important as some dopey liberal tool, posting snarky comments to a conservative blog from his parents basement in some Canadian hinterland.

AZCoyote on September 12, 2009 at 7:45 AM

GRINGOMAN////Some dopey what, doing what, from where? Surely they don't mean P. Wedeen, Canada's gift that keeps giving? Hasn't DJ confirmed that Stalker for Socialism is not operating out of a basement?


News from the March on Washington. Just heard about a GREAT sign:


POSTED BY: M/M | SEPTEMBER 12, 2009 AT 01:09 PM


At least this one won't be a MILLION MAN FARCE. Or did Savage beat me to that one too?





I'm still waiting for FreaKy Fred to explain to me which of these RACIST AT BEST AND OFTEN GENOCIDAL comments were made by NON-liberals!


Bring it on, baby.



"Let liEberals try and DENY what these moslems are writing on their VERY OWN BLOGS:"


Ummah, you know as well as I that 90% of the worst "Moslem" blogs are complete fakes that domain resolve right back to Langley, VA and Tel-Aviv. In an effort to connect with their underground and weed out the patsies from the chaff. You know, the guys in the boiler room right next door to yours?

The other 10% of websites out there? Merely reacting to you and the things you espouse daily. Easily caught nutcases. Real terrorists don't go public.

You really get right back what you put out in this world. It's a spiritual law ever bit as reliable as the law of gravity.

Try peace and love sometime. Even if it kills you.

Who knows, it just might not kill you, and you might actually learn something about human nature, as opposed to the animal kingdom you live by.



Kosovar Moslems take organs from live Serbian Civilians and sell them on the black market:


Where are the U.nited N.azis? where is Shamnesty? and all the rest of the Human Rights Industrial Complex?!!

Looks like moslems are always free to commit their atrocities.



Congrats to all the Tea Party goers. My only complaint is they are all too well behaved. Is this a real Tea Party, or ... more like a garden Party? No effigies. No fires. No concrete resistance. Just sign waving. No ill-disciplined little brothers(because of no conscription?). Paddy cakes and dirty diapers. Still it is our hope for restoring the republic of, FOR, and by the people.

Congrats also to Obama, for having the cojones, finally, to impose a sensible tariff on Chinese tires, that are being dumped here. Finally we are addressing the need to impose WTO sanctions against traders using free trade as a trade war. Not only should there be tariffs, but also fines. China is a special case because the companies are not independent, but driven possibly by the Chinese military. Violations involving legalities preventing China from using slave labor in prison camps might also exist, The Chinese authorities not allowing inspections of these facilities. There are many patent violations also. The key is to modulate and balance trade, not sever it. Trade should augment an economy, not attempt to eradicate it.

We should ask the EU to likewise impose sanctions. This is neither simply a democratic nor a republican goal. It is a necessary thing for a stable and strong national economy.


Excellent post by Truther. She nailed it on the subject of China's imports.

As for the Tea Party goers, the best sign I saw read:

-- Obama Bin Lyin --

LOL, Ain't dat da trut!?


Commentary on TMG this week:

Just ONCE I wish John and TMG would cut through the BS. Just ONCE.

This country did not receive another 9-11 for the past eight years, not for lack of trying by the perps, but for one reason and one reason alone:

The perps WERE the HEART of the Administration. They'd made WAY too many arrogant almost 100% incriminating mistakes. And they'd awakened a sleeping giant in the complacent half of the CIA that let the Poppy Bush/Cheney faction run rampant, until the moment of 9-11, when it was from that day forward, shut down an operative at a time. Not soon enough, but finally DOA. Also, the mistakes they made put them under around the clock surveillance for the remainder of their odious terms. Every attempt by them to repeat 9-11 (that was shutdown by vigilant patriots) was later triumphed by them as yet another "success" in their "war" "against" "terror". Their own terror.

Which leads me to topic 2: OF COURSE no one who tortured under orders should be prosecuted. The people who need to be tried are the ones who concocted a way to violate the Geneva conventions and then ordered others to do so and look the other way. THEY need to be tried, convicted, and hung for treason on the National Mall in front of a live worldwide audience, starting with Richard "Dick" Cheney and ending with whomever was the top executive passing along the orders. Leave the rank and file alone. Go after the brass, and morale in the Agency, the country, and the entire planet WILL skyrocket.

Which leads me to point 3: You're a strong woman, Warrior Princess. I will bet you a million dollars that if allowed to waterboard you just twice, with an hour rest in between as was given to Sheik Khalid Mohammed, who was waterboarded up to 9 TIMES a DAY, that, before you were even strapped down for the second waterboarding I would have had your written and video confession to being a CIA agent AND the SOLE PLANNER and PERPETRATOR of 9-11.

Waterboarding doesn't work; quit lying about it. Or if you REALLY believe in it, put up or shut up; a million dollars to your favorite charity IF you can allow a second waterboarding without confessing to ANYTHING I suggest, no matter how ludicrous or heinous or impossible. You'd confess to the Kennedy Assassination, which would be a neat trick. And then I could get the location of the time machine you used to do it.

That said and done, Eleanor won this round, and I have to say, without that ridiculous chain around her neck she looked splendid in royal purple. And she maid mostly sensical comments, now that she's realized her job is the truth amongst a den of ingenuousness, not to be Obama's high priestess.

Of course, the entire health care debacle is merely a smokescreen for the continued endless worthless sacrifice and murder in AfghaiNam and the rest of the Mideast.

Obama the Liar. Still. And US the Pariah Empire, fighting tooth and nail to keep from giving its own poor decent free of corporate health care, while continuing to bomb innocent babies and their mothers into rotting meat.

God bless America. The moment we quit killing innocents, face the true perps of 9-11 and convict and hang them, and get the hell out of the Mideast forever, repenting and reparation. And not a single second before.


When the architects start telling the truth about 9-11 en masse, can Cheney and Rumsfeld's last dance high above the National Mall be far behind?


If there is a God. If there still is an America.


Government-Media Complex is the collusion of our media with the government's agenda.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (Who will guard the guardians?)
- Plato, "The Republic" (question to Socrates)

The U.S. Constitution gave "the press" a special right to protect its sources of the news. That special right was granted in exchange for the press' responsibility to watch (be skeptical of - sound the alarm on misbehavior) the watchers (ie. the government).

Because "the press" (most of the print and broadcast media, except a few popular talk radio and Fox News Channel personalities) have failed in the above responsibility and have turned into cheerleaders and confusion creators). These failed media outlets deserve to lose their special right to protect sources because of their inappropriate behavior for whatever reason (ie ignorance of the constitution, government favoritism for future lucrative contracts, collusion with foreign and/or domestic special interest groups, corruption...).

So the responsibility to guard the guardians has fallen upon concerned citizens (the last line of defense against tyranny - where citizens fear their government).

Yesterday you saw concerned citizens demonstrating in Washington yesterday. They know that private insurance companies that currently earn about $3 for every $100 in revenue will be unable to compete with Obama's non-profit government created insurance company. They read the onerous provisions of HR3200 and know that, under Obamacare, government will not only have access to ALL of our medical records, but also ALL of our financial records. They will be able to just reach in an take from our wallets. Because government will know everything about us, they will be able to control us through threats and blackmail - watch the movie on video "The Lives of Others" which describes life in East Germany before the wall fell. They will be able to deem people who disagree with their policies "mentally unstable" and medicate them and/or confine them in mental institutions as was done during the 70 years existence of the Soviet Union. They know that if government run healthcare gets enacted, it's just a matter of time before our guns are confiscated leaving the citizenry defenseless against the armed thugs Obama seeks to train for his stated desired "armed civilian militia stronger than the U.S. military". They know it's just a matter of time before Obama's new "FCC Diversity Czar" squelches free speech over the few media outlets that dispense honest analysis of the important events we are experiencing.

If the people fail in watching the watchers - fail to hold them accountable as the media should be doing and are not, we will know fear we have never experienced in the country!


A little something to get Gringo "up" this morning:



"They read the onerous provisions of HR3200 and know that, under Obamacare, government will not only have access to ALL of our medical records, but also ALL of our financial records. They will be able to just reach in an take from our wallets. Because government will know everything about us, they will be able to control us through threats and blackmail - watch the movie on video "The Lives of Others" which describes life in East Germany before the wall fell."


Hysterical nutcases... relax, will you? There WILL be a GOP President and Administration and majorities in both houses of Congress come 2012, and once again you fascist and fascist whore inmates will be running the asylum. So pretend it's then, now, and disappear like you will then!

The only thing we have to fear is YOU.


Since the poster XBJLLB is incapable of rational discourse on any of the objective points expressed in my post, the poster attacks me personally.



Yeah who is advising the President? The people he needs to convince were in D.C. yesterday...hearts and minds this is really basic. If you really want bi partisanship you have to speak to ALL Americans - not just your echo chamber.


"Since the poster XBJLLB is incapable of rational discourse on any of the objective points expressed in my post, the poster attacks me personally."


Wrong on ALL accounts, Pooch. The "you" in my post refers to the millions who "think" (using the word very loosely) just like you. Furthermore, the point was clearly made that if a GOP President was in the White House pushing all the things you're decrying, claiming the interests of "national security" you'd ALL be lining up to give him everything he wanted and fighting tooth and nail on the exact opposite side of the fence.

The way YOU and YOURS think, fascism is just fine and dandy as long as it's OUR guy doing it.

But that's fine; it's always been the right wing that's been so much better at fascism than the left wing and you flip flopping flippers prove it.


"Since the poster XBJLLB is incapable of rational discourse on any of the objective points expressed in my post, the poster attacks me personally."


You're not dealing with a rational person there. Sooner or later these nitwits disappear, only to be replaced by another incarnation of the same deranged liberal.

Products of George Soros money perhaps?



Rep Thaddeus McCotter "undergirding" We Need to Reset the health insurance reform legislation. In 5:52 that's quite a bit less then the 48 minutes the President took...and still didn't sell to all the American People.

Clear and Simple his constituents I am sure are relieved he is their representative. I wish he was the standard for all our Representatives and Senators.


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