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September 10, 2009



Joe Wilson will get all the dittoheaded voters, but what he did goes against the CHARACTER of America...and what Obama SHOULD be doing is reading THIS:


Eminemsrevenge --

You do yourself a disservice when you recommend an article by Besty McCaughey. She was idiotic when she was Lieutenant Governor of NY (they couldn't get rid of her fast enough), and she proved that she is still idiotic last month with her humiliating appearance on "The Daily Show". It was clear that she is reading things into the legislation that are not there, and she was ill-prepared for her appearance. You can't go on a program lugging a huge book, and then have to leaf through it frantically to find the parts you want to discuss.



(From Sept. 09 health care speech)

"And I will make sure that no government bureaucrat or insurance company bureaucrat gets between you and the care that you need."

gringoNOTE: What is this? Does anyone know? Can anyone deconstruct this idiocy? What is COCO saying? If not the insurance companies and not the Big Nanny bureaucrat hordes, then who? What is COCO talking about?.... Some possibilities....

1. COCO himself, transcending the bureaucrats, will intervene personally in your case?

2. Instead of bureaucrats, an Army of Soros workers will "get between you and the care you need"?

3. COCO, as when he rejected the "Death Panels" charge, has found a way, as he said, to "partner with God"?

4. COCO will bypass the bureaucrats by using aliens to "get between you and the care you need"?

5. COCO has a secret plan that "will make sure that no government bureaucrat or insurance company bureaucrat gets between you and the care that you need." You'll find out what it is after the Democrats and Olympia Snowe take the Government Option and agree to hide it, for now, where the sun doesn't shine.

6. COCO has found a way not to use an army of bureaucrats. He'll use an army of 'Obamacare-givers' who will have possession of your health records and tax records. This will save you from the Insurance company bureaucrats.

7. COCO is speaking an unusual language: Harvard Affirmative Actionese. Wait for translation.

8. Your thoughts on what COCO means.

Posted by: gringoman | September 09, 2009 at 10:00 PM

The post=speech polls indicate that viewers who actually sat through it (there must have been some)were impressed enough not to ask what he really means. COCO and his teleprompter were jumping last night. Are the progs about to achieve, or deceive and swindle, their way into the ancient Marxist dream of capturing the Yankee state, their methodology: using popular jazzy COCO to grab America by its medical throat, including all medical and tax records? Will the Republican Wuss go quietly, as the liberal racists and the media's corporate/socialist flunkies cheerlead for COCO's Grand Coup?

Stay tuned.


Gringo --

Someone tried very hard to get "COCO" to stand for something so it could be used to refer to Obama.

Of course, "Coco" also refers to a monkey, as in the mascot of Cocoa Krispies.

I suppose you'll rationalize how it's not racist to refer to our first black president as Coco, right?

And, UG, I'm calling Gringo on his *own* racist comments, not on someone else's. Your response -- that I should explain someone else's racism -- is nonsensical.


Gringo --

Someone tried very hard to get "COCO" to stand for something so it could be used to refer to Obama.

Of course, "Coco" also refers to a monkey, as in the mascot of Cocoa Krispies.

I suppose you'll rationalize how it's not racist to refer to our first black president as Coco, right?

And, UG, I'm calling Gringo on his *own* racist comments, not on someone else's. Your response -- that I should explain someone else's racism -- is nonsensical.

Posted by: FredK2929 | September 10, 2009 at 09:52 AM

Welcome to our collection of Liberal Racists. You have been clearly exposed by David Horowitz, not to mention the prolific Gringobro exposes of how the liberal always falls back on sleazy race card when the logical going gets rough for his limited mental apparatus. Horowitz sees through you snarky moralizing morons as well as I do. Nobody mentioned race until the liberal, desperate for some logical coherence, belched out the 'R' word.

Congratulations. The ex-Barry Soetoro, so "post-racial" while surrounding himself with vile racists would be proud, as when the slick smoothie mentioned in his Berlin speech "people who don't look like those on dollar bills" etc.

Liberal racists---why are the white ones always sanctimonious half-wits from the suburbs? Their devious game of guilt-tripping Americans and making them walk on pc eggshells is old, and getting staler by the day.

If ER(cybER--X) is honest, even he will admit to not loving these liberal racists. I haven't even been able to hook him up with the Lib Racist prog from Quebec, Wedeen the Cyberstalker, who is always pointing out what a (heh-heh) "anti-racist" he is.


Gringo --

Someone tried very hard to get "COCO" to stand for something so it could be used to refer to Obama.

Of course, "Coco" also refers to a monkey, as in the mascot of Cocoa Krispies.

I suppose you'll rationalize how it's not racist to refer to our first black president as Coco, right?

And, UG, I'm calling Gringo on his *own* racist comments, not on someone else's. Your response -- that I should explain someone else's racism -- is nonsensical.

Posted by: FredK2929 | September 10, 2009 at 09:52 AM



David Horowitz

Liberals, who have always claimed to be the authoritative source of progressive attitudes on race, have actually become one of the centers of racist thinking in America over the last quarter century, a period of time in which postwar liberalism itself was being reconfigured by the radical Sixties worldview. Liberal racism began in the last years of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life, when organizations such as the Black Panther Party and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) radicalized the issue of color in America by focusing on legitimate "black rage" and the "institutional racism" they claimed was embedded in the "DNA" of American society. King was an obstacle in their path; they rejected the gains he had achieved as illusory. This was no mere intellectual disagreement about a strategy for improving race relations in America; it had a bitter personal component. The black radicals and their white supporters derided King as "De Lawd" and "Uncle Martin."


Gringo --

Someone tried very hard to get "COCO" to stand for something so it could be used to refer to Obama.

Of course, "Coco" also refers to a monkey, as in the mascot of Cocoa Krispies.

I suppose you'll rationalize how it's not racist to refer to our first black president as Coco, right?

And, UG, I'm calling Gringo on his *own* racist comments, not on someone else's. Your response -- that I should explain someone else's racism -- is nonsensical.

Posted by: FredK2929 | September 10, 2009 at 09:52 AM

gringoNOTE: For those who don't understand GRINGOBRO (i.e. don't WANT to understand him) here is someone who can help....

The effects of liberal racism can be seen in the way black students taunt those among them who strive for achievement as sellouts who are "acting white." Liberal racism can be seen in the unholy alliance between the Democrat Party, the National Education Association and other teachers' unions, and black spokesmen such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, to maintain their power by opposing school choice for black children trapped in violent and failing public schools. Liberal racism can be seen in the way black voters are kept on the proverbial "liberal plantation" through scare tactics and attacks on "race traitors" such as Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice, who have defied the party line. Liberal racism can be seen, paradoxically, most clearly in the way anyone straying from its premises is immediately branded as a "racist." This is a powerful sanction that liberal racists use like a bludgeon to control the public discussion about race.


Outsider turns to DC snake-oil salesman

Last Updated: 7:54 AM, September 10, 2009


WASHINGTON -- Mark last night's address to Congress as the moment President Obama officially went completely Washington on us.

With universal health care, the centerpiece of his historic campaign, unraveling before him, Obama returned to those familiar waters of his greatest strength: that of an orator giving a great address that moves mountains.

The speech was said to be the most important speech of his young presidency.
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Although Democrats run every game in town, their dreams of government health care -- and the massive infusion of new tax money that would flow with it into their hands -- looked to be dying.

This was the canvas for Obama's speech last night:

He needed to scrap the dumbest Democratic ideas and include new approaches that will actually lower health-care costs.

And, of course, he needed to sell this whole new program to an increasingly skeptical public.

But instead of offering anything new, Obama made a desperate stab at bipartisanship by offering tort reform.

We just lived through a month of angry protests against a rogue federal government and palpable rage against a Congress that blindly approves unread legislation.


With Friends Like Obama, Who Needs Enemies?
August 4, 2009

David Podvin

Last week, Fatah announced that it will never recognize Israel's right to exist, and that it will continue its armed struggle until the Zionist Entity has been destroyed. Two days later, the president of the United States sent $200 million to Fatah. This highly predictable sequence should represent a clarifying moment even for the green leafy vegetables who comprise J Street. Assertions of eternal friendship notwithstanding, Barack Obama is a friend to Israel in the same way that O.J. Simpson was a friend to Ron Goldman.

Some insist that Obama is practicing “tough love” towards his Israeli pals, but invariably these are the same deceivers whose affection for Israel consists solely of vilifying the Jewish State. Pretending to love people while facilitating their demise is not only evil...it is gutless. Evil and gutless is not a good combination.

It is, however, the Obama foreign policy. When the president is not assailing the Middle East's only democracy, he is abandoning freedom protesters in Iran and demonizing democratic forces in Honduras. It is almost as though his fascistic policies are being formulated by William Ayers, which cannot be the case because that would mean the media lied when it declared Obama's close association with the Weather Underground terrorist to be irrelevant.

Since taking office, Obama has gone out of his way to alienate the British and the Germans, while obsequiously ingratiating himself to the Cubans and the Syrians. It is the change in international affairs that liberals have been waiting for; finally, a president has the courage to identify America's allies as being the bad guys.

Even while Obama assiduously alienates our friends abroad, he finds time to wreak havoc upon his supporters at home. Confronted with a weak economy staggered by excessive debt, Obama has added approximately twenty trillion dollars to that indebtedness. In the process, he has consigned his working class Democratic base to the lower standard of living that accompanies servicing such massive deficit spending.

Obama's cap and trade legislation will do nothing to eliminate nonexistent global warming, but it will significantly raise the cost of energy consumption to average voters - most of whom supported the Democratic presidential nominee. It is unclear why Obama is being so punitive towards the people who elected him...maybe the patriot hidden deep within his psyche resents them for choosing such a lousy president.

The African American community provided Obama with ninety-seven percent of its support. In return, he is implementing policies that will devastate his most loyal followers. Obama has already repealed much of the Clinton-era welfare reform that encouraged personal responsibility and engendered increased prosperity. The black community's reward for supporting Obama is a regression to the devastating pathology of dependence upon governmental largesse.

Being Obama's friend has not been the kiss of death for everyone. He has attended carefully to the needs of his major campaign contributors, so ACORN and Goldman Sachs are prospering, as are General Electric and Hamas. But aside from providing kickbacks to his political benefactors, Obama has consistently betrayed those with whom he pledged solidarity.

That betrayal begins with the American people. Voters were promised an administration that would govern honorably. Instead, they are enduring a regime unable to distinguish right from wrong. Overseas, Barack Obama consistently chooses to support whichever side is most hateful towards the United States. Domestically, his policies are hurting the very people who placed their trust in him.

It is an appalling record of treachery.

And he is just getting started.



OK, Gringo. I'm still not the one referring to Obama with the name of a monkey. You are. And apparently you need to rationalize your own racism by calling me a racist.

You could just end the discussion by acknowledging the impropriety of referring to him as "COCO" and not doing it in the future.

Or you could continue to deflect by calling me a racist. Your choice.

I expect you will respond like the rightwinger you are.


Gringo --

Someone tried very hard to get "COCO" to stand for something so it could be used to refer to Obama.

Of course, "Coco" also refers to a monkey, as in the mascot of Cocoa Krispies.

I suppose you'll rationalize how it's not racist to refer to our first black president as Coco, right?

And, UG, I'm calling Gringo on his *own* racist comments, not on someone else's. Your response -- that I should explain someone else's racism -- is nonsensical.

Posted by: FredK2929 | September 10, 2009 at 09:52 AM


Until F Libman strayed back here, the leading liberal racist was Wedeen the Marxist Cyberstalker (let the legalese-spewer deny 'Marxist', even if he won't confirm or deny ACLU affiliation.)

This type specializes in righteous smarm, quick to try to guilt-trip anyone who exposes their game with "the victims of racist oppression." They're even too stupid to see how transparent they are.

I urged Cyberstalker Wedeen to demonstrate his true feelings by helping cybER-X who was anxious to have his new work downloaded, an impassioned ouevre about Whitey and The Blacks, (as you can imagine.)

Result: Utter silence from the "anti-racist" Montreal smarmpot Wedeen. Quiet as a dead clam shell.

Should Fred now get a chance to fill the breach left empty by "anti-racist" liberal racist Wedeen? Should he not offer to assist an "oppressed black man" like cybER-X, and help to promote his justice-seeking new opus? You know, during those moments when he's not busy playing his dog-eared race card against non-libs?

Or does this need input from an "old friend" of yours who made a re-appearance here very recently? You DO know who I mean?


Gringo --

Instead of spewing out accusations, how about you just stop referring to President Obama as Coco, since that is the name of a monkey?


Why is it that only whites practice the color blind principles MLK envisioned? Why is it okay for non-white groups to organize with the expressed purpose of advancing their own ethnic/racial interests over those of others? Why are there laws specifically designed to discriminate against whites, and only whites? What ever happened to The Equal Protection Clause? Why are whites, particularly white "conservatives", always held to a higher standard than blacks and non-white hispanics? Why has it become a social taboo for working class whites to organize and advance their own interests? Why do the eleits in the MSM label whites as racists and bigots for merely opposing COCO's socialist policies?

Some of the answers to those questions can be found by examining the doctrine of "anti-racism".


Jim Kalb on “Anti-Racism”
January 28, 2009
From Jim Kalb’s article Anti-racism:

“Racism is the worst of sins, the gravest of public dangers, the most repellent of spiritual disorders. Any taint of racism soils and discredits in all respects.”

Some such view is fundamental to public life today. The emphatic opposition to racism that is now obligatory gives the “race card” extraordinary potency.[1] If you are not part of the solution then simply by living your life from day to day you are participating in “institutional racism.”

The nature of anti-racism is rarely discussed analytically, so it appears to be less a matter of doctrine than feeling and general orientation. Nonetheless, as a view that dominates public policy it has definite content. As such, it holds that there is a definite thing called “racism,” backed by power and constituted by contempt and hatred for those who differ, but for which race relations would be harmonious if indeed differences were noted at all.


Unparalleled evil though it is thought to be, racism is seen everywhere, whether there is evidence for it or not.[8] As long as some groups are collectively unequal to others, the world is racist, and the harder it is to find an explanation that can be publicly accepted, the more fundamental and pervasive racism must be. Accusations of racism always stick, at least a little, and no matter how reckless or even cynical never hurt the accuser. Even false accusations can be valuable, because they draw attention to important issues.[9]

In current practice, anti-racism is aimed at whites. In their case, racism includes not only hatred and abuse, but any distrust of others, any special concern or preference for whites, any recognition of whites as a people. Anti-racism also imposes on whites an obligation to sacrifice their interests to those of nonwhites. If a white does something at odds with black interests or desires, for example if he fails sufficiently to favor “affirmative action,” he is racist or at best insensitive.[10] In contrast, public statements by blacks can be revoltingly bigoted without consequence.[11]

Permitting to some what is forbidden others seems to relativize racism and thus deny that it is ultimate pathological evil. It also suggests that anti-racism draws support from anti-white bigotry. The suggestion is correct.

While many think “anti-white bigotry” a paradox, elite contempt for nonelite whites is simply the contempt of an ascendant group for a group it has superseded and intends to keep subordinate. Most members of our ruling elites are white, but they identify themselves by ideology and class rather than race, and their rejection of racial identification is fundamental to their claim to power. By attacking whites as a group they identify themselves with the principle of rule now ascendant. Whites are thus not immune to racial targeting. In the case of immigration and affirmative action governing elites routinely override lopsided popular majorities that would protect whites from adverse treatment as whites.[12]

Full essay:



The point I'm raising does not call for any analysis of race issues or the posting of any articles. There's no question that calling a black man by a monkey name is racist. Instead of getting defensive, Gringo should acknowledge his mistake and stop doing it.


The point I'm raising does not call for any analysis of race issues or the posting of any articles. There's no question that calling a black man by a monkey name is racist. Instead of getting defensive, Gringo should acknowledge his mistake and stop doing it.

Posted by: FredK2929 | September 10, 2009 at 11:41 AM

Nobody mentioned "monkey" except the Liberal Racist anthropoid.

Prima facie.

ps Try helping cybER-X, instead of working to keep him on Lefty's neo-plantation.


Gringo --

Instead of spewing out accusations, how about you just stop referring to President Obama as Coco, since that is the name of a monkey?

Posted by: FredK2929 | September 10, 2009 at 11:27 AM

How about LibMan just take his stupid monkey business to Mommy's Guilt=Trip Services, Inc?


Answer this question, Gringo:

Do you think there's nothing wrong with calling a black man a monkey's name?


Nobody mentioned "monkey" except the Liberal Racist anthropoid.
* * * *
Posted by: gringoman | September 10, 2009 at 11:54 AM

Don't be disingenuous. You clearly chose words to create the acronym "COCO" for a reason. At least be honest with yourself.


The point I'm raising does not call for any analysis of race issues or the posting of any articles. There's no question that calling a black man by a monkey name is racist. Instead of getting defensive, Gringo should acknowledge his mistake and stop doing it.

Posted by: FredK2929 | September 10, 2009 at 11:41

Spoken not like a plain half-wit, but an arrogant half-wit.


Nobody mentioned "monkey" except the Liberal Racist anthropoid.
* * * *
Posted by: gringoman | September 10, 2009 at 11:54 AM

Don't be disingenuous. You clearly chose words to create the acronym "COCO" for a reason. At least be honest with yourself.

Posted by: FredK2929 | September 10, 2009 at 12:02 PM

LibMan is getting dumber by each post. Even a common moron understands that mind-reading is not acceptable in any court of reason.

Sub-moron? Sad.


OK, then. Tell us what was in your mind when you chose words to create the acronym "COCO" for Obama.


Answer this question, Gringo:

Do you think there's nothing wrong with calling a black man a monkey's name?

Posted by: FredK2929 | September 10, 2009 at 12:01 PM

Is there nothing obnoxious about a white lib smarmpot mind-screwing his neo-plantation, his political chattel, on how to feel aggrieved?


Then don't feel aggrieved. But recognize that you have made a mistake and stop calling a black man by a monkey name so we can moveon.org.


Answer this question, Gringo:

Do you think there's nothing wrong with calling a black man a monkey's name?

Posted by: FredK2929 | September 10, 2009 at 12:01 PM

Is there nothing obnoxious about a white lib smarmpot mind-screwing his neo-plantation, his political chattel, on how to feel aggrieved?

Posted by: gringoman | September 10, 2009 at 12:14 PM

Why, exactly, do the liberal racists and the white smarmpots guilt=trip whites and hook blacks, promoting themselves as "the friends of blacks"? Does LibMan play his race cards for love, for money, or for power?



COHEN////Obama is president in the standard way. But his illegitimacy continues to be questioned by the “birthers,” who insist he is not a native-born American, who demand to see the president’s birth certificate, and then, when they see it, insist it cannot be genuine. Neither evidence nor facts will dissuade them because they are the throes of an irrationality based on bigotry. An American president must be -- ought to be -- white.


gringoNOTE: Is this guy COHEN really as dumb and devious as Fred the Liberal Racist? In making his LibLogic point about the "crazy birthers" why does he ignore the well-known fact that the case against Obama goes far beyond the "birth certificate" issue? Very professional lawyers have pointed this out. Why are the Cohens and Freds such morons? Is it congenital?
How did they get so screamingly dishonest? Why are they afraid to point out that O is the most secretive Prez in history, hiding virtually all of his personal records? Would it complicate their desperate liberal racist ploy of turning this into a race issue?

How do they look at themselves in a mirror? Or do they?


Cohen's liberal racism is so thick and savory, let's have another little helping. It's marvelous! Here's a guy on WaPo payroll, wondering about the "disdain" shown to Obama. The fool wonders such a thing, apparently totally oblivious to eight years of Bush Syndrome LibWorld treating George Bush like a Nazi-created bubonic plague. Read and enjoy this jerk....He even surpasses Fred LibMan here....

COHEN///When opposition to a piece of legislation turns swiftly into disdain for the man -- when policy becomes personal -- a columnist is permitted to wonder why. He is permitted, furthermore, to wonder if some of Obama’s more hateful critics are not expressing a repressed bigotry -- the feeling that the man up on the dais cannot really be the president of the United States. After all, he does not look like one.


Gringo - Since you are being evasive, we'll take that as an admission that you are calling Obama a monkey name because you are a racist. You ok with that?


COHEN///When opposition to a piece of legislation turns swiftly into disdain for the man -- when policy becomes personal -- a columnist is permitted to wonder why. He is permitted, furthermore, to wonder if some of Obama’s more hateful critics are not expressing a repressed bigotry -- the feeling that the man up on the dais cannot really be the president of the United States. After all, he does not look like one.

Posted by: gringoman | September 10, 2009 at 12:43 PM

After reading Cohen's sleazy strawmanesque trickstering, I think we are "permitted to wonder" if COCO started to advance policies diametrically opposed to 'liberal racist' orthodoxy he, Cohen, would refer to COCO as an European negroe, race traitor, a tool of the white-man? Isn't that what liberal racists always do to conservative blacks?



But if the standard is the full House Bill, HR3200, then it appears that Obama was incorrect. There is nothing in HR3200 that excludes illegal aliens from the various coverage provisions (with a few limited exceptions). The Congressional Research Service agrees with this assessment (full report embedded below). For example, with regard to health care exchanges, the CRS found:

H.R. 3200 does not contain any restrictions on noncitzens—whether legally or illegally present, or in the United States temporarily or permanently—participating in the Exchange.

Since the Obama administration wanted a full House vote passing HR3200 prior to the August recess, Obama was okay with a bill that included illegal aliens.

William A. Jacobson
Associate Clinical Professor of Law, Cornell Law School, Ithaca, NY



Are you a racist?


Originally Posted by namjah
"HR 3200, would set up a health insurance "exchange," in which consumers could compare policies and choose a plan. It would create a government-run health plan to compete with private insurers in that exchange, and extend subsidies for coverage to people who aren't already covered by employers or federal programs like Medicare and Medicaid.

It specifically bars illegal immigrants from receiving those subsidies. Section 246, which is included in the part of the bill that sets up the exchange, forbids payments "on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.""

GRINGOMAN////Looks like Professor Jacobson disagrees. He's studied this closely and is from Cornell Law School. (See his commentary a few posts below) Do you hear that drip, drip, drip? It's the sound of the credibility that Obama seems to be losing every day, on so many fronts. A lot of people are beginning to see his motto as "I Lie---For Your Own Good." Prediction: Not even the liberal racists, desperate to vilify and obfuscate by turning this into a race issue, will succeed. Racist LibMan, devious guilt-tripper, will not be able to retrieve the credibility their guy once had. Their game is dying and they don't even know it.)

See the "Obamacare" research by

William A. Jacobson
Associate Clinical Professor of Law, Cornell Law School, Ithaca, NY
Escaping Politically Correct


Soggy --

Interesting question. I think we are all racists to some degree in that we prejudge others based on what we see, before we have sufficient information. However, we can control how far we take our prejudgments. I strenuously object to the use of racial epithets. Sometimes we use racist terms without realizing it. For instance, it's possible that a person would not know that Coco is the name of a monkey and use it without meaning to cause offense. However, once that fact is brought to the person's attention, he should acknowledge his mistake and stop using the term.




///////Palin just beats the ever loving political crap out of Obama . America's - liar - in - chief's speech just gets skewered by her.

Palin lashes out at Obama's health speech

By Yael T. Abouhalkah, Kansas City Star Editorial Page columnist

Here's a shocker: Sarah Palin didn't like what she heard in President Barack Obama's Wednesday night speech on health care.

Indeed, the former Alaskan governor and popular GOP figure hits Obama's plan at one of its weakest points -- its call for creating new federal programs as part of the nation's health care industry.

In a Facebook posting late Wednesday, Palin said:

Many Americans fundamentally disagree with this idea. We know from long experience that the creation of a massive new bureaucracy will not provide us with “more stability and security,” but just the opposite.

It's hard to believe the president when he says that this time he and his team of bureaucrats have finally figured out how to do things right if only we’ll take them at their word.

Palin was especially upset at Obama for what she said was not telling the truth about the death panels she has criticized -- groups of "unelected bureaucrats" who allegedly could decide to deny care to old people, thus hastening their deaths.

He called these concerns “bogus,” “irresponsible,” and “a lie” -- so much for civility.

After all the name-calling, though, what he did not do is respond to the arguments we’ve made, arguments even some of his own supporters have agreed have merit.

Yes so much for civility. Keep punching them Palin. You lay it on the line lady.!!!! TINYDANCER

EDIT TO ADD LINK:http://voices.kansascity.com/node/5818


Are you a racist?

Posted by: soggybritches | September 10, 2009 at 01:57 PM

A liberal cannot be what a liberal says is a "racist."

Of course, he can be a liberal racist. But the liberal racist has a fail-safe clause. He does not recognize liberal racism as racism. Jonah Goldberg can also explain that a liberal does not recognize Liberal Fascism as fascism. The liberal seems to have fail-safe synapses somewhere in his cerebellum. These protect him from himself.


I can answer for myself, and did, Gringo.


I like both answers. I too, am a racist to some degree. It does amaze me however, the number of people who cry racist, when they are actually more so. Gringo is EXACTLY correct in my opinion concerning Sharpnot and Jerkson. I'm funny too. They would not have an income if not for their own "stirring the pot". They NEED racism as does the democrat party.


Gringo is well aware of my feelings about Sharpton. I have not accepted him as a 'statesman' because he has never apologized for his role in the Tawana Brawley fiasco.

Jackson is an example of what I was talking about. He used the term "Hymie Town" in a private conversation, and didn't take into account how hurtful it was, and, as a presidential candidate, it was pretty stupid to say something like that without considering that it could be published. Jackson has, however, done some good with his influence, including arranging for the release of hostages overseas. He's not useless like Sharpton.


Originally Posted by WildRose

I saw a bit on Gretta's show a little while ago (rebroadcast) that SP has an at lenght article/essay on Health Care reform which is going to be published tomorrow.

Should make for a great read, and even more torturous convolutions from the left.

GRINGOMAN////Funny how "sophisticated" liberals mock 'Caribou Barbie.' You would expect them not to have a clue about true hunters and their code. That's far too Hemingwayesque for them. But they're supposed to know something about American literature. Yet I haven't heard a single one reference the "unsophisticated" JACK LONDON and how his stories and novels that were set in Alaska, like CALL OF THE WILD and WHITE FANG made him an instant sensation, and not only in the US. In fact, I've heard that the most popular American author in Russia, even to this day, is the "unsophisticated" Jack London.

It must be enough to make a lib pull out his hair plugs.


Soggy --

The use of racism for political ends is not monopolized by either political party. The Republicans are guilty of the same. Most notably: George Bush's 1988 campaign (Willie Horton).


It must be enough to make a lib pull out his hair plugs.

Posted by: gringoman | September 10, 2009 at 03:23 PM

The difference is that Jack London was a brilliant writer, and Sarah Palin is a mediocre politician.



Hillary Clinton may resign as SecState. She is also considering a run for NY Governor.

gringoNOTE: This is totally unconfirmed. That said, if there is ANY factuality here, it would be a sign of the Clintons jumping ship, the Good Ship BamBam, before it takes on too much water and sewage and starts keeling over.


It must be enough to make a lib pull out his hair plugs.

Posted by: gringoman | September 10, 2009 at 03:23 PM

The difference is that Jack London was a brilliant writer, and Sarah Palin is a mediocre politician.

Posted by: FredK2929 | September 10, 2009 at 03:27 PM

Righto. Tell it to Irving Berlin and his Broadway celebration of the "unsophisticated" and "mediocre" 'ANNIE GET YOUR GUN'.


He also wrote "White Christmas". What's your point?


---"I strenuously object to the use of racial epithets."

That's certainly true for most whites, Fred, but you must admit blacks hurl racial epithets towards whites regularly and with impunity.

The vast majority of whites go to great lengths to refrain from using racial terms designed to hurt and insult. In turn, there's barley any reciprocity in kind from blacks.



I can't admit that because I have not experienced it. One time (just one time) a black man I did not know called me "Bruce", and I didn't respond. He asked me why I didn't respond, and I said that was not my name. He said that calling me "Bruce" was like me calling him "n---er". I told him that I did not use that word. He was getting increasingly agitated so I got away from him.

I asked some black people I knew about the term "Bruce", and they were not familiar with it as a term for white people. One of them responded, "Some black people are nuts."

That's the only time I experienced racism as a white person.

I have experienced some anti-Semitism from other white people.


Just so no one jumps on me for saying I did not experience racial epithets from blacks but then give an example of an incident, let me clarify:

I have not experienced racial epithets from blacks on a regular basis, hurled with impunity. I could only think of one incident (see above), and I think that particular person was mentally unbalanced.

Phil Wedeen

The vast majority of whites go to great lengths to refrain from using racial terms designed to hurt and insult. In turn, there's barley any reciprocity in kind from blacks.


Posted by: DJ | September 10, 2009 at 03:49 PM

Fred, Thorn66:

If you check out this website you will see its two chief sponsors: STORMFRONT, a white supremacist hate group, and Ingrid A Rimland, a holocaust denier and author whose themes center on the german nazis as victims in WWII.
As Thorn had discovered earlier, much of this reverse-discrimination argument being thrown around here is a front for the most vile racism. Once on the fringe these nazis have moved to center stage within the Republican Party.
Make no mistake as to the agenda of Stormfront, Rimland, or ResistingDefamation.org which is to acheive a fascist stronghold in North America.
Fred and Thorn66 are invited to investigate.


Coco is also the name of a French fashion designer and a perfume. Perhaps Gringoman finds something French about "the Messiah".
Snap, Crackle and Pop are the mascots of Cocoa Krispies

For the record, I am the one who first used "elected whore" on this blog.


Coco is popular in the fashion world.


There is a musician named Coco.

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