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May 07, 2009



I'm still waiting for the implementation of one campaign promise in particular, the notion of giving tax breaks to businesses and corporations who keep jobs in America as opposed to sending them overseas. Now that the Dems are in the White House and have such a solid lock on the Congress, it seems to have conveniently slipped their minds.



Once everyday citizens start feeling the effects of Jimmy Carter's economic policies on steroids, expect a backlash of equal proportions.

The Republican election victory of 1980 on steroids.


Monica is a good lister, and it doesn't take her long to rattle this off. She has he pulse of the nation, and the patient is unwell. In curing the patient ... support for the health care system is more important than the patient!

One sign of this - the slowly evolving regard about the swine flu. AS time goes by ... concern is increasing and now they are becoming convinced infected people may require Tamiflu. Why is this not totally predictable?


TPT, you think the same a-hole who lied through his teeth about ending the Mideast "dumb" wars was telling the truth in any other lesser campaign promise?



Monica, can't wait for that $1500/ounce gold prediction you made on McLaughlin to happen. When it beats the idiot profit-takers who always kneejerk sell when it hits $1000 the US will really start crashing. I see hyper-stagflation though, where prices of things you don't need deflate (cars, houses, electornics, clothing) and prices of things you do need (energy, food, sundry essentials) go through the roof.

The WORST of all possible outcomes.


Oh Noes...'Hyper Inflation' I'm selling everything I own buying guns and gold bars and living on a park bench waiting for the zombie apocalypse to begin.


Monica - look up - watch out for the asbestos!


$12.1 Billion in new funds for the Internal Revenue Service, a 5.2% increase over last year, so the IRS can hire up to 800 new "enforcement" officials. Just to make sure all of you tea-baggers pay your taxes.
The Republicans want too reach out to moderates, but did it occur to anyone that WE ARE moderates and we that vote Republican because we like Conservatives and conservative policies?



"WASHINGTON -- Gulliver's travels took him to the Academy of Lagado, where "professors contrive new rules and methods" for everything: "One man shall do the work of ten; a palace may be built in a week, of materials so durable as to last forever without repairing. All the fruits of the earth shall come to maturity at whatever season we think fit to choose, and increase a hundredfold more than they do at present." There was, however, the "inconvenience" that "none of these projects" had yet come to fruition and "the whole country lies miserably waste." But "instead of being discouraged," people were "fifty times more violently bent upon prosecuting their schemes," which included "extracting sunbeams out of cucumbers."

At the Academy of Obama, professors and others devise plans for extracting a new and improved automobile industry from a semi-sort-of-bankruptcy arrangement that -- if it survives judicial scrutiny; that is not certain -- will give the United Auto Workers 39 percent of General Motors, with the government owning 50 percent. During future contract negotiations, will the union's adversary be an administration that the union helped to put in power?


MONICA...."Get ready. The bloodbath has only just begun."

Why is Monica being so low-keyed? Is this a time for under-statement? What's a mere bloodbath compared to what we hear is coming while the Lamestream happy talk continues? Regard........

A commercial real estate implosion. Total economic collapse. It will surpass the Great Depression back when Americans still had a manufacturing base....Cities will burn, even the thugs hungry, food stamps no longer accepted in unlooted supermarkets. Pizza? Forget it. The formerly obese will fight for stale begals and restaurant leavings...You will see the beginning of this before 2010. By 2012 some sort of revolution or Third Party, as even the Dems and Republicans escape the people's wrath, fleeing to their hideaways in the Carribean etc....

Is this from the crystal gringoBall? Actually, not. It's from the professional economist and forecaster Gerald Celente, who has a track record and is widely interviewed in the media, including the following with ABC....

VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7h3u0PiN-eA&feature=channel_page

Will Monica be ready to stomp the Democrats, dump the Republicans and become a Warrior Princess for the new American Party?


No, Monica, Barry did not create jobs only in the IRS. 140,000 are now at work getting everybody's GPS coordinates. Did they get yours yet? Their Oberkommander is in the White House and appears to be Rahm "Dead Fish" Emanuel, or Barry's right hand.


GPS coordinates of your front door will make it easier for the government to monitor you. The U.S. Census Bureau is simply an excuse - a harmless looking means of obtaining the front door coordinates. The creation of GPS coordinates for front doors has nothing to do with the Census, in all honesty, no matter how much the United States Government tries to convince you that it does.

Why would the U.S. government desire the exact location of your front door to be entered into their GPS data base when they already have the location of your home in the system?



Why would the U.S. government desire the exact location of your front door to be entered into their GPS data base when they already have the location of your home in the system?
Posted by: gringoman | May 07, 2009 at 11:24 PM
Big Brother is everywhere. How about the gps-based –mileage tax?


You guys are Tinfoil 'Tards, the GPS location of your Front Door HAS and ALWAYS will be the same(Unless you move or remodel) it just so Census Workers can find it, to count you. GPS isn't 'Magical' tech it just Trig. Math,it also isn't an 'Invasion of Privacy' unless they want to Lojak your Wives Dildo.Stop going to Church and open a Science book or at least Wikipedia, your BRAINS are turning to mush.


The GPS gas tax doesn't make sense.


You guys are Tinfoil 'Tards, the GPS location of your Front Door HAS and ALWAYS will be the same(Unless you move or remodel) it just so Census Workers can find it, to count you. GPS isn't 'Magical' tech it just Trig. Math,it also isn't an 'Invasion of Privacy' unless they want to Lojak your Wives Dildo.Stop going to Church and open a Science book or at least Wikipedia, your BRAINS are turning to mush.

Posted by: Kingofthenet | May 08, 2009 at 07:07 AM


The leftwingnuts are like a trans-gender gift that keeps giving. If George Bush hired a 140,000 to GPS everybody's front door, can you imagine how the progs would shriek and scream their obscene little heads off? But if Big Barry and "Dead Fish" does it?

With proglydytes stalking monicamemo, who needs to watch the Discovery Channel?


Like this reviewer, I think EminemsRevenge is talented and he“looks outside the box of conventional thinking”. He is edgy and he makes me think about things I never was interested in before, like Ethiopia. I am encouraging him to find his AUTHENTIC voice.

If he feels the Republicans are a bunch of racists, who can blame him? Joy Behar, and other people whose name I probably wouldn’t recognize as always telling comparing us to the Klan. I was simply trying to show him our point of view after we are constantly smeared by the “lamestream media” on an hourly basis.

Posted by: M/M | May 07, 2009 at 09:11 PM


If he really is an "author," fine. Good for him. But in my book, even an "author" can be called to account.

The guy was obviously declaring the Republicans to be racists, while leave the embarrasingly racist Democrats off the hook. MJ posted many historical citations showing what rabid racists the Democrats have always been. This ER "author" made no response to MJ's devastating evidence. Do you know why not?

This type is what is normally called a hit-and-run political hack, although it does impress some, just like another "author" by the name of Obama does.


Well- the banks and the Democrats seem to get along just fine, don't they? It makes you wonder - could it be that they were both chomping at the bit, waiting for the Bush administration to end?

There is no need to use GPS determined locations for residences. There is a danger that Obama might give the coordinates to anyone in India and Asia that might want it, and we could be targeted for being dissenters to the international plot. Although this is quite possible,

it is more likely a misguided government program to employ ACORN workers who are going to pretend they are high tech people, as part of a new American generation. After why, why is it just white people who get to use the GPS equipment?

Did Elizabeth Hasselbeck survive the lastest "View" bruhaha? When she took on Joe the Plumber as she did, and people felt she was pandering to BaBa WaWa, people wanted her replaced. It was then that Elizabeth said "It is just a show". Convienient, is it not? Just a show?


Monica: If Only It Were Homopoly Money (?)


now at http://www.gringoman.com/ (Still Escaping Politically Correct)


Truther, I was visiting friends and saw Monica Hasselbeck speak.. ouch.. not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.

Precisely the reason why the libs have chosen her to "represent" Conservatism on the "view".

Imagine Rush Limbaugh came on the view for an hour or so..



Well- the banks and the Democrats seem to get along just fine, don't they? It makes you wonder - could it be that they were both chomping at the bit, waiting for the Bush administration to end?

Isn't it strange that few have called into question the use of US bailout money to liquefy the European banks? Should we honor these payments? Demand our money back? After all, the bailout money was supposedly for domestic loans. Instead it seems to have been a move to expand international efforts, to directly confront a growing US movement opposed to what they were planning. Were the loans and credit default swaps just a way to impose an artificial linkage among the banks of various countries?

How do we know that they banks did not simply snooker us to promote this international finance plan? And isn't it strange, that so many good US jobs have been lost and the government and bankers do not seem at all concerned? Even though the vast majority of people in the US and Europe do not want this, and even CEO's are saying it was taken to extremes, the banks are just going hell's bells ahead, bashing on regardless. They are creating chaos, as they undermine the ability of various governments to govern themselves. It is a different sort of anarchy than that promoted by Communists in a previous era, but the goal is the same : to stymie government self-interest and capitalism.

Some US states have found a recipe for stopping this. They are asserting their rights to self-govern. They should not have to pay for federal programs that do not benefit them, should not have to allow people into their state that are illegal aliens, have a right to restrict H1 visas to assist their residents, and ... control their own usage of guns.

Alarms have rung - with an international Obama plan to rid the residents of treaty nations of their guns, and this includes sharing gun registration information with other countries.
There was no response when the WTO preempted the Constitution, and subjected US residents to the pitfalls of n noninspected foreign goods, also in violation of US law that intended to protect US citizens. Many people still think that product and food materials are inspected and laws protect citizens from harm - but in fact that is a completely false notion. There is no telling the amount of food-borne illness that has resulted from the complete lack of inspections here and abroad.

Geithner is satisfied, most people are beginning to believe that liquidity was the only problem with the banks. If this is true, then the loss of US sovereignty is complete as determined by to the current federal government, and other countries that are also in compliance with the plans of this cartel (mostly just the US and the UK).

The question arises : What would people have to do to be found guilty of treason or sedition?


The question arises : What would people have to do to be found guilty of treason or sedition?

POSTED BY: TRUTHER | MAY 08, 2009 AT 02:22 PM





Alright you Got US...I'll fess up, It's ONE step to the One World Government:
1. First we sent subliminal messages on your TV Converter Box(Why do you think we gave them away for free)
2. Next we GPS your Front Door
3. Than the 'Number of the Beast' Tattoo and the Reeducation camps
4 ??????????
5. Profit!


Monica may be right about John Edwards, only wanting a VP spot, in return for drawing votes away from Clinton.

However, There is no evidence that any deals existed between Edwards and Obama. I believe Clinton and the bankers eliminated John Edwards, who made it easy for them to do so.

I believe that John is being punished by his wife with her book - while acquiring empathy for herself - a small rift on the Left.

But, really, if you are terminal, wouldn't you want the person you love, to find a new life so they are happy after your demise? But would you want to bottle feed the love child?


If he [Eminems Revenge] feels the Republicans are a bunch of racists, who can blame him?
Posted by: M/M | May 07, 2009 at 09:11 PM

Who can? I can. That is, unless he can show that he's not just playing a cheap race card on Republicans and giving the extremely racist Democrats a get-out-of-racism-free pass.

You know what, M/M? Even an "author" has to make sense and take a stab at principle.


Who can? I can. That is, unless he can show that he's not just playing a cheap race card on Republicans and giving the extremely racist Democrats a get-out-of-racism-free pass.

You know what, M/M? Even an "author" has to make sense and take a stab at principle.
Posted by: gringoman | May 08, 2009 at 08:04 PM
I don’t know if he is a racist. Yes, he does make racist comments about Republicans, but I don’t know if he really believes what he says. He criticizes Obama and has the same concerns about the banks and financial institutions that we have.

This guy is edgy. Maybe that is his schtick. Maybe not. I thought his comment was relatively mild. Personally, I’d rather have a conversation with someone who is a racist than some p.c. idiot like Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

This is SO WEIRD. Last Friday, Imus got me so wound up about Dylan that I was going to post about it; I checked out ER’s blog and he must have heard the same interview and blogged about it. Last night I was going quote Harper Lee’s famous line, “It is a sin to kill a mockingbird” from her book “To Kill a Mockingbird”. This morning ER put up a picture of Harper Lee’s lifelong friend, Truman Capote, and discussed my favorite book “In Cold Blood”! He also posted a video clip of Savage discussing the 2nd Amendment.

I couldn’t resist. I commented on both topics and defended my right to bear arms with links to stories about the Polish Resistance and Irena Sendler.

If Obama and ACORN are somehow reading my drafts and getting ER to post related stories, I’m flattered. If not, and he is part of ACORN, at least they are sending us more interesting trolls.


Did Elizabeth Hasselbeck survive the lastest "View" bruhaha? When she took on Joe the Plumber as she did, and people felt she was pandering to BaBa WaWa, people wanted her replaced. It was then that Elizabeth said "It is just a show". Convienient, is it not? Just a show?
Posted by: Truther | May 08, 2009 at 01:27 PM
I’ve tolerated Elisabeth Hasselbeck because she is a friend of Sean’s, but I’m definitely NOT a fan. I didn’t see the interview, and it is not really a priority.

While MONICA was one of the few women who bravely defended Imus, Elisabeth Hasselbeck condemned him. She DID NOT get it at all.

When Meghan McCain went on “the View” and was discussing Laura Ingraham’s comments about her, Elisabeth Hasselbeck said something about how they were done talking about “that other women” with a disgusted look on her face.
I didn’t read the whole interview with Joe the Plumber, but I thought he made a great point. Here it is:

“Why does conservatism appeal to you as a Christian?
Conservatism is about the basic rights of individuals. God created us. As far as the government goes, the Founding Fathers based the Constitution off of Christian values. It goes hand-in-hand. As far as the Republican Party? I felt connected to it because individual freedom should not be legislated by the federal government.

One thing I've been thinking about is taking the social issues out of national politics. For example, if Georgia wanted abortion and Alabama didn't, that's going to be up to the people in Georgia. I can't sway them. Would I give them advice not to? Absolutely. Would I say it's wrong? Yes. I'll go to Alabama where they say, "I don't want abortion." Trying to get 350 million people to agree on an issue is not going to happen. That way, people can live the way they want to as opposed to being imposed on by the federal government.”


But, really, if you are terminal, wouldn't you want the person you love, to find a new life so they are happy after your demise?
Posted by: Truther | May 08, 2009 at 06:34 PM



"As far as the government goes, the Founding Fathers based the Constitution off of Christian values. It goes hand-in-hand. "


M/M, you need to google and read a few books on Freemasonry and Washington D.C. and the Founding Fathers.


While your at it, dig into Skull & Bones as well.

The Founding Fathers MAY have meant God when they referred to "Divine Providence", but when they said "God" they were referring to Lucifer, their "Great Architect of the Universe."

Absolutely and unequivocally.

Which explains nearly 100% of the real history of the United States of America, except the brief fluke periods where we were at peace with ourselves, our neighbors, and the rest of the world.


The Founding Fathers MAY have meant God when they referred to "Divine Providence", but when they said "God" they were referring to Lucifer, their "Great Architect of the Universe."

Gringoman, this is offensive.


Which explains nearly 100% of the real history of the United States of America, except the brief fluke periods where we were at peace with ourselves, our neighbors, and the rest of the world.
Posted by: xbjllb | May 09, 2009 at 03:16 AM

I don’t have time to investigate every conspiracy theory out there. I am aware of the “Skull and Bones”. John Kerry is a Democrat and supposedly a member.

I am SO SICK of LIEberals always putting down our country. When I was a kid, I used to thank God that I was lucky enough to live in this country, and that I was not one of the starving children who lived in other countries. I was GRATEFUL to live in a country that gave me so many opportunities.

I posted an article about how my tax dollars are helping people in Africa with AIDS. Many people are not helped by my tax dollars because foreign dictators take our money and let their people suffer. Somalia is a good example. We were there in the 90s because a war lord was hijacking food shipments and interfering with UN foreign aid workers attempts to assist a country that was suffering from a terrible famine.

We are SO lucky that we didn’t have to deal with what the Europeans dealt with during WW II. Or how about all the Cubans who risk shark-infested waters to come here? Or all the illegals who come here from our southern border? Or all the people in Darfur?

More about this later…..


RE: Freemasonry:

The truth is out there. SEEK and ye shall find.

If you have the balls. I know Monica does.

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