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July 29, 2008



from GRINGOBRO (inductee of the Gringo Advisory Board)

Yo Monca you fine thang you:

I sometimes down wit Big Bill O'Reilly. He okay. He try to give my man Barra a fair shake. Know what I mean?

So here an idea you can tell him to handle those cracker types who call about our Messiah. (Hey, I just jokin' on 'Messiah.' But Barra still purty high an' mighty, ain't he? Ain't he got him some a that anointment?)

One time a caller axe, "Hey Bill, why can't you stop 'pologisin' for Obama? Why can't you admit he a moozlim?"

Bill can put away them dumb bigots so easy. Here all he got to say. "Saudi Prince AlWaleed Bin Talal own 6% puhcent of de News Corp. So what? That make Roopit Mudoch a moozlim? That make me convert from Roamin' Cathlic?"

An' how 'bout those Islam oil Shakes? They buy up the Chrysler Buildin', New Yawk. So what? That mean the Chrysler Buildin' now facin' Mecca?

See? It so simple, Monca. Know what I sayin'? Axe Bill. I bet he know awready.

Account Deleted


I hope you bring up Senator Ted Stevens' indictment on corruption charges. Justice works slowly but works. Senator Pork is notorious for years of wasting taxpayer funds, which should be considered inherent and implicit corruption. They finally got him on this, as they got Al Capone on tax evasion.

Bon courage Monica. Call for Stevens and Craig to step down. Call for the cleansing of the Republican party.



Michael, if we started to clean house we might see Obama has some skeletons in hos closet as well.

Tony Rezko is only what has come out so far.

Look at that preacha man getting such a phat crip right after the Hate-America scandal broke.

Account Deleted


I am not so worried about corruption in Obama's past, not even in his future. I have tremendous faith in the Constitution.

With Obama, I am worried about his perfect vacuum of experience. In his 46 years, the man has done absolutely nothing with his life. Combine this with a far left inclination and trouble bodes. I like him personally and believe he has some good instincts -- we have to be fair and objective; but he should have run for Governor of Illinois first, or something. Not President!

I also think Conservatives are far to mezmerized with the Presidential race; perhaps it makes good theatre and fits our present TV/radio entertainment regime. It is nevertheless a diversion from the real work at hand.

We are not going to get anything done without rebuilding a true Conservative caucus in Congress. Look how the housing bill was steamrolled over the American people. More government interference in the housing market, a bigger role for GSEs Freddie and Fannie (there should have been a sunset and divestiture provision to end these monsters after say 10 years), assumption of mortgage risks and losses by the American taxpayer, and just to make things intersting -- the raising of the debt ceiling by almost $1 trillion to $10.6 trillion. That is $40,800 for every person in the US (excluding illegal aliens!) With a social security crisis that will either increase this debt or increase taxes on the future generations of workers, what kind of future are we leaving our kids?

The departures of the Ted Stevens types in Congress and the demise of their style of fleecing the public would be a gift to them.



Michael --

We both have the same concern about Obama. I find this eloquence refreshing and exciting, but I didn't expect him to run for President so soon. But I'm stuck because I can't vote Republican (I disagree with too much of their past and anticipated platforms), and I believe the Republicans deserve to lose as a punishment for the last 8 years, so I will not be throwing away my vote, as some people have encouraged me to do. So I'll be voting for Obama with misgivings, and with the hope that he will learn from GWB, and surround himself with competent people and LISTEN to them AND opposing points of view.


Michael, did you read Monica's previous entry re. Hussein O's desire for a huge Dhimmicrat majority in both Houses so he can be the "effin' steamroller" and do for the country what we barely missed getting done to us here in New York State?

This guy's got an agenda all planned out and he's gonna be on a veritable BLITZ against the American people right out of the box.

I'd rather take my chances with a doddering old coot who's at least veto once in a while when things get too out of hand on the Dhimmicrat side.

Account Deleted

Fred -- I understand your dilemma and would be confronted with the same were I inclined to vote Democrat. You seem to be arguing for a restructuring of the two party system, which seems appealing. I'm sure Republicans, too, feel frustrated with the lack of choice in the last several elections.

UG -- I did read Monica's blog. Frankly, I can't blame Obama. If he senses victory, it in his rights to ask for a cooperative Congress. Reagan did the same and won the Republican Senate in his landslide. The problem -- and I agree with Monica on this -- is that Obama's premise is so incorrect that one might assume he is delusional! He is far from landslide territory and his win is highly questionable, especially if McCain wakes up one of these days. I have not read Obama's letter to party supporters, but could it be a gambit to prevent the Democratic Congress' low approval ratings (fully 20 points below that of one of the most unpopular Presidents ever) to hurt the top of the ticket?

Could we hope that McCain's campiagn is smart enough to link Pelosi, Reid, Murtha, Boxer, et. al. with Obama? Put a line on a TV screen with each of these characters plotted on it according to their voting records and one statement in bold red: "81% of the country disapproves". Obama's name would be on the extreme left endpoint of that line. Could Obama be anticipating and prempting such an ad?

Account Deleted

91% ... sorry ... even better!


Great ad, Mischael!!! They wanrt to link McCain to Bush. We should link Obama to Congress AND to his actual VOTING record!


Sorry 4 da typos, Michael.


Congress approval rating is one war ending away from a HUGE bump.


tiny dhim is one bump away from ending up in Kongress.. as a page.


Just don't shoot up any liberal churches, Ummah. Please tell me you have a job.


So it's OK if I shoot up a CONSERVATIVE church, ASSHOLE?!

u libs are all the same..


And you FREAK.. please don't shoot anyone like Meir Kahane.. I know u would, bitch.

I know u would.

You'd sooner shoot a hero like Meir Kahane and trade thousands of live terrorists for a couple of dead bodies..

You pitiful SELF-HATING Jew! And u r a SELF-HATING excuse for an "AMERICAN" as well.



Ummah --

Is this the part where you tell me how reasonable you are and what a nut I am? I like the "PFU" spitting noise.

So anyway, why don't you tell me where you live so I can warn all the liberal churches in the area that they have another unemployed nutcase who is likely to come in shooting rounds during one of their plays? Clearly you are in the same state of mind as Jim Adkisson.

Please, someone give Ummah a job so he doesn't pull an Adkisson!


Let me warn Greyhound to keep you off their busses FreaK! I'd hate for any of their passengers to suffer an islamic type fate.. and please no kerosine on the bus..

In case you see any REAL Americans who are wearing patriotic gear or - GASP - carrying a flag!


There is no indication that the Greyhound guy was a liberal.

However, this guy was a conservative who hated liberals and look what he had the heartlessness to do: http://edition.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/07/28/church.shooting/?imw=Y&iref=mpstoryemail

And you remind me so much of him.


MuHAMfred.. and u remind me of Joseph Goebbels.

Keep repeating lies and insinuations in hope that they will stick. Say hello to your kissing cousin Yasir Arafart.


How about you telling me the truth then. You rejoice in what Jim Adkisson did, don't you?


Troll.. what the MSM got u all worked up..?!


Momo only gets worked up about politically correct shootings..


Facts are facts, Ummah. A wingnut shot up a church because it was too liberal. And so far, it sounds like you have no problem with that.

I've already talked about how I feel about the killing of innocent people in the latest thread.

You on the other hand . . . I doubt you care if the people killed are Muslims or liberals.


A Moosbat shot up a jewish Center because it was too.. Jewish/"infidel". And so far, it sounds like u have no problem with that.

Nor do u seem to have any problem with the fact that the moslem got off scot free. Just like the slimes who killed Yankel Rosenbaum during the Crown Heights Riots. And ur hero david the Pinkins had lunch with the jury who let them off scot-free.

I happen to think that an Obama Presidency will be quite similar to the david dinkins Mayoralty in New York.

In fact u had plenty of time to comment since I wrote about that particular outrage on previous threads.

But hey, they were "only" Jews and noone know whether they were sufficiently LIBERAL enough to warrant your outrage!

Yes, I spit on that.


Ummah . . . you didn't pay attention.

I condemn all brutality toward innocent people. How do you get that I was in favor of the Crown Heights mob now?

If you want my opinion on something, ask me. Don't start saying I favor the killers.

You are unbearable. Really. And you are part of a lunatic fringe that no one cares about anymore. Why don't you go to your Ann Coulter Fan Club Meetings and shut your stupid wingnut face.

And please . . . get a job so you don't shoot me.


ROFLMAO!! u better get a job so u don't douse me with kerosine, something which you have actually said. I do NOT need to put words in ur mouth, which is what u r trying top do to me.

NOT ONLY DID u say that u desire to douse someone with kerosine. NOW u even try to suggest that others want to do violence when they've never said anythign to the effect.


THAT is what u libs do!!

u are the violent ones and u act as if Conservatives are.

The media will turn some day.

And don't tell me what to get,. I pay plenty enough taxes. Something u r probably sponging off of..


You just love to repeat that kerosene thing. Again and again. Just like a typical conservative. As Karl Rove's philosophy goes, repeat something again and again until everyone thinks it's true. Kind of like the Swift Boaters. Of course, you are too stupid to understand the concept of sarcasm, that someone can say something sarcastically and not literally want to do it.

How about finally answering the question, Ummah Adkisson Loser Wingnut: Do you support what Jim Adkisson did, going into a liberal church and shooting up the attendants during a production of "Annie"? In your heart . . . I bet you do. As long as Muslims and liberals die, you are happy. If I am wrong, tell me so.

But I know who you are. You have violence in your heart. You are just like Adkisson, and you would rejoice in my death, and probably like to participate in killing me. That's who you are.

I wish I could talk to your mommy about why she didn't abort you.


MoHAMfred.. do u have anything besides liberal psychobabble? And don't pretend to know me, u dimmi slime.


I know you. Useless is what you are.


Bis repetitia non placent.


Ummah to me:

"You pitiful SELF-HATING Jew! And u r a SELF-HATING excuse for an 'AMERICAN' as well.



moHAMfred keeps spamming the blog against me so I have taken the time to compile a very incompleat list of threats and insults he's thrown at me.

I also thought I should remind people of how he's treated Gringoman so a few of those are thrown in as well.

As if all this weren't bad enough we all shoudl be reminded of how he treated Monica until some of us jumped in and said something every time he did that.

I am loath to repeat all the nasty and demeaning things he said to our gracious hostess but hoiw can anyone forget.

we all know he did.

So when someone comes along and dishes it out to him, moHMfred becoems rather thin-skinned and undable to take it.

Kinda like Barak HUSSEIN Obama..

moHAMfred to me:

I'm getting personal with you, Ummah, because I think you are a loser prick. That's why.

You are a useless prick, Ummah.

Just don't shoot up any liberal churches, Ummah. Please tell me you have a job.

You are unbearable. Really. And you are part of a lunatic fringe that no one cares about anymore. Why don't you go to your Ann Coulter Fan Club Meetings and shut your stupid wingnut face.

What exactly are you saying, Ummah? Are you suggesting that I supported what Germany did with the Munich terrorists? Because I think that was one of the most diabolical incidents of modern times. And if you are suggesting that I agree with how that was handled, then maybe we should meet face to face at that sushi restaurant. I'll give you a piece of my mind and kick a piece of your a##. F***ing bastard.

Posted by: FredK2929 | July 10, 2008 at 05:57 PM

I wouldn't douse you with kerosene, m o r o n, but if you ever told me you were going to off yourself by drinking it, I'd gladly pay your tab.

Posted by: FredK2929 | July 10, 2008 at 06:06 PM

I'm not diverting attention from anything. Just taking a moment to insult you.

Posted by: FredK2929 | July 11, 2008 at 08:27 AM

Ummah --

You want some kerosene with that Koolaid?

Heh, heh, heh. Yeah, I'm such a scary liberal, huh?

Posted by: FredK2929 | July 10, 2008 at 12:00 PM

If Ummah wanted milk, I'd bring him a jar of kerosene, throw it on him, and light a match. I'M FREAKING KIDDING, UMMAH!!!!!!

Posted by: FredK2929 | June 26, 2008 at 10:27 AM

moHAMfred to Gringoman:

You're an idiot, Gringohole.

Posted by: FredK2929

Gringohole --

Let's hear your theory.

Posted by: FredK2929

Imagine anyone would ever make Gringohole a real judge.

Posted by: FredK2929 | July 17, 2008 at 04:25 PM

What would you do if I left? Just come in and keep agreeing with Gringohole? That's not fun.

Posted by: FredK2929 | July 15, 2008 at 09:49 PM


moHAMfred keeps spamming the blog against me so I have taken the time to compile a very incompleat list of threats and insults he's thrown at me.

I also thought I should remind people of how he's treated Gringoman so a few of those are thrown in as well.

As if all this weren't bad enough we all shoudl be reminded of how he treated Monica until some of us jumped in and said something every time he did that.

I am loath to repeat all the nasty and demeaning things he said to our gracious hostess but hoiw can anyone forget.

we all know he did.

So when someone comes along and dishes it out to him, moHMfred becoems rather thin-skinned and undable to take it.

Kinda like Barak HUSSEIN Obama..

moHAMfred to me:

I'm getting personal with you, Ummah, because I think you are a loser prick. That's why.

You are a useless prick, Ummah.

Just don't shoot up any liberal churches, Ummah. Please tell me you have a job.

You are unbearable. Really. And you are part of a lunatic fringe that no one cares about anymore. Why don't you go to your Ann Coulter Fan Club Meetings and shut your stupid wingnut face.

What exactly are you saying, Ummah? Are you suggesting that I supported what Germany did with the Munich terrorists? Because I think that was one of the most diabolical incidents of modern times. And if you are suggesting that I agree with how that was handled, then maybe we should meet face to face at that sushi restaurant. I'll give you a piece of my mind and kick a piece of your a##. F***ing bastard.

Posted by: FredK2929 | July 10, 2008 at 05:57 PM

I wouldn't douse you with kerosene, m o r o n, but if you ever told me you were going to off yourself by drinking it, I'd gladly pay your tab.

Posted by: FredK2929 | July 10, 2008 at 06:06 PM

I'm not diverting attention from anything. Just taking a moment to insult you.

Posted by: FredK2929 | July 11, 2008 at 08:27 AM

Ummah --

You want some kerosene with that Koolaid?

Heh, heh, heh. Yeah, I'm such a scary liberal, huh?

Posted by: FredK2929 | July 10, 2008 at 12:00 PM

If Ummah wanted milk, I'd bring him a jar of kerosene, throw it on him, and light a match. I'M FREAKING KIDDING, UMMAH!!!!!!

Posted by: FredK2929 | June 26, 2008 at 10:27 AM

moHAMfred to Gringoman:

You're an idiot, Gringohole.

Posted by: FredK2929

Gringohole --

Let's hear your theory.

Posted by: FredK2929

Imagine anyone would ever make Gringohole a real judge.

Posted by: FredK2929 | July 17, 2008 at 04:25 PM

What would you do if I left? Just come in and keep agreeing with Gringohole? That's not fun.

Posted by: FredK2929 | July 15, 2008 at 09:49 PM


It seems that I really matter to you, huh, Ummah? You feel a need to respond to me every single time.

I really am the most important thing on this blog to you.

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