A few weeks ago, the chief political strategist for Hamas, Ahmed Yousef, expressed delight bordering on glee at the idea that Barack Obama might be America's next president.
"Actually, we like Mr. Obama," he said. "We hope he will [win] the election."
Sensing the disaster in this, the forces of liberalism that Must Protect Barry at All Costs, rallied to his defense, intimidating anyone who might raise the fact that one of the world's most lethal terrorist groups has just endorsed him. Nobody, they intoned, should point this out. Pointing it out is below the belt.
John McCain, war hero, patriot, lover of America, candidate for president, pointed it out, and Democrats jumped all over him. Not appropriate, they said. Obama himself used his best stealth tactic of "more in sorrow than in anger:" I thought we were going to run a positive campaign, he said wistfully. His wingmen, like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, attacked McCain for behaving in an unbecoming manner for bringing it up. And Jon Stewart took care of the pop culture side, by berating McCain for raising it as McCain sat on his couch, trying to be a polite guest.
The reason Barry got Hamas's endorsement is because Hamas believes he is sympathetic to them. Either that, or they think he's so naive and inexperienced that they can run circles around him. Obama has said he "understands" the Palestinians' position. He didn't back away from the efforts of his big cheerleader, Jimmy Carter, when he went stupidly into talks with Hamas, until he realized he had to. He has said he wouldn't negotiate directly with Hamas, but two weeks ago, he had to cut loose a major foreign policy adviser, Robert Malley, for doing just that. He comes from Muslim parentage, at least on his father's side, and we're not supposed to wonder why Hamas would prefer Barack Hussein Obama to John Sidney McCain?
Meanwhile, not wanting to let Hamas hog the spotlight, Fidel Castro (still kickin'!) gave Obama a big, wet kiss yesterday. In a column, he wrote that Obama was "the most progressive candidate to the U.S. presidency." He also criticized him for saying he'd continue the trade embargo against Cuba, but he went on to say, "I am not questioning Obama's great intelligence, his debating skills, or his work ethic."
Sounds like Fidel---like the thugs in Hamas----is packing his bags for a Love Boat cruise with Barry.
You just know that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is pulling his hair out that these killers are stealing his thunder. And Kim Jong Il must be illin' at the thought of the Islamists and the ancient Commie murderer edging him out of the endorsement game.
But perhaps they're smarter: keep their lips zipped, don't tip their hand, let the Americans elect the 98 pound weakling who can't wait to make 'Smores around the campfire with them. Because, you know, who can resist a 'Smore?
When your enemies tell you who they are, believe them. When they tell you what they intend to do, believe them. And when they tell you which of your presidential candidates they'd prefer, believe them.
And vote accordingly.
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