Watching the Clinton campaign these days is sort of like watching a prizefighter take a hit and start falling for the floor, arms flailing, judgment impaired.
Two days ago, I told you that the New York Times had reported an email sent from Hillary's Deputy Campaign Manager looking for dirt on her chief rival, Senator Barack Obama. I said that if they were still in search of dirt on him at this late hour, the dirt doesn't exist.
Yesterday and today, more evidence that the Clinton Strike Force is desperately grasping for something--anything--they can use against him.
A top New Hampshire Democrat, Bill Shaheen (who is married to New Hampshire's former Governor), raised Obama's admitted past drug use and warned that the Republicans could use it against him.
THIS was supposed to make Democrats question his electability?!
Pretty amusing, since Hillary has more baggage in her past than the Astors on a transatlantic voyage.
The Clinton Team was forced to apologize--through gritted teeth--and say they neither condoned nor authorized Shaheen's statement.
It just happened to fall out of his mouth on the same day the latest polls show Rodham's once commanding 20 point lead having evaporated into the thin, cold air in New Hampshire.
The Clinton War Machine is falling apart. They have nothing on Obama: no new dirt, no new damaging information, no character flaws to exploit. He is their worst nightmare because he is the opposite of them: classy, unprovocable, and untainted.
(Fox News)"It'll be, 'When was the last time? Did you ever give drugs to anyone? Did you sell them to anyone?"' said Shaheen, whose wife Jeanne is the state's former governor and is running for the U.S. Senate next year.
"There are so many openings for Republican dirty tricks. It's hard to overcome," Shaheen said.
The Clinton Lady's Intervention Team has become the kings of "dirty tricks". The apex of the dirty tricks was when they conspired with CNN to have Clinton campaign operatives virtually run the Republican CNN debate. And now they are worried about the vast right wing conspiracy slinging mud about Obama's drug use? What they are really worried about is the fact that their campaign is collapsing and the life support equipment has been put on standby. The leftie media is still not talking about the fact that Obama is winning the black vote now which means Hillary is finished. She's done, period. The dragon has been defeated.
Posted by: SteveOk | December 13, 2007 at 03:35 PM
Charles McCord reporting on the Al Sharpton Investigation and Imus commenting today on Imus in the Morning.
Posted by: Ree | December 13, 2007 at 06:02 PM
Alan Colmes is a guest on Imus tomorrow. I've started listening to his radio show too, but only for 1 hour.
Posted by: M/M | December 13, 2007 at 06:30 PM
Alan Colmes on Don Imus? Don will need to prove he's back in form. And he doesn't have to savage Alan at all. He can ask:
1. How did you snare Monica Crowley's sister?
2. Is she the sorry sibling, or does she look enough like Monica to be your fantasy shiksa?
Was it racial? We'll let you know. Call now.
1-800 LIBERAL.
(A public service from gringoVision (
Posted by: gringoman | December 13, 2007 at 10:38 PM
Alan seems to be extremely popular and respected within the industry. Even O'Reilly likes him.
Posted by: M/M | December 14, 2007 at 05:33 AM
And O'Reilly can listen to him too. What are your family dinners like? How can you take this? Ok,I only actually listened to three shows, and one guy was filling in for him during one of the shows.
What did he mean how can anyone vote for a Republican? How can anyone vote for a Democrat? The "Hannity Six" make sense to me.
Posted by: M/M | December 14, 2007 at 08:00 AM
Alan Colmes is respected by the right, not the left, because he's the conservatives' professional lapdog.
Posted by: FK | December 14, 2007 at 08:53 AM
Fred, he is respected by everyone (left and right) because he is not a Dennis Kucinich Democrat who sees UFOs, or a Keith Olbermann Democrat who trashes the President and our troops on a daily basis. I respect liberal positions, one of my favorite people is Joe Lieberman (who is a liberal) and a patriot. The radical left hates Lieberman and people like Alan because they haven't fallen for the radical leftwing blather.
Posted by: SteveOk | December 14, 2007 at 09:04 AM
There's nothing new about fighters--in all aspects of life--resorting to foul blows and dirty tricks when things aren't going their way.
Remember how Tyson chomped down on Holyfield's ear when he raelized he couldn't manhandle him?
Hillary and Co. have got to be more subtle and careful, though. If their fouls are too flagrant on Obama, a black man, (mulatto really) they could end up alienating the Black community, on whoom much of their support depends.
A drowing man will grab at a straw, though. And, if things become desperate, they may throw caution to the wind.
Posted by: charlie | December 14, 2007 at 09:41 AM
Hillary could still pull it out - by using the woman card and getting another candidate to pick on her womanhood as a weakness.
Romney is, a JFK lookalike, and so why not compare his speech with JFK's?
There are some profound differences, however. There are 40% catholics in America, and only 1.9% Mormons in the US, although it is true they have 32% in Tonga.
The catholics are backed by a former world government, whereas the Mormons have the big cathedral in Salt Lake City. This appears to be making a big deal out of Romney, clearly.
Posted by: Dgscol | December 14, 2007 at 10:07 AM
Hillary could still pull it out - by using the woman card and getting another candidate to pick on her womanhood as a weakness.
Romney is, a JFK lookalike, and so why not compare his speech with JFK's?
There are some profound differences, however. There are 40% catholics in America, and only 1.9% Mormons in the US, although it is true they have 32% in Tonga.
The catholics are backed by a former world government, whereas the Mormons have the big cathedral in Salt Lake City. This appears to be making a big deal out of Romney, clearly.
Posted by: Dgscol | December 14, 2007 at 10:09 AM
I do not know how I got doubles, but ....
Jocelyn is a pretty good shiksa - she is camera shy but looks alot like Morgan Fairchild.
Posted by: Dgscol | December 14, 2007 at 10:36 AM
No matter how we turn or twist it, a person's beliefs--religious or otherwise--play an important role in his/her decisions and conduct.
Still, in a secular world, most leadership positions are based on qualifications; rather than on personal beliefs.
Posted by: charlie | December 14, 2007 at 10:59 AM
Give me a break. Lieberman is not a liberal. He is Bush's little Jewish pet.
Posted by: FK | December 14, 2007 at 01:07 PM
The only reason Colmes has survived this long on that show is because he licks the lead dog's behind on a regular basis. He and Harry Reid are the same breed of animal. They think just being there is enough. It's not.
Posted by: DavidK101 | December 15, 2007 at 01:57 AM
Good morning! I'm enjoying Mark Simone on the radio this morning. Thank you Farid Suleman!
Well, I gave Alan another chance and listened to his radio show yesterday. He took callers and is very skilled and very bright. Many of the callers seemed to be people who were opposed to his point of view, so he announced his website and said he would read his hate mail on the air.
The problem I have with the Democrats is that they are all jumping on the same bandwagon and that bandwagon is Big Government and control. They want to separate Church and State, but their special interest groups are worse than anything the Church or religious right could ever have dreamed up. The televangelists from the 80s have been replaced by a charlatan like Sharkton and N.O.W. spends their time monitoring Don Imus when role models like Paris Hilton and Brittany Spears, in my humble opinion, are much more detrimental to younger women.
It just seems that the Democrats are not running on a political platform, but are evolving into the Cult of the Democrat party. If we don't want to drink the Kool-Aid that they are handing out, they "taser us" through the "politically correct" speech police so that we can be brought back under control.
Posted by: M/M | December 15, 2007 at 08:15 AM
I like Mark Simone.
He's smart, funny, etc., and deserves a full-time berth.
But, with that WABC lineup of titans, it would be extremely difficult to fit him in.
Posted by: charlie | December 15, 2007 at 11:33 AM